497633.html |
701 |
chrome.toml |
447 |
cssA.css |
0 |
cssB.css |
98 |
cssC.css |
0 |
embed_navigate.html |
102 |
emptyCssFile2.css |
78 |
fail.png |
91 |
file_bug628069.html |
247 |
file_clonewrapper.html |
947 |
file_domWindowUtils_scrollbarSize.html |
193 |
file_focusrings.html |
217 |
file_frameElementWrapping.html |
1023 |
file_moving_nodeList.html |
1115 |
file_moving_xhr.html |
1003 |
file_resource_timing_nocors.html |
6913 |
frameSelectEvents.html |
Testing Selection Events |
31742 |
frameStorageAllowed.html |
frame for storage allowed test |
525 |
frameStorageChrome.html |
frame for storage allowed test |
577 |
frameStorageNullprincipal.sjs |
1476 |
frameStoragePrevented.html |
frame for storage prevented test |
1248 |
generateCss.sjs |
1084 |
historyframes.html |
Test for Bug 602256 |
4449 |
image_50.png |
85 |
image_100.png |
91 |
image_200.png |
100 |
importsSameAndCrossOrigin.css |
117 |
mochitest.toml |
5442 |
navigation_timing.html |
2546 |
pass.apng |
188 |
performance_timeline_main_test.html |
4387 |
postback.html |
312 |
res0.resource |
0 |
res1.resource |
0 |
32 |
res2.resource |
0 |
85 |
res3.resource |
0 |
53 |
res4.resource |
0 |
119 |
res5.resource |
0 |
53 |
res6.resource |
0 |
31 |
res7.resource |
0 |
70 |
res8.resource |
0 |
98 |
resource_timing.js |
0 |
resource_timing_cross_origin.html |
8792 |
resource_timing_iframe.html |
Test for Bug 822480 - Add in the Resource Timing API |
1892 |
resource_timing_location_navigate.html |
140 |
resource_timing_main_test.html |
12487 |
resource_timing_meta_refresh.html |
213 |
resource_timing_nocors.html |
3194 |
resource_timing_redirect.html |
176 |
93 |
start_historyframe.html |
23 |
storagePermissionsUtils.js |
9736 |
test-data.json |
69 |
test-data2.json |
69 |
test_497898.html |
Crash [@ nsFocusManager::SendFocusOrBlurEvent] after switching focus to a different window in this case |
1120 |
test_bug504220.html |
Test for Bug 504220 |
1875 |
test_bug628069_1.html |
Test for Bug 628069 |
1291 |
test_bug628069_2.html |
Test for Bug 628069 |
1302 |
test_bug631440.html |
Test for Bug 631440 |
884 |
test_bug653364.html |
Test for Bug 653364 |
1238 |
test_bug861217.html |
Test for Bug 861217 |
7395 |
test_bug1161721.html |
Test for Bug 1161721 |
1279 |
test_bug1170911.html |
Test for Bug 1170911 |
2782 |
test_bug1208217.html |
Test for Bug 1208217 |
739 |
test_bug1313753.html |
Test for bug 1313753 |
1614 |
test_bug1434273.html |
Test for Bug 1434273 |
911 |
test_CCW_optimization.html |
Test for Bug 1319087 |
1179 |
test_clientRects.html |
Tests for getClientRects/getBoundingClientRect |
5592 |
test_clipboard_disallowed.html |
Test for Clipboard Events |
1623 |
test_clipboard_events.html |
Test for Clipboard Events |
1150 |
test_consoleAPI.html |
window.console test |
1492 |
test_contentViewer_overrideDPPX.html |
nsIDocumentViewer::overrideDPPX test |
13679 |
test_devicePixelRatio_with_zoom.html |
DevicePixelRatios with Zoom |
2435 |
test_DOMMatrix.html |
Test DOMMatrix behavior |
21124 |
test_domWindowUtils.html |
Test nsIDOMWindowUtils |
5024 |
test_domWindowUtils_scrollbarSize.html |
nsIDOMWindowUtils::getScrollbarSize test |
2225 |
test_domWindowUtils_scrollXY.html |
nsIDOMWindowUtils::elementFromPoint test |
3215 |
test_donottrack.html |
Test for Bug 629535 |
1799 |
test_focus_legend_noparent.html |
883 |
test_focus_scrollchildframe.html |
Test for using TAB to move focus and scroll into view |
1144 |
test_focusrings.xhtml |
7973 |
test_for_of.html |
Tests for for-of loops |
644 |
test_framedhistoryframes.html |
Test for Bug 602256 |
682 |
test_frameElementWrapping.html |
Test for same-origin and cross-origin wrapping of frameElement |
1274 |
test_img_mutations.html |
Image srcset mutations |
8878 |
test_innerScreen.xhtml |
2561 |
test_interfaces.html |
Test for Bug 766694 |
866 |
test_interfaces.js |
Test for Bug 766694 * |
125607 |
test_interfaces_secureContext.html |
Test for Bug 766694 |
856 |
test_media_queries_with_zoom.html |
Media Queries with Zoom |
1137 |
test_navigation_timing.html |
684 |
test_nodeAdoption_chrome_boundary.xhtml |
1003 |
test_offsets.css |
78 |
test_offsets.html |
HTML Tests for offset/client/scroll properties |
4537 |
test_offsets.js |
9368 |
test_offsets.xhtml |
3419 |
test_outerHTML.html |
Test for Bug 92264 |
2886 |
test_outerHTML.xhtml |
Test for Bug 92264 |
3448 |
test_paste_selection.html |
Test for middle-click to paste selection with paste events |
4292 |
test_performance_nav_timing_before_onload.html |
Test for Bug 1405961 - Using PerformanceNavigationTiming before onload |
862 |
test_performance_now.html |
Test for High Resolution Timer |
2416 |
test_performance_timeline.html |
764 |
test_picture_apng.html |
Image srcset mutations |
2559 |
test_picture_mutations.html |
Image srcset mutations |
10948 |
test_pointerPreserves3D.html |
Test for pointer events with preserve-3d |
731 |
test_pointerPreserves3DClip.html |
Test for pointer events with preserve-3d and clips |
1470 |
test_pointerPreserves3DPerspective.html |
Test for pointer events with preserve-3d |
957 |
test_resizeby.html |
Test for Bug 1369627 |
1905 |
test_resource_timing.html |
864 |
test_resource_timing_cross_origin.html |
1167 |
test_resource_timing_cross_origin_navigate.html |
1904 |
test_resource_timing_frameset.html |
browser_frametree_sample_frameset.html |
1070 |
test_resource_timing_nocors.html |
745 |
test_selectevents.html |
Testing Selection Events |
1038 |
test_showModalDialog_removed.html |
Test for showModalDialog unavailability in e10s |
904 |
test_spacetopagedown.html |
2083 |
test_storagePermissionsAccept.html |
Storage Permission Restrictions |
1642 |
test_storagePermissionsLimitForeign.html |
Storage Permission Restrictions |
1641 |
test_storagePermissionsReject.html |
Storage Permission Restrictions |
1598 |
test_storagePermissionsRejectForeign.html |
Storage Permission Restrictions |
1608 |
test_stylesheetPI.html |
Test for Bug 836809 |
1027 |
test_toggling_performance_navigation_timing.html |
Test for Bug 1511941 - Don't expose PerformanceNavigationTiming when it is disabled |
2267 |
test_vibrator.html |
Test for Vibrator |
4266 |
test_WebKitCSSMatrix.html |
Test for WebKitCSSMatrix |
12656 |
test_windowedhistoryframes.html |
Test for Bug 602256 |
723 |
test_windowProperties.html |
Test that all window properties are accessible to nonprivileged code |
639 |
url1_historyframe.html |
23 |
url2_historyframe.html |
23 |
window_clipboard_events.html |
Test for Clipboard Events |
46557 |
window_storagePermissions.html |
Storage Permission Restrictions |
821 |
workerStorageAllowed.js |
3276 |
workerStoragePrevented.js |
3437 |