Name Description Size
a_href_destination.svg 98
a_href_helper_01.svg 186
a_href_helper_02_03.svg 175
a_href_helper_04.svg 241
a_href_helper_05.svg 221
a_href_helper_06.svg 126
a_href_helper_07.svg 186
animated-svg-image-helper.html 59
animated-svg-image-helper.svg 91
bbox-helper.svg 1449
bounds-helper.svg 4094
dataTypes-helper.svg 644
fragments-helper.svg 141
getCTM-helper.svg 1652
getSubStringLength-helper.svg 200
matrixUtils.js Utilities for testing SVG matrices 1845
mochitest.toml 3323
MutationEventChecker.js 7902
object-delayed-intrinsic-size.sjs milliseconds 736
pointer-events.js List of attributes and various values for which we want to test permutations when hit testing a pointer event that is over an element's fill area, stroke area, or both (where they overlap). We're using an array of objects so that we have control over the order in which permutations are tested. TODO: test the effect of clipping, masking, filters, markers, etc. 10145
scientific-helper.svg 145
selectSubString-helper.svg 200
switch-helper.svg 489
tearoff_with_cc_helper.html 1218
test_a_href_01.xhtml Test that activating SVG 'a' elements navigate to their xlink:href or href 3793
test_a_href_02.xhtml Test that the href property reflects xlink:href="" on 'a' elements 1223
test_animLengthObjectIdentity.xhtml Test for object identity of SVG animated lengths 2903
test_animLengthReadonly.xhtml Test for read-only times of SVG animated lengths 7750
test_animLengthUnits.xhtml Test for units of SVG animated lengths 4106
test_bbox-changes.xhtml Test that the results of getBBox update for changes 2527
test_bbox-with-invalid-viewBox.xhtml Test for getBBox when the viewBox is invalid 974
test_bbox.xhtml Test for getBBox 3038
test_bounds.html Test for Bug 463934 16063
test_bug872812.html Test for Bug 872812 885
test_bug1426594.html Test for Bug 1426594 1283
test_dataTypes.html Test for Bug 437448 18864
test_dataTypesModEvents.html Test for Bug 629200 8915
test_dynamic-move-under-mouse.html Test for Bug 119061 1498
test_fragments.html Test for Bug 759124 3052
test_getCTM.html Test for Bug 366697 7105
test_getElementById.xhtml Test getElementById behaviour 2036
test_getPathSegmentAtLength_with_d_property.html Test for getPathSegmentAtLength for d property 1645
test_getSubStringLength.xhtml Test for Bug 420243 2515
test_getTotalLength.xhtml Test for Bug 1474284 1980
test_hit-testing-and-viewbox.xhtml Test that hit-testing works after a viewBox update 2830
test_lang.xhtml Test for Bug 721920 3001
test_length.xhtml Test SVG Length conversions 2427
test_lengthParsing.html Test transform parsing 2237
test_markerOrient.xhtml Test for Bug 892372 3635
test_non-scaling-stroke.html Test for Bug 829085 - non-scaling-stroke hit testing 1544
test_nonAnimStrings.xhtml Test for non-animated strings 2821
test_object-delayed-intrinsic-size.html Test that <object> embedding SVG and using its intrinsic size will resize if the <object> gets a reflow before the root-<svg> gets its nsSVGOuterSVGFrame 1250
test_onerror.xhtml Test onerror behaviour 906
test_onload.xhtml Test onload behaviour 948
test_onload2.xhtml Test onload behaviour 1390
test_pairParsing.html Test pair parsing 1241
test_pathAnimInterpolation.xhtml Test interpolation between different path segment types 11511
test_pointAtLength.xhtml Test getPointAtLength 1138
test_pointer-events-1a.xhtml Test 'pointer-events' handling 846
test_pointer-events-1b.xhtml Test 'pointer-events' handling 846
test_pointer-events-2.xhtml Test Pointer Events 2115
test_pointer-events-3.xhtml Test pointer events for small objects scaled up 1676
test_pointer-events-4.xhtml Test pointer events with clipPath 3773
test_pointer-events-6.xhtml Test pointer events for clip-path on non-SVG elements 2321
test_pointer-events-7.xhtml Test pointer events with image 3214
test_scientific.html Test for Bug 302971 3121
test_selectSubString.xhtml Test for Bug 398825 2018
test_stroke-hit-testing.xhtml Test hit-testing of stroke 1875
test_stroke-linecap-hit-testing.xhtml Test hit-testing of line caps 1229
test_style_sheet.html Test for Bug 1239128 758
test_SVG_namespace_ids.html Test for Bug 589640 3490
test_SVG_switch_language_spoof.html Test for Bug 1924087 2266
test_SVGLengthList-2.xhtml Tests specific to SVGLengthList 1734
test_SVGLengthList.xhtml Tests specific to SVGLengthList 6703
test_SVGMatrix.xhtml Test SVGMatrix behavior 5519
test_SVGNumberList.xhtml Tests specific to SVGNumberList 2259
test_SVGPointList.xhtml Tests specific to SVGPointList 5123
test_SVGStringList.xhtml Tests specific to SVGStringList 3582
test_SVGStyleElement.xhtml Test SVGStyleElement 919
test_SVGTransformList.xhtml Tests specific to SVGTransformList 14868
test_SVGTransformListAddition.xhtml Tests specific to SVGLengthList addition 6594
test_SVGxxxList.xhtml Generic tests for SVG animated length lists 53012
test_SVGxxxListIndexing.xhtml Tests the array indexing and .length on SVGXXXList objects 3313
test_switch.xhtml Test SVG Switch 2597
test_tabindex.html Test for SVG tabIndex - Bug 778654 2955
test_tearoff_with_cc.html Test for Bug 1288228 1530
test_text.html Test for Bug 392233 9090
test_text_2.html Test for Bug 655877 1727
test_text_dirty.html Test for Bug 886230 1281
test_text_lengthAdjust.html Test for Bug 569722 3455
test_text_scaled.html Test for Bug 655877 5804
test_text_selection.html Test for Bug 655877 4725
test_text_update.html Test for Bug 876831 967
test_transform.xhtml Test SVGTransform behavior 6202
test_transformParsing.html Test transform parsing 3228
test_use_with_hsts.html Test for Bug 1247733 5541
test_valueAsString.xhtml Test valueAsString behavior 1882
test_valueLeaks.xhtml Test for Bug 467671 2344
test_viewBox.html Test for Bug 1396642 2531
test_viewport.html Test for Bug 483389 1982
text-helper-scaled.svg 396
text-helper-selection.svg 1118
text-helper.svg 662
use-with-hsts-helper.html 617
use-with-hsts-helper.html^headers^ 62
viewport-helper.svg 529