abrupt_completion_worker.js |
660 |
activate_event_error_worker.js |
110 |
async_waituntil_worker.js |
1332 |
blocking_install_event_worker.js |
589 |
browser-common.toml |
1875 |
browser-dFPI.toml |
166 |
browser.toml |
179 |
browser_antitracking.js |
Set up a no-fetch-optimized ServiceWorker on a domain that will be covered by
tracking protection (but is not yet). Once the SW is installed, activate TP
and create a tab that embeds that tracking-site in an iframe.
3461 |
browser_antitracking_subiframes.js |
Set up a ServiceWorker on a domain that will be used as 3rd party iframe.
That 3rd party frame should be controlled by the ServiceWorker.
After that, we open a second iframe into the first one. That should not be
3412 |
browser_base_force_refresh.html |
666 |
browser_cached_force_refresh.html |
1580 |
browser_devtools_serviceworker_interception.js |
7955 |
browser_download.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
2619 |
browser_download_canceled.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
6523 |
browser_etp_permission.js |
5386 |
browser_force_refresh.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
2820 |
browser_head.js |
This file contains common functionality for ServiceWorker browser tests.
Note that the normal auto-import mechanics for browser mochitests only
handles "head.js", but we currently store all of our different varieties of
mochitest in a single directory, which potentially results in a collision
for similar heuristics for xpcshell.
Many of the storage-related helpers in this file come from:
12640 |
browser_intercepted_channel_process_swap.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
3175 |
browser_intercepted_worker_script.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
2686 |
browser_navigation_fetch_fault_handling.js |
This test file tests our automatic recovery and any related mitigating
heuristics that occur during intercepted navigation fetch request.
Specifically, we should be resetting interception so that we go to the
network in these cases and then potentially taking actions like unregistering
the ServiceWorker and/or clearing QuotaManager-managed storage for the
See specific test permutations for specific details inline in the test.
IMPLEMENTED, JUST PLANNED. These will be iterated on and added to the rest
of the stack of patches on Bug 1503072.
## Test Mechanics
### Fetch Fault Injection
We expose:
- On nsIServiceWorkerInfo, the per-ServiceWorker XPCOM interface:
- A mechanism for creating synthetic faults by setting the
`nsIServiceWorkerInfo::testingInjectCancellation` attribute to a failing
nsresult. The fault is applied at the beginning of the steps to dispatch
the fetch event on the global.
- A count of the number of times we experienced these navigation faults
that had to be reset as `nsIServiceWorkerInfo::navigationFaultCount`.
(This would also include real faults, but we only expect to see synthetic
faults in this test.)
- On nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo, the per-registration XPCOM interface:
- A readonly attribute that indicates how many times an origin storage
usage check has been initiated.
We also use:
- `nsIServiceWorkerManager::addListener(nsIServiceWorkerManagerListener)`
allows our test to listen for the unregistration of registrations. This
allows us to be notified when unregistering or origin-clearing actions have
been taken as a mitigation.
### General Test Approach
For each test we:
- Ensure/confirm the testing origin has no QuotaManager storage in use.
- Install the ServiceWorker.
- If we are testing the situation where we want to simulate the origin being
near its quota limit, we also generate Cache API and IDB storage usage
sufficient to put our origin over the threshold.
- We run a quota check on the origin after doing this in order to make sure
that we did this correctly and that we properly constrained the limit for
the origin. We fail the test for test implementation reasons if we
didn't accomplish this.
- Verify a fetch navigation to the SW works without any fault injection,
producing a result produced by the ServiceWorker.
- Begin fault permutations in a loop, where for each pass of the loop:
- We trigger a navigation which will result in an intercepted fetch
which will fault. We wait until the navigation completes.
- We verify that we got the request from the network.
- We verify that the ServiceWorker's navigationFaultCount increased.
- If this the count at which we expect a mitigation to take place, we wait
for the registration to become unregistered AND:
- We check whether the storage for the origin was cleared or not, which
indicates which mitigation of the following happened:
- Unregister the registration directly.
- Clear the origin's data which will also unregister the registration
as a side effect.
- We check whether the registration indicates an origin quota check
happened or not.
### Disk Usage Limits
In order to avoid gratuitous disk I/O and related overheads, we limit QM
("temporary") storage to 10 MiB which ends up limiting group usage to 10 MiB.
This lets us set a threshold situation where we claim that a SW needs at
least 4 MiB of storage for installation/operation, meaning that any usage
beyond 6 MiB in the group will constitute a need to clear the group or
origin. We fill with the storage with 8 MiB of artificial usage to this end,
storing 4 MiB in Cache API and 4 MiB in IDB.
10709 |
browser_navigationPreload_read_after_respondWith.js |
Test the FetchEvent.preloadResponse can be read after FetchEvent.respondWith()
Step 1. register a ServiceWorker which only handles FetchEvent when request
url includes navigationPreload_page.html. Otherwise, it alwasy
fallbacks the fetch to the network.
If the request url includes navigationPreload_page.html, it call
FetchEvent.respondWith() with a new Resposne, and then call
FetchEvent.waitUtil() to wait FetchEvent.preloadResponse and post the
preloadResponse's text to clients.
Step 2. Open a controlled page and register message event handler to receive
the postMessage from ServiceWorker.
Step 3. Create a iframe which url is navigationPreload_page.html, such that
ServiceWorker can fake the response and then send preloadResponse's
Step 4. Unregister the ServiceWorker and cleanup the environment.
3960 |
browser_remote_type_process_swap.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
4059 |
browser_storage_permission.js |
9961 |
browser_storage_recovery.js |
5430 |
browser_sw_lifetime_extension.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
15198 |
browser_unregister_with_containers.js |
5067 |
bug1151916_driver.html |
1663 |
bug1151916_worker.js |
391 |
bug1240436_worker.js |
58 |
chrome-common.toml |
578 |
chrome-dFPI.toml |
165 |
chrome.toml |
63 |
chrome_helpers.js |
1778 |
claim_clients |
claim_oninstall_worker.js |
191 |
claim_worker_1.js |
800 |
claim_worker_2.js |
885 |
close_test.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok |
596 |
console_monitor.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
1026 |
controller |
create_another_sharedWorker.html |
Shared workers: create antoehr sharedworekr client |
189 |
download |
download_canceled |
empty.html |
0 |
empty.js |
0 |
empty_with_utils.html |
256 |
error_reporting_helpers.js |
Helpers for use in tests that want to verify that localized error messages
are logged during the test. Because most of our errors (ex:
ServiceWorkerManager) generate nsIScriptError instances with flattened
strings (the interpolated arguments aren't kept around), we load the string
bundle and use it to derive the exact string message we expect for the given
2616 |
eval_worker.js |
49 |
eventsource |
fetch |
fetch.js |
1005 |
fetch_event_worker.js |
12395 |
file_blob_response_worker.js |
1237 |
file_js_cache.html |
Add a tag script to save the bytecode |
197 |
file_js_cache.js |
69 |
file_js_cache_cleanup.js |
399 |
file_js_cache_save_after_load.html |
Save the bytecode when all scripts are executed |
223 |
file_js_cache_save_after_load.js |
441 |
file_js_cache_syntax_error.html |
Do not save bytecode on compilation errors |
215 |
file_js_cache_syntax_error.js |
43 |
file_js_cache_with_sri.html |
Add a tag script to save the bytecode |
294 |
force_refresh_browser_worker.js |
1135 |
force_refresh_worker.js |
1358 |
ForceRefreshChild.sys.mjs |
222 |
ForceRefreshParent.sys.mjs |
2259 |
gtest |
gzip_redirect_worker.js |
329 |
header_checker.sjs |
309 |
hello.html |
116 |
importscript.sjs |
358 |
importscript_worker.js |
1068 |
install_event_error_worker.js |
201 |
install_event_worker.js |
61 |
intercepted_channel_process_swap_worker.js |
139 |
isolated |
lazy_worker.js |
169 |
lorem_script.js |
467 |
match_all_advanced_worker.js |
130 |
match_all_client |
match_all_client_id_worker.js |
685 |
match_all_clients |
match_all_properties_worker.js |
675 |
match_all_worker.js |
191 |
message_posting_worker.js |
206 |
message_receiver.html |
136 |
mochitest-common.toml |
11564 |
mochitest-dFPI.toml |
335 |
mochitest.toml |
1372 |
navigationPreload_page.html |
18 |
network_with_utils.html |
264 |
nofetch_handler_worker.js |
429 |
notify_loaded.js |
42 |
offline_fetch |
onmessageerror_worker.js |
1221 |
opaque_intercept_worker.js |
1006 |
page_post_controlled.html |
617 |
parse_error_worker.js |
41 |
performance |
pref |
redirect.sjs |
181 |
redirect_post.sjs |
1094 |
redirect_serviceworker.sjs |
205 |
register_https.html |
446 |
sanitize |
sanitize_worker.js |
130 |
scope |
script_file_upload.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
508 |
self_update_worker.sjs |
1186 |
server_file_upload.sjs |
659 |
service_worker.js |
268 |
service_worker_client.html |
controlled page |
678 |
service_worker_etp.js |
650 |
serviceworker.html |
211 |
serviceworker_not_sharedworker.js |
493 |
serviceworker_wrapper.js |
2339 |
serviceworkerinfo_iframe.html |
693 |
serviceworkermanager_iframe.html |
913 |
serviceworkerregistrationinfo_iframe.html |
772 |
sharedWorker_fetch.js |
862 |
simple_fetch_worker.js |
379 |
simpleregister |
skip_waiting_installed_worker.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
192 |
skip_waiting_scope |
source_message_posting_worker.js |
436 |
storage_recovery_worker.sjs |
705 |
streamfilter_server.sjs |
213 |
streamfilter_worker.js |
244 |
strict_mode_warning.js |
86 |
sw_always_updating_inter_sw_postmessage.sjs |
1492 |
sw_bad_mime_type.js |
25 |
25 |
sw_clients |
sw_file_upload.js |
394 |
sw_inter_sw_postmessage.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
6074 |
sw_respondwith_serviceworker.js |
555 |
sw_storage_not_allow.js |
1017 |
sw_with_navigationPreload.js |
719 |
swa |
test_abrupt_completion.html |
4815 |
test_async_waituntil.html |
Test for Bug 1263304 |
2895 |
test_bad_script_cache.html |
Test updating a service worker with a bad script cache. |
3192 |
test_bug1151916.html |
Bug 1151916 - Test principal is set on cached serviceworkers |
2641 |
test_bug1240436.html |
Test for encoding of service workers |
1017 |
test_bug1408734.html |
Bug 1408734 |
1614 |
test_claim.html |
Bug 1130684 - Test service worker clients claim onactivate |
5418 |
test_claim_oninstall.html |
Bug 1130684 - Test service worker clients.claim oninstall |
2326 |
test_controller.html |
Bug 1002570 - test controller instance. |
2389 |
test_cookie_fetch.html |
Bug 1331680 - test access to cookies in the documents synthesized from service worker responses |
2548 |
test_cross_origin_url_after_redirect.html |
Test access to a cross origin Request.url property from a service worker for a redirected intercepted iframe |
1631 |
test_csp_upgrade-insecure_intercept.html |
Test that a CSP upgraded request can be intercepted by a service worker |
2019 |
test_devtools_bypass_serviceworker.html |
Verify devtools can utilize nsIChannel::LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER to bypass the service worker |
3303 |
test_devtools_track_serviceworker_time.html |
Bug 1251238 - track service worker install time |
6977 |
test_empty_serviceworker.html |
Test that registering an empty service worker works |
1304 |
test_enabled_pref.html |
Bug 1645054 - test dom.serviceWorkers.enabled preference |
1434 |
test_error_reporting.html |
Test Error Reporting of Service Worker Failures |
8396 |
test_escapedSlashes.html |
Test for escaped slashes in navigator.serviceWorker.register |
2564 |
test_eval_allowed.html |
Bug 1160458 - CSP activated by default in Service Workers |
1387 |
131 |
test_event_listener_leaks.html |
Bug 1447871 - Test some service worker leak conditions |
1980 |
test_eventsource_intercept.html |
Bug 1182103 - Test EventSource scenarios with fetch interception |
3583 |
test_fetch_event.html |
Bug 94048 - test install event. |
2029 |
test_fetch_event_with_thirdpartypref.html |
Bug 94048 - test install event. |
2586 |
test_fetch_integrity.html |
Test fetch.integrity on console report for serviceWorker and sharedWorker |
6134 |
test_file_blob_response.html |
Bug 1253777 - Test interception using file blob response body |
2259 |
test_file_blob_upload.html |
Bug 1203680 - Test interception of file blob uploads |
4350 |
test_file_upload.html |
Bug 1424701 - Test for service worker + file upload |
2065 |
test_force_refresh.html |
Bug 982726 - Test service worker post message |
3443 |
test_gzip_redirect.html |
Bug 982726 - Test service worker post message |
2680 |
test_hsts_upgrade_intercept.html |
Test that an HSTS upgraded request can be intercepted by a service worker |
2460 |
test_https_fetch.html |
Bug 1133763 - test fetch event in HTTPS origins |
2282 |
test_https_fetch_cloned_response.html |
Bug 1133763 - test fetch event in HTTPS origins with a cloned response |
1889 |
test_https_origin_after_redirect.html |
Test the origin of a redirected response from a service worker |
1963 |
test_https_origin_after_redirect_cached.html |
Test the origin of a redirected response from a service worker |
1970 |
test_https_synth_fetch_from_cached_sw.html |
Bug 1156847 - test fetch event generating a synthesized response in HTTPS origins from a cached SW |
2541 |
test_imagecache.html |
Bug 1202085 - Test that images from different controllers don't cached together |
1898 |
test_imagecache_max_age.html |
Test that the image cache respects a synthesized image's Cache headers |
2551 |
test_importscript.html |
Test service worker - script cache policy |
2168 |
test_importscript_mixedcontent.html |
Bug 1198078 - test that we respect mixed content blocking in importScript() inside service workers |
1899 |
test_install_event.html |
Bug 94048 - test install event. |
5215 |
test_install_event_gc.html |
Test install event being GC'd before waitUntil fulfills |
4471 |
test_installation_simple.html |
Bug 930348 - test stub Navigator ServiceWorker utilities. |
7347 |
test_match_all.html |
Bug 982726 - test match_all not crashing |
2348 |
test_match_all_advanced.html |
Bug 982726 - Test matchAll with multiple clients |
2882 |
test_match_all_client_id.html |
Bug 1058311 - Test matchAll client id |
2593 |
test_match_all_client_properties.html |
Bug 1058311 - Test matchAll clients properties |
2693 |
test_navigationPreload_disable_crash.html |
Failure to create a Promise shouldn't crash |
1847 |
test_navigator.html |
Bug 930348 - test stub Navigator ServiceWorker utilities. |
1593 |
test_nofetch_handler.html |
Test for Bugs 1181127 and 1325101 |
1976 |
test_not_intercept_plugin.html |
Bug 1187766 - Test loading plugins scenarios with fetch interception. |
2090 |
test_offline_localhost_fetch.html |
Bug 1843001 |
1698 |
test_onmessageerror.html |
Test onmessageerror event handlers |
4282 |
test_opaque_intercept.html |
Bug 982726 - Test service worker post message |
2992 |
test_origin_after_redirect.html |
Test the origin of a redirected response from a service worker |
1924 |
test_origin_after_redirect_cached.html |
Test the origin of a redirected response from a service worker |
1931 |
test_origin_after_redirect_to_https.html |
Test the origin of a redirected response from a service worker |
1891 |
test_origin_after_redirect_to_https_cached.html |
Test the origin of a redirected response from a service worker |
1898 |
test_post_message.html |
Bug 982726 - Test service worker post message |
2372 |
test_post_message_advanced.html |
Bug 982726 - Test service worker post message advanced |
3318 |
test_post_message_source.html |
Bug 1142015 - Test service worker post message source |
1866 |
test_privateBrowsing.html |
Test for ServiceWorker - Private Browsing |
2912 |
test_register_base.html |
Test that registering a service worker uses the docuemnt URI for the secure origin check |
1039 |
test_register_https_in_http.html |
Bug 1172948 - Test that registering a service worker from inside an HTTPS iframe embedded in an HTTP iframe doesn't work |
1259 |
test_sandbox_intercept.html |
Bug 1142727 - Test that sandboxed iframes are not intercepted |
1870 |
test_sanitize.html |
Bug 1080109 - Clear ServiceWorker registrations for all domains |
2660 |
test_sanitize_domain.html |
Bug 1080109 - Clear ServiceWorker registrations for specific domains |
2985 |
test_scopes.html |
Bug 984048 - Test scope glob matching. |
4720 |
test_script_loader_intercepted_js_cache.html |
Test for saving and loading bytecode in/from the necko cache |
9546 |
test_self_update_worker.html |
Test for Bug 1432846 |
5008 |
test_service_worker_allowed.html |
Test the Service-Worker-Allowed header |
2444 |
test_serviceworker.html |
Bug 1137245 - Allow IndexedDB usage in ServiceWorkers |
2104 |
test_serviceworker_header.html |
Test that service worker scripts are fetched with a Service-Worker: script header |
1311 |
test_serviceworker_interfaces.html |
Validate Interfaces Exposed to Service Workers |
3610 |
test_serviceworker_interfaces.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok |
27228 |
test_serviceworker_not_sharedworker.html |
Bug 1141274 - test that service workers and shared workers are separate |
2189 |
test_serviceworkerinfo.xhtml |
3958 |
test_serviceworkermanager.xhtml |
2752 |
test_serviceworkerregistrationinfo.xhtml |
6741 |
test_skip_waiting.html |
Bug 1131352 - Add ServiceWorkerGlobalScope skipWaiting() |
2467 |
test_streamfilter.html |
Test StreamFilter-monitored responses for ServiceWorker-intercepted requests
6416 |
test_strict_mode_warning.html |
Bug 1170550 - test registration of service worker scripts with a strict mode warning |
1166 |
test_third_party_iframes.html |
Bug 1152899 - Disallow the interception of third-party iframes using service workers when the third-party cookie preference is set |
7225 |
test_unregister.html |
Bug 984048 - Test unregister |
3690 |
test_unresolved_fetch_interception.html |
Test for Bug 1188545 |
3814 |
test_worker_reference_gc_timeout.html |
Test for Bug 1317266 |
2273 |
test_workerUnregister.html |
Bug 982728 - Test ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.unregister |
2398 |
test_workerUpdate.html |
Bug 1065366 - Test ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.update |
1787 |
test_workerupdatefoundevent.html |
Bug 1131327 - Test ServiceWorkerRegistration.onupdatefound on ServiceWorker |
2560 |
test_xslt.html |
Bug 1182113 - Test service worker XSLT interception |
3195 |
thirdparty |
unregister |
unresolved_fetch_worker.js |
501 |
update_worker.sjs |
" + Date.now() + " |
468 |
updatefoundevent.html |
Bug 1131327 - Test ServiceWorkerRegistration.onupdatefound on ServiceWorker |
319 |
utils.js |
Helper for browser tests to issue register calls from the content global and
wait for the SW to progress to the active state, as most tests desire.
From the ContentTask.spawn, use via
7224 |
window_party_iframes.html |
342 |
worker.js |
33 |
worker_unregister.js |
420 |
worker_update.js |
709 |
worker_updatefoundevent.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
553 |
worker_updatefoundevent2.js |
15 |
worker2.js |
14 |
worker3.js |
14 |
workerUpdate |
xslt |
xslt_worker.js |
1560 |