Common.cpp |
794 |
Common.h |
856 | |
1444 |
PQuotaTest.ipdl |
717 |
QuotaManagerDependencyFixture.cpp |
14494 |
QuotaManagerDependencyFixture.h |
Convenience method for tasks which must be called on PBackground thread |
8490 |
QuotaManagerTestHelpers.cpp |
aIsPrivate |
1930 |
QuotaManagerTestHelpers.h |
Creates a PrincipalMetadata object for a principal without an origin suffix.
This function takes a group (without suffix) and origin (without suffix) and
returns a PrincipalMetadata object with these values. The suffix and private
browsing flag are set to their default values: an empty string and false,
@param aGroupNoSuffix The group associated with the principal, without the
@param aOriginNoSuffix The origin without the suffix.
@returns A PrincipalMetadata object containing the given group and origin,
with an empty origin suffix and a false private browsing flag.
4107 |
QuotaTestChild.h |
750 |
QuotaTestParent.h |
1157 |
TestCheckedUnsafePtr.cpp |
5325 |
TestClientUsageArray.cpp |
604 |
TestDirectoryLock.cpp |
aExclusive |
2554 |
TestEncryptedStream.cpp |
33394 |
TestFileOutputStream.cpp |
aIsPrivate |
6953 |
TestFlatten.cpp |
1969 |
TestForwardDecls.cpp |
483 |
TestMozPromiseUtils.cpp |
1262 |
TestOriginParser.cpp |
2699 |
TestOriginScope.cpp |
6202 |
TestPersistenceScope.cpp |
5099 |
TestPersistenceType.cpp |
1498 |
TestQMResult.cpp |
1868 |
TestQuotaCommon.cpp |
62985 |
TestQuotaManager.cpp |
aExclusive |
99808 |
TestResultExtensions.cpp |
9451 |
TestScopedLogExtraInfo.cpp |
2479 |
TestStorageConnection.cpp |
9875 |
TestStorageOriginAttributes.cpp |
aInIsolatedMozBrowser |
7157 |
TestStringifyUtils.cpp |
1315 |
TestTelemetry.cpp |
5555 |
TestThreadUtils.cpp |
6056 |
TestUsageInfo.cpp |
3840 |