Name Description Size
Common.cpp 794
Common.h 856 1444
PQuotaTest.ipdl 717
QuotaManagerDependencyFixture.cpp 14494
QuotaManagerDependencyFixture.h Convenience method for tasks which must be called on PBackground thread 8490
QuotaManagerTestHelpers.cpp aIsPrivate 1930
QuotaManagerTestHelpers.h Creates a PrincipalMetadata object for a principal without an origin suffix. This function takes a group (without suffix) and origin (without suffix) and returns a PrincipalMetadata object with these values. The suffix and private browsing flag are set to their default values: an empty string and false, respectively. @param aGroupNoSuffix The group associated with the principal, without the suffix. @param aOriginNoSuffix The origin without the suffix. @returns A PrincipalMetadata object containing the given group and origin, with an empty origin suffix and a false private browsing flag. 4107
QuotaTestChild.h 750
QuotaTestParent.h 1157
TestCheckedUnsafePtr.cpp 5325
TestClientUsageArray.cpp 604
TestDirectoryLock.cpp aExclusive 2554
TestEncryptedStream.cpp 33394
TestFileOutputStream.cpp aIsPrivate 6953
TestFlatten.cpp 1969
TestForwardDecls.cpp 483
TestMozPromiseUtils.cpp 1262
TestOriginParser.cpp 2699
TestOriginScope.cpp 6202
TestPersistenceScope.cpp 5099
TestPersistenceType.cpp 1498
TestQMResult.cpp 1868
TestQuotaCommon.cpp 62985
TestQuotaManager.cpp aExclusive 99808
TestResultExtensions.cpp 9451
TestScopedLogExtraInfo.cpp 2479
TestStorageConnection.cpp 9875
TestStorageOriginAttributes.cpp aInIsolatedMozBrowser 7157
TestStringifyUtils.cpp 1315
TestTelemetry.cpp 5555
TestThreadUtils.cpp 6056
TestUsageInfo.cpp 3840