chrome.toml |
616 |
file_promise_and_timeout_ordering.js |
350 |
file_promise_argument_tests.js |
This file is meant to provide common infrastructure for several consumers.
The consumer is expected to define the following things:
1) An verifyPromiseGlobal function which does whatever test the consumer
2) An isXrayArgumentTest global boolean, because some of these tests act
differenly based on that boolean.
3) A function named getPromise. This function is given a global object and a
single argument to use for getting the promise. The getPromise function
is expected to trigger the canonical Promise.resolve for the given global
with the given argument in some way that depends on the test, and return
the result.
4) A subframe (frames[0]) which can be used as a second global for creating
5376 |
file_promise_job_with_bind_from_discarded_iframe.html |
iframe in http |
259 |
file_promise_retval_tests.js |
This file is meant to provide common infrastructure for several consumers.
The consumer is expected to define the following things:
1) A verifyPromiseGlobal function which does whatever test the consumer
wants. This function is passed a promise and the global whose
TestFunctions was used to get the promise.
2) A expectedExceptionGlobal function which is handed the global whose
TestFunctions was used to trigger the exception and should return the
global the exception is expected to live in.
3) A subframe (frames[0]) which can be used as a second global for creating
1897 |
file_promise_xrays.html |
1133 |
mochitest.toml |
1052 |
promise_uncatchable_exception.js |
global TestFunctions |
267 |
test_bug883683.html |
Promise - bug 883683 |
1040 |
test_on_new_promise.html |
Test for interaction with SpiderMonkey's Debugger.prototype.onNewPromise |
1395 |
test_on_promise_settled.html |
Test for interaction with SpiderMonkey's Debugger.prototype.onNewPromise |
1580 |
test_on_promise_settled_duplicates.html |
Test for interaction with SpiderMonkey's Debugger.prototype.onNewPromise |
1572 |
test_promise.html |
Basic Promise Test |
21963 |
test_promise_and_timeout_ordering.html |
Test for promise and timeout ordering |
680 |
test_promise_and_timeout_ordering_workers.html |
Test for promise and timeout ordering in workers |
574 |
test_promise_argument.html |
Test for Bug 1323324 |
1588 |
test_promise_argument_xrays.html |
Test for Bug 1233324 |
2438 |
test_promise_callback_retval.html |
Test for Bug 1323324 |
1702 |
test_promise_job_with_bind_from_discarded_iframe.html |
Test for Bug 1723124. |
2160 |
test_promise_retval.html |
Test for Bug 1436276. |
1657 |
test_promise_retval_xrays.html |
Test for Bug 1436276. |
2581 |
test_promise_uncatchable_exception.html |
Promise - uncatchable exceptions |
831 |
test_promise_utils.html |
Test for Promise.all, Promise.race |
8739 |
test_promise_xrays.html |
Test for Bug 1170760 |
10196 |
test_resolve.html |
Promise.resolve(anything) Test |
1283 |
test_resolver_return_value.html |
Test for Bug 1120235 |
1167 |
test_species_getter.html |
Test for ... |
932 |
test_thenable_vs_promise_ordering.html |
Test for promise resolution ordering with thenables and promises |
1142 |
test_webassembly_compile.html |
WebAssembly.compile Test |
13653 |
test_webassembly_compile_sample.wasm |
16053 |
test_webassembly_compile_worker.js |
eslint-disable no-throw-literal |
1672 |
test_webassembly_compile_worker_terminate.js |
283 |
unit |