Name Description Size
components.conf 557 1145
nsIWebVTTListener.idl Listener for a JS WebVTT parser (vtt.js). 1063
nsIWebVTTParserWrapper.idl Interface for a wrapper of a JS WebVTT parser (vtt.js). 3367
package.json 78
TextTrack.cpp 11158
TextTrack.h 4704
TextTrackCue.cpp Save a reference to our creating document so we don't have to keep getting it from our window. 8047
TextTrackCue.h 8863
TextTrackCueList.cpp 3406
TextTrackCueList.h 2380
TextTrackList.cpp 6007
TextTrackList.h 2540
TextTrackRegion.cpp 1937
TextTrackRegion.h WebIDL Methods. 3602
update-webvtt.js eslint-env node 1802
vtt.sys.mjs Code below is vtt.js the JS WebVTT implementation. Current source code can be found at Code taken from commit b89bfd06cd788a68c67e03f44561afe833db0849 56958
WebVTTListener.cpp 6577
WebVTTListener.h Loads the WebVTTListener. Must call this in order for the listener to be ready to parse data that is passed to it. 2201
WebVTTParserWrapper.sys.mjs 1597