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Test Info: Warnings

<script type="application/javascript" src="pc.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="parser_rtp.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/dom/canvas/test/captureStream_common.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="helpers_from_wpt/sdp.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="simulcast.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="stats.js"></script>
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
bug: "1692873",
title: "Screensharing peer connection with Simulcast offer",
visible: true
runNetworkTest(async () => {
await pushPrefs(
// 400Kbps was determined empirically, set well-higher than
// the 140Kbps+overhead needed for the two restricted simulcast streams.
['', 400*1000],
["media.navigator.permission.disabled", true],
["", true],
const offerer = new RTCPeerConnection();
const answerer = new RTCPeerConnection();
const add = (pc, can, failed) => can && pc.addIceCandidate(can).catch(failed);
offerer.onicecandidate = e => add(answerer, e.candidate, generateErrorCallback());
answerer.onicecandidate = e => add(offerer, e.candidate, generateErrorCallback());
const metadataToBeLoaded = [];
answerer.ontrack = e => {
// One send transceiver, that will be used to send both simulcast streams
const videoStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: {width: {max: 640}}});
const sendEncodings = [
{ rid: '0' },
{ rid: '1', maxBitrate: 100000, scaleResolutionDownBy: 2 },
{ rid: '2', maxBitrate: 40000, scaleResolutionDownBy: 2 }
offerer.addTransceiver(videoStream.getVideoTracks()[0], {sendEncodings});
const [sender] = offerer.getSenders();
const offer = await offerer.createOffer();
const mungedOffer = ridToMid(offer);
info(`Transformed send simulcast offer to multiple m-sections: ${offer.sdp} to ${mungedOffer}`);
await answerer.setRemoteDescription({type: 'offer', sdp: mungedOffer});
await offerer.setLocalDescription(offer);
const rids = answerer.getTransceivers().map(({mid}) => mid);
is(rids.length, 3, 'Should have 3 mids in offer');
isnot(rids[0], '', 'First mid should be non-empty');
isnot(rids[1], '', 'Second mid should be non-empty');
isnot(rids[2], '', 'Third mid should be non-empty');
const answer = await answerer.createAnswer();
let mungedAnswer = midToRid(answer);
// Allow sending up to 4k without having to account for max-fs defaults
// when checking sizes below. 3840*2160/(16*16)=34560
mungedAnswer = mungedAnswer.replace(/max-fs=\d+/g, "max-fs=34560");
info(`Transformed recv answer to simulcast: ${answer.sdp} to ${mungedAnswer}`);
await offerer.setRemoteDescription({type: 'answer', sdp: mungedAnswer});
await answerer.setLocalDescription(answer);
is(metadataToBeLoaded.length, 3, 'Offerer should have gotten 3 ontrack events');
info('Waiting for 3 loadedmetadata events');
const videoElems = await Promise.all(metadataToBeLoaded);
const statsReady =
Promise.all([waitForSyncedRtcp(offerer), waitForSyncedRtcp(answerer)]);
const {width} = videoStream.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
const {height} = videoStream.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
is(videoElems[0].videoWidth, width,
"sink is same width as source, modulo our cropping algorithm");
is(videoElems[0].videoHeight, height,
"sink is same height as source, modulo our cropping algorithm");
is(videoElems[1].videoWidth, Math.trunc(width / 2),
"sink is 1/2 width of source, modulo our cropping algorithm");
is(videoElems[1].videoHeight, Math.trunc(height / 2),
"sink is 1/2 height of source, modulo our cropping algorithm");
is(videoElems[2].videoWidth, Math.trunc(width / 2),
"sink is 1/2 width of source, modulo our cropping algorithm");
is(videoElems[2].videoHeight, Math.trunc(height / 2),
"sink is 1/2 height of source, modulo our cropping algorithm");
await statsReady;
const senderStats = await sender.getStats();
checkSenderStats(senderStats, 3);