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Test Info: Errors
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- This test failed 17 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/mochitest_peerconnection.toml
<script type="application/javascript" src="pc.js"></script>
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<script type="application/javascript" src="helpers_from_wpt/sdp.js"></script></head>
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
bug: "1898696",
title: "Corner cases for ICE candidate pair selection"
const tests = [
async function checkRelayPriorityWithLateTrickle() {
// Test that relay-based candidate pairs don't get prflx priority when
// trickle is late.
// Block host candidates; if we mess up and interpret relay as
// prflx, we won't have host candidates with a higher priority
// masking the problem.
await pushPrefs(
['', false],
['media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.filtering_type', 'ENDPOINT_INDEPENDENT'],
['media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.mapping_type', 'ENDPOINT_INDEPENDENT'],
['media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.network_delay_ms', 50],
['', true],
// The above triggers warning about 5 ICE servers
['media.peerconnection.treat_warnings_as_errors', false],
['media.getusermedia.insecure.enabled', true]);
let turnServer = iceServersArray.find(server => "username" in server);
// Disable TCP-based TURN; this goes through the NAT simulator much more
// quickly than UDP, and can result in TURN TCP establishment happening
// before srflx is even attempted.
turnServer.urls = turnServer.urls.filter(u => u.indexOf("turns:") == -1 && u.indexOf("transport=t") == -1);
let stunServer = iceServersArray.find(server => !("username" in server));
// This is a somewhat contrived situation. What we're trying to do is
// cause the non-controlling side to learn about the controller's relay
// candidate from a STUN check, instead of trickle. At the same time,
// we're trying to ensure that the non-controlling side learns about the
// controller's srflx through trickle.
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers: [turnServer]});
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers: [stunServer]});
pc1.onicecandidate = e => {
if (e.candidate && e.candidate.type == "srflx") {
pc2.onicecandidate = e => {
const transceiver = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
// Remove any candidates in the offer.
let mungedOffer = {
type: "offer",
sdp: pc1.localDescription.sdp.replaceAll("a=candidate:", "a=candid8:")
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(mungedOffer);
// Wait for gathering to complete.
await new Promise(r => pc1.onicegatheringstatechange = () => {
if (pc1.iceGatheringState == "complete") {
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
await Promise.all([iceConnected(pc1), iceConnected(pc2)]);
info("ICE connected");
const stats = await pc2.getStats();
info("Have all stats");
stats.forEach((value, key) => {
info(`${key} => ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
function getRemoteCandidate(pair, stats) {
info(`Getting ${pair.remoteCandidateId} => ${JSON.stringify(stats.get(pair.remoteCandidateId))}`);
return stats.get(pair.remoteCandidateId);
// Convert the iterable to an array so we can use it more than once
const pairs = [...stats.values().filter(s => s.type == "candidate-pair")];
const srflxPriorities = pairs.filter(p => getRemoteCandidate(p, stats).candidateType == "srflx").map(p => p.priority);
// We obfuscate remote prflx candidates, so cannot match on port. The
// above code is intended to only allow prflx for the relay candidates.
const prflxPriorities = pairs.filter(p => getRemoteCandidate(p, stats).candidateType == "prflx").map(p => p.priority);
const minSrflxPriority = Math.min(...srflxPriorities);
const maxRelayPriority = Math.max(...prflxPriorities);
ok(maxRelayPriority < minSrflxPriority, `relay priorities should be less than srflx priorities (${maxRelayPriority} vs ${minSrflxPriority})`);
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
runNetworkTest(async () => {
const turnServer = iceServersArray.find(server => "username" in server);
username = turnServer.username;
credential = turnServer.credential;
// Just use the first url. It might make sense to look for TURNS first,
// since that will always use a hostname, but on CI we don't have TURNS
const turnHostname = getTurnHostname(turnServer.urls[0]);
turnAddressV4 = await dnsLookupV4(turnHostname);
for (const test of tests) {
info(`Running test: ${}`);
try {
await test();
} catch (e) {
ok(false, `Caught ${}: ${e.message} ${e.stack}`);
info(`Done running test: ${}`);
// Make sure we don't build up a pile of GC work, and also get PCImpl to
// print their timecards.
await new Promise(r => SpecialPowers.exactGC(r));
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
}, { useIceServer: true });