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<script type="application/javascript" src="pc.js"></script>
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
bug: "1395853",
title: "Verify audio content over WebRTC for every audio codec",
// We match the format member against the sdp to figure out the payload type,
// So all other present codecs can be removed.
const codecs = [ "opus", "G722", "PCMU", "PCMA" ];
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
async function testAudioCodec(options = {}, codec) {
// sdputils checks for opus as part of its sdp sanity test
options.opus = codec == "opus";
let test = new PeerConnectionTest(options);
test.setMediaConstraints([{audio: true}], []);
test.chain.insertBefore("PC_LOCAL_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION", [
let otherCodec = codecs.find(c => c != codec);
let otherId = sdputils.findCodecId(test.originalOffer.sdp, otherCodec);
let id = sdputils.findCodecId(test.originalOffer.sdp, codec);
test.originalOffer.sdp =
sdputils.removeAllButPayloadType(test.originalOffer.sdp, id);
ok(!test.originalOffer.sdp.match(new RegExp(`m=.*UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF.* ${otherId}[^0-9]`, "gi")),
`Other codec ${otherId} should be removed after filtering`);
ok(test.originalOffer.sdp.match(new RegExp(`m=.*UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF.* ${id}[^0-9]`, "gi")),
`Tested codec ${id} should remain after filtering`);
for (let c of codecs.filter(c => c != codec)) {
// Remove rtpmaps for the other codecs so sdp sanity tests pass.
let id = sdputils.findCodecId(test.originalOffer.sdp, c);
test.originalOffer.sdp =
sdputils.removeRtpMapForPayloadType(test.originalOffer.sdp, id);
ok(!test.originalOffer.sdp.match(new RegExp(`a=rtpmap:${otherId}.*\\r\\n`, "gi")),
`Rtpmap of other codec ${otherId} should be removed after filtering`);
ok(test.originalOffer.sdp.match(new RegExp(`a=rtpmap:${id}.*\\r\\n`, "gi")),
`Rtpmap of tested codec should remain after filtering`);
async function CHECK_AUDIO_FLOW() {
try {
await test.pcRemote.checkReceivingToneFrom(audioContext, test.pcLocal);
ok(true, "input and output audio data matches");
} catch(e) {
ok(false, `No audio flow: ${e}`);
runNetworkTest(async (options) => {
// Start a tone so that the gUM call will record something even with
// --use-test-media-devices. TEST_AUDIO_FREQ matches the frequency of the
// tone in fake microphone devices.
const tone = new LoopbackTone(audioContext, TEST_AUDIO_FREQ);
for (let codec of codecs) {
info(`Testing audio for codec ${codec}`);
try {
await testAudioCodec(options, codec);
} catch(e) {
ok(false, `Error in test for codec ${codec}: ${e}\n${e.stack}`);
info(`Tested audio for codec ${codec}`);