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Test Info:

<script src="mediaStreamPlayback.js"></script>
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
createHTML({ title: "Test getUserMedia in iframes", bug: "1371741" });
Tests covering enumerateDevices API and deviceId constraint. Exercise code.
// Call gUM in iframe.
async function iframeGum(dict, iframe = document.createElement("iframe")) {
Object.assign(iframe, dict);
if (dict.src) {
info(`<iframe src="${dict.src}" sandbox="${dict.sandbox}">`);
} else {
info(`<iframe srcdoc sandbox="${dict.sandbox}">`);
const once = (t, msg) => new Promise(r => t.addEventListener(msg, r, { once: true }));
const haveMessage = once(window, "message");
await new Promise(resolve => iframe.onload = resolve);
return (await haveMessage).data;
runTest(async () => {
const path = "/tests/dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_getUserMedia_permission_iframe.html";
async function sourceFn() {
try {
const gUM = c => navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(c);
let message;
let stream;
try {
stream = await gUM({ video: true });
message = 'success';
} catch(e) {
message =;
parent.postMessage(message, '');
if (message == "success") {
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(() => { throw e; });
const source = `<html\><script\>(${sourceFn.toString()})()</script\></html\>`;
// Test gUM in sandboxed vs. regular iframe.
for (const origin of [window.location.origin, ""]) {
const src = origin + path;
is(await iframeGum({ src, sandbox: "allow-scripts" }),
"NotAllowedError", "gUM fails in sandboxed iframe " + origin);
is(await iframeGum({
src: path,
sandbox: "allow-scripts allow-same-origin",
"success", "gUM works in regular same-origin iframe");
is(await iframeGum({
sandbox: "allow-scripts allow-same-origin",
"NotAllowedError", "gUM fails in regular cross-origin iframe");
// Test gUM in sandboxed vs regular srcdoc iframe
const iframeSrcdoc = document.createElement("iframe");
iframeSrcdoc.srcdoc = source;
is(await iframeGum({ sandbox: "allow-scripts" }, iframeSrcdoc),
"NotAllowedError", "gUM fails in sandboxed srcdoc iframe");
is(await iframeGum({ sandbox: "allow-scripts allow-same-origin" }, iframeSrcdoc),
"success", "gUM works in regular srcdoc iframe");
// Test gUM in sandboxed vs regular blob iframe
const blob = new Blob([source], {type : "text/html"});
let src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
is(await iframeGum({ src, sandbox: "allow-scripts" }),
"NotAllowedError", "gUM fails in sandboxed blob iframe");
is(await iframeGum({ src, sandbox: "allow-scripts allow-same-origin"}),
"success", "gUM works in regular blob iframe");
// data iframes always have null-principals
src = `data:text/html;base64,${btoa(source)}`;
is(await iframeGum({ src, sandbox: "allow-scripts" }),
"NotAllowedError", "gUM fails in sandboxed data iframe");
is(await iframeGum({ src, sandbox: "allow-scripts allow-same-origin"}),
"NotAllowedError", "gUM fails in regular data iframe");