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Test Info:
- Manifest: dom/media/test/mochitest_compat.toml
<title>Media test: promise-based play() method</title>
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
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<pre id="test">
// Name: loadAlgorithmDoesNotCancelTasks
// Case: re-invoke the load() on an element which had dispatched a task to resolve a promise.
// Expected result: the already dispatched promise should still be resolved with undefined.
let manager = new MediaTestManager;
function initTest(test, token) {
let element = document.createElement(getMajorMimeType(test.type));
element.preload = "auto";
element.src =;
// We must wait for "canplay" event; otherwise, invoke play() will lead to a
// pending promise and will then be rejected by the following load().
once(element, "canplay").then(() => {
// The play() promise will be queued to be resolved immediately, which means
// the promise is not in the pending list.
(result) => {
if (result == undefined) {
ok(true, `${token} is resolved with ${result}.`);
} else {
ok(false, `${token} is resolved with ${result}.`);
(error) => {
ok(false, `${token} is rejected with ${}.`);
).then( () => { manager.finished(token); } );
element.src =; // Re-invoke the load algorithm again.
manager.runTests(gSmallTests, initTest);