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# This file lists tests which are compatible for testing Windows Media
# Foundation media engine playback. These tests would still be testing on
# different platforms, but we will use these tests to do additional testing on
# Windows to test the media engine playback.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Media tests should be backend independent, i.e., not conditioned on ogg,
# wave etc. (The only exception is the can_play_type tests, which
# necessarily depend on the backend(s) configured.) As far as possible, each
# test should work with any resource type. This makes it easy to add new
# backends and reduces the amount of test duplication.
# For each supported backend, resources that can be played by that backend
# should be added to the lists in manifest.js. Media tests that aren't
# testing for a bug in handling a specific resource type should pick one of
# the lists in manifest.js and run the test for each resource in the list
# that is supported in the current build (the canPlayType API is useful for
# this).
# To test whether a valid resource can simply be played through correctly,
# and optionally that its metadata is read correctly, just add it to
# gPlayTests in manifest.js. To test whether an invalid resource correctly
# throws an error (and does not cause a crash or hang), just add it to
# gErrorTests in manifest.js.
# To test for a specific bug in handling a specific resource type, make the
# test first check canPlayType for the type, and if it's not supported, just
# do ok(true, "Type not supported") and stop the test.
subsuite = "media"
tags = "media-engine-compatible media-gpu"
prefs = ["media.wmf.hevc.enabled=1"] # for test_hevc_playback
support-files = [
# This HEVC file is created by following steps.
# 1. generate two videos
# - a white frame video (0-2 seconds) at 1024x768 resolution
# ffmpeg -t 2 -f lavfi -i color=size=1024x768:rate=30:color=white -c:v libx265 -pix_fmt yuv420p -strict experimental -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0 -metadata:s:v:0 width=1024 -metadata:s:v:0 height=768 -y white_frames.mp4
# - a red frame video (2-4 seconds) at 3480x2160 resolution with inband SPS
# ffmpeg -t 2 -f lavfi -i color=size=3480x2160:rate=30:color=red -c:v libx265 -x265-params "sps-id=1" -strict experimental -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0 -metadata:s:v:0 width=3480 -metadata:s:v:0 height=2160 -y red_frames.mp4
# 2. covert them to annexB
# ffmpeg -i XXX.mp4 -codec copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb XXX.ts
# 3. combine them together
# ffmpeg -i "concat:white_annexb.ts|red_annexb.ts" -c copy -strict -2 -y hevc_white_red_frames.mp4
skip-if = ["true"] # bug 475110 - disabled since we don't play Wave files standalone
# This test attempts to load 20 videos to test something network-related, and
# Android devices that aren't an emulator hit a device-specific decoder limit,
# that make the test fail.
skip-if = [
"os == 'android' && !is_emulator", # Bug 1860492
"os == 'win' && os_version == '11.2009' && bits == 64 && !debug", # Bug 1889375
run-if = ["os == 'win'"]
skip-if = ["!mda_gpu"]
scheme = "https"
skip-if = ["!mda_gpu"]
scheme = "https"
skip-if = ["wmfme"] # Bug 1781539
scheme = "https"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
tags = "promise-play"
skip-if = ["appname == 'seamonkey'"] # Seamonkey: Bug 598252, bug 1307337, bug 1143695
# If encountering intermittents in test_playback.html please consider disabling
# the individual faulting file via `manifest.js` as disabling the whole test on
# a platform removes a lot of coverage.
skip-if = ["true"] # see bug 1319725
skip-if = [
"win10_2009 && debug && verify",
"win11_2009 && debug && verify",
tags = "resistfingerprinting"
# The tests below contain backend-specific tests. Write backend independent
# tests rather than adding to this list.