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Test Info: Errors
- This test failed 2 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: dom/media/test/mochitest_compat.toml
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<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 479859</a>
<p id="display"></p>
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<script type="text/javascript">
function log() {
//document.getElementById('log').innerHTML += "<p>" + msg + "</p>";
// We don't track: progress, canplay, canplaythrough and stalled events,
// as these can be delivered out of order, and/or multiple times.
var gEventTypes = [ 'loadstart', 'abort', 'error', 'emptied', 'play',
'pause', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata', 'waiting', 'playing', 'seeking',
'seeked', 'timeupdate', 'ended', 'ratechange', 'durationchange', 'volumechange' ];
var gEventNum = 0;
var gTestNum = 0;
var gTestFileNum = 0;
var gExpectedEvents = null;
var gTest = null;
var gTestName = "?";
function listener(evt) {
log('event ' + evt.type);
ok(gEventNum < gExpectedEvents.length, gTestName+" - corrent number of events received");
var expected = (gEventNum < gExpectedEvents.length) ? gExpectedEvents[gEventNum] : "NoEvent";
is(evt.type, expected, gTestName+" - events received in order");
if (gEventNum == gExpectedEvents.length) {
setTimeout(nextTest, 0);
function source_error(evt) {
log('event source_error');
ok(evt.type == "error", "Should only get error events here");
ok(gEventNum < gExpectedEvents.length, gTestName+" - corrent number of events received");
var expected = (gEventNum < gExpectedEvents.length) ? gExpectedEvents[gEventNum] : "NoEvent";
is("source_error", expected, gTestName+" - events received in order");
if (gEventNum == gExpectedEvents.length) {
setTimeout(nextTest, 0);
var gMedia = null;
function createMedia(tag) {
gMedia = document.createElement(tag);
gMedia.preload = "metadata";
for (var i=0; i<gEventTypes.length; i++) {
gMedia.addEventListener(gEventTypes[i], listener);
function addSource(src, type) {
var s = document.createElement("source");
s.addEventListener("error", source_error);
s.src = src;
s.type = type;
return s;
function prependSource(src, type) {
var s = document.createElement("source");
s.addEventListener("error", source_error);
s.src = src;
s.type = type;
gMedia.insertBefore(s, gMedia.firstChild);
return s;
var gTests = [
// Test 0: adding video to doc, then setting src should load implicitly.
create(src) {
gMedia.src = src;
expectedEvents: ['loadstart', 'durationchange', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata']
}, {
// Test 1: adding video to doc, then adding source.
create(src, type) {
addSource(src, type);
expectedEvents: ['loadstart', 'durationchange', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata']
// Test 2: video with multiple source, the first of which are bad, we should load the last,
// and receive error events for failed loads on the source children.
create(src, type) {
addSource("404a", type);
addSource("404b", type);
addSource(src, type);
expectedEvents: ['loadstart', 'source_error', 'source_error', 'durationchange', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata']
}, {
// Test 3: video with bad src, good <source>, ensure that <source> aren't used.
create(src, type) {
gMedia.src = "404a";
addSource(src, type);
expectedEvents: ['loadstart', 'error']
}, {
// Test 4: video with only bad source, loading, then adding a good source
// - should resume load.
create(src, type) {
addSource("404a", type);
var s2 = addSource("404b", type);
function() {
// Should awaken waiting load, causing successful load.
addSource(src, type);
expectedEvents: ['loadstart', 'source_error', 'source_error', 'durationchange', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata']
}, {
// Test 5: video with only 1 bad source, let it fail to load, then prepend
// a good <source> to the video, it shouldn't be selected, because the
// "pointer" should be after the last child - the bad source.
prepended: false,
create(src, type) {
var prepended = false;
addSource("404a", type);
var s2 = addSource("404b", type);
function() {
// Should awaken waiting load, causing successful load.
if (!prepended) {
prependSource(src, type);
prepended = true;
expectedEvents: ['loadstart', 'source_error', 'source_error']
}, {
// call to load() should load metadata
create(src, type) {
gMedia.preload = "none";
gMedia.src = src;
addSource(src, type);
expectedEvents: ['emptied', 'loadstart', 'durationchange', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata']
function nextTest() {
if (gMedia) {
for (var i=0; i<gEventTypes.length; i++) {
gMedia.removeEventListener(gEventTypes[i], listener);
gMedia = null;
gEventNum = 0;
if (gTestNum == gTests.length) {
gTestNum = 0;
if (gTestFileNum == gSmallTests.length) {
var src = gSmallTests[gTestFileNum].name;
var type = gSmallTests[gTestFileNum].type;
var t = gTests[gTestNum];
createMedia(type.match(/^audio\//) ? "audio" : "video");
if (!gMedia.canPlayType(type)) {
// Unsupported type, skip to next test
gTestName = "Test " + src + " " + (gTestNum - 1);
log("Starting " + gTestName);
gExpectedEvents = t.expectedEvents;
t.create(src, type);
<div id="log" style="font-size: small"></div>