Name Description Size
avcodec.h @file @ingroup libavc Libavcodec external API header 150686
avfft.h @file @ingroup lavc_fft FFT functions 3111
bsf.h @addtogroup lavc_core @{ 10953
codec.h @addtogroup lavc_core @{ 17274
codec_desc.h @addtogroup lavc_core @{ 3847
codec_id.h @addtogroup lavc_core @{ 17002
codec_par.h @addtogroup lavc_core 7308
packet.h @defgroup lavc_packet AVPacket Types and functions for working with AVPacket. @{ 24401
vaapi.h @file @ingroup lavc_codec_hwaccel_vaapi Public libavcodec VA API header. 2297
vdpau.h @file @ingroup lavc_codec_hwaccel_vdpau Public libavcodec VDPAU header. 5796
version.h @file @ingroup libavc Libavcodec version macros. 4785