Name Description Size
AutoplayPolicy.cpp 17478
AutoplayPolicy.h AutoplayPolicy is used to manage autoplay logic for all kinds of media, including MediaElement, Web Audio and Web Speech. Autoplay could be disable by setting the pref "media.autoplay.default" to anything but nsIAutoplay::Allowed. Once user disables autoplay, media could only be played if one of following conditions is true. 1) Owner document is activated by user gestures We restrict user gestures to "mouse click", "keyboard press" and "touch". 2) Muted media content or video without audio content. 3) Document's origin has the "autoplay-media" permission. 2378
GVAutoplayPermissionRequest.cpp static 7948
GVAutoplayPermissionRequest.h This class is used to provide an ability for GeckoView (GV) to allow its embedder (application) to decide whether the autoplay media should be allowed or denied on the page. We have two types of request, one for audible media, another one for inaudible media. Each page would at most have one request per type at a time, and the result of request would be effective on that page until the page gets reloaded or closed. 3616
GVAutoplayRequestStatusIPC.h 752
GVAutoplayRequestUtils.h 796 833
nsIAutoplay.idl Possible values for the "media.autoplay.default" preference. 583