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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#if !defined(AutoplayPolicy_h_)
# define AutoplayPolicy_h_
# include "mozilla/NotNull.h"
class nsIPrincipal;
namespace mozilla::dom {
class HTMLMediaElement;
class AudioContext;
class Document;
enum class AutoplayPolicy : uint8_t;
enum class AutoplayPolicyMediaType : uint8_t;
} // namespace mozilla::dom
namespace mozilla::media {
* AutoplayPolicy is used to manage autoplay logic for all kinds of media,
* including MediaElement, Web Audio and Web Speech.
* Autoplay could be disable by setting the pref "media.autoplay.default"
* to anything but nsIAutoplay::Allowed. Once user disables autoplay, media
* could only be played if one of following conditions is true.
* 1) Owner document is activated by user gestures
* We restrict user gestures to "mouse click", "keyboard press" and "touch".
* 2) Muted media content or video without audio content.
* 3) Document's origin has the "autoplay-media" permission.
class AutoplayPolicy {
// Returns whether a given media element is allowed to play.
static bool IsAllowedToPlay(const dom::HTMLMediaElement& aElement);
// Returns whether a given AudioContext is allowed to play.
static bool IsAllowedToPlay(const dom::AudioContext& aContext);
// Return the value of the autoplay permission for given principal. The return
// value can be 0=unknown, 1=allow, 2=block audio, 5=block audio and video.
static uint32_t GetSiteAutoplayPermission(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
// Following methods are used for the internal implementation for the Autoplay
// Policy Detection API, the public JS interfaces are in exposed on Navigator.
static dom::AutoplayPolicy GetAutoplayPolicy(
const dom::HTMLMediaElement& aElement);
static dom::AutoplayPolicy GetAutoplayPolicy(
const dom::AudioContext& aContext);
static dom::AutoplayPolicy GetAutoplayPolicy(
const dom::AutoplayPolicyMediaType& aType, const dom::Document& aDoc);
} // namespace mozilla::media