Name Description Size
ActorsChild.cpp ThreadLocal **************************************************************************** 88757
ActorsChild.h 18906
ActorsParent.cpp 694463
ActorsParent.h 1915
ActorsParentCommon.cpp 25191
ActorsParentCommon.h 4351
components.conf 714
DatabaseFileInfo.cpp 509
DatabaseFileInfo.h 547
DatabaseFileInfoFwd.h 678
DatabaseFileManager.h 4744
DatabaseFileManagerImpl.h isDirectory 2973
DBSchema.cpp 6071
DBSchema.h 1660
FileInfo.h 1815
FileInfoImpl.h 4015
FileInfoManager.h 4012
FlippedOnce.h 1186
IDBCursor.cpp 27366
IDBCursor.h 9796
IDBCursorType.cpp 1484
IDBCursorType.h 4763
IDBDatabase.cpp 32591
IDBDatabase.h 6590
IDBEvents.cpp 3305
IDBEvents.h 3228
IDBFactory.cpp aAllowed 26996
IDBFactory.h 7208
IDBIndex.cpp aKeysOnly 19937
IDBIndex.h 5410
IDBKeyRange.cpp 8516
IDBKeyRange.h 3959
IDBObjectStore.cpp 57954
IDBObjectStore.h 10042
IDBRequest.cpp 13251
IDBRequest.h 7945
IDBResult.h 5360
IDBTransaction.cpp aDummy 33500
IDBTransaction.h 11143
IndexedDatabase.cpp 15608
IndexedDatabase.h 8064
IndexedDatabaseInlines.h 6152
IndexedDatabaseManager.cpp 26830
IndexedDatabaseManager.h 5182
IndexedDBCipherKeyManager.h 1458
IndexedDBCommon.cpp 1480
IndexedDBCommon.h 832
Key.cpp 35011
Key.h 9528
KeyPath.cpp 17616
KeyPath.h 3572 3086
nsIIDBPermissionsRequest.idl Interface for IDB permission requests. This is passed as the subject for the permission request observer service notifications. 856
nsIIndexedDatabaseManager.idl Loop over all storage repositories, descend into origin directories, collect all available IndexedDB databases and do maintenance for them. The maintenance checks database integrity first and then determines maintenance action which can be either "nothing" or "incremental vacuum" or "full vacuum". Incremental or full vacuum is then performed. If the dom.indexedDB.testing preference is not true the call will fail because the maintenance is normally initiated by the QuotaManager based on notifications from the nsIUserIdleService. This method is intented for testing purposes only. 1172
PBackgroundIDBCursor.ipdl 1940
PBackgroundIDBDatabase.ipdl 1872
PBackgroundIDBDatabaseFile.ipdl 536
PBackgroundIDBFactory.ipdl 1712
PBackgroundIDBFactoryRequest.ipdl 1024
PBackgroundIDBRequest.ipdl 3492
PBackgroundIDBSharedTypes.ipdlh 5559
PBackgroundIDBTransaction.ipdl 1538
PBackgroundIDBVersionChangeTransaction.ipdl 1521
PBackgroundIndexedDBUtils.ipdl 1093
ProfilerHelpers.cpp 7999
ProfilerHelpers.h 6791
ReportInternalError.cpp no IDB in private window 1020
ReportInternalError.h 1404
SafeRefPtr.h 14869
SchemaUpgrades.cpp 86487
SchemaUpgrades.h 932
ScriptErrorHelper.cpp aSourceLine 6576
ScriptErrorHelper.h nsIScriptError::xxxFlag 1243
SerializationHelpers.h 3133
ThreadLocal.h 2459