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Test Info: Warnings

<title>Test for Bug 574663</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 574663</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
/** Test for Bug 574663 **/
// SimpleTest's paint_listener does not work on other windows, so we inline
// a smaller version here.
function waitForPaint(win, utils, callback) {
if (!utils.isMozAfterPaintPending) {
win.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
var onpaint = function() {
if (!utils.isMozAfterPaintPending) {
win.removeEventListener("MozAfterPaint", onpaint);
if (utils.isTestControllingRefreshes) {
win.addEventListener("MozAfterPaint", onpaint);
if (utils.isTestControllingRefreshes) {
// This is a magic number representing how many device pixels we are attempting to
// scroll or zoom. We use it for sending the wheel events, but we don't actually
// check that we have scrolled by that amount.
var kDelta = 3;
function sendTouchpadScrollMotion(scrollbox, direction, ctrl, momentum, callback) {
var win = scrollbox.ownerDocument.defaultView;
let winUtils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(win);
let event = {
deltaMode: WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL,
deltaY: direction * kDelta,
lineOrPageDeltaY: direction,
ctrlKey: ctrl,
isMomentum: momentum
// Construct a promise that will resolve when either scroll or zoom has changed.
// --- Intermittent Warning ---
// Two wheel events are sent, but our promise resolves when any change has been
// made to scroll or zoom. That makes it possible that the effect of the second
// event may not yet be applied when the promise resolves. This shouldn't lead
// to any errors, since the two wheel events are moving in the same direction,
// and our later checks will only ensure that the value has changed from its
// initial value. This was done intentionally, because attempting to wait after
// both events yields problems when the second event has no effect, which does
// happen in testing. It's not clear why this is happening. Since the testing
// pattern is scroll (twice), then scroll back (twice), it's possible that the
// first scroll back event is sufficient to return the scrollbox to its minimal
// scrollTop position, and so the second event doesn't scroll any further.
const initialZoom = SpecialPowers.getFullZoom(win);
const initialScroll = scrollbox.scrollTop;
const effectOfWheelEvent = SimpleTest.promiseWaitForCondition(() => {
return ((SpecialPowers.getFullZoom(win) != initialZoom) || (scrollbox.scrollTop != initialScroll));
}, "Mouse wheel should have caused us to either zoom or scroll.");
synthesizeWheel(scrollbox, 10, 10, event, win);
// then additional pixel scroll
event.lineOrPageDeltaY = 0;
synthesizeWheel(scrollbox, 10, 10, event, win);
function runTest() {
var win = open('bug574663.html', '_blank', 'width=300,height=300');
let winUtils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(win);
let waitUntilPainted = function(callback) {
// Until the first non-blank paint, the parent will set the opacity of our
// browser to 0 using the 'blank' attribute.
// Until the blank attribute is removed, we can't send scroll events.
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() {
/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
let chromeScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(_ => {
/* eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script */
let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
win.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
win.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
/* eslint-enable no-shadow */
chromeScript.promiseOneMessage("blank-attribute-removed").then(() => {
waitForPaint(win, winUtils, callback);
}, win);
waitUntilPainted(function () {
var scrollbox = win.document.getElementById("scrollbox");
let outstandingTests = [
[false, false],
[false, true],
[true, false],
[true, true],
// grab the refresh driver, since we want to make sure
// async scrolls happen in deterministic time
function nextTest() {
let [ctrlKey, isMomentum] = outstandingTests.shift();
let scrollTopBefore = scrollbox.scrollTop;
let zoomFactorBefore = SpecialPowers.getFullZoom(win);
let check = function() {
if (!ctrlKey) {
let postfix = isMomentum ? ", even after releasing the touchpad" : "";
// Normal scroll: scroll
is(SpecialPowers.getFullZoom(win), zoomFactorBefore, "Normal scrolling shouldn't change zoom" + postfix);
isnot(scrollbox.scrollTop, scrollTopBefore,
"Normal scrolling should scroll" + postfix);
} else {
if (!isMomentum) {
isnot(SpecialPowers.getFullZoom(win), zoomFactorBefore, "Ctrl-scrolling should zoom while the user is touching the touchpad");
is(scrollbox.scrollTop, scrollTopBefore, "Ctrl-scrolling shouldn't scroll while the user is touching the touchpad");
} else {
is(SpecialPowers.getFullZoom(win), zoomFactorBefore, "Momentum scrolling shouldn't zoom, even when pressing Ctrl");
isnot(scrollbox.scrollTop, scrollTopBefore,
"Momentum scrolling should scroll, even when pressing Ctrl");
if (!outstandingTests.length) {
// Revert the effect for the next test.
sendTouchpadScrollMotion(scrollbox, -1, ctrlKey, isMomentum, function() {
setTimeout(nextTest, 0);
sendTouchpadScrollMotion(scrollbox, 1, ctrlKey, isMomentum, check);
window.onload = function() {
"set":[["general.smoothScroll", false],
["mousewheel.acceleration.start", -1],
["mousewheel.system_scroll_override.enabled", false],
["mousewheel.with_control.action", 3],
["", true]]}, runTest);