bug_1420589_iframe1.html |
545 |
bug_1420589_iframe2.html |
545 |
bug968148_inner.html |
Test for Bug 968148 |
11305 |
bug968148_inner2.html |
Test for Bug 968148 |
11290 |
bug1293174_implicit_pointer_capture_for_touch_1.html |
Pointer Events properties tests |
2928 |
bug1293174_implicit_pointer_capture_for_touch_2.html |
Pointer Events properties tests |
3042 |
chrome.toml |
132 |
file_pointercapture_xorigin_iframe.html |
Bug 1671849 |
1866 |
file_pointercapture_xorigin_iframe_pointerlock.html |
Bug 1671849 |
3866 |
file_pointercapture_xorigin_iframe_touch.html |
Bug 1671849 - Touch |
2173 |
file_test_trigger_fullscreen.html |
90 |
iframe.html |
85 |
mochitest.toml |
7144 |
mochitest_support_external.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok |
8835 |
mochitest_support_internal.js |
3168 |
pointerevent_utils.js |
1426 |
readme.md |
Directory for Pointer Events Tests |
322 |
test_bug968148.html |
Test for Bug 968148 |
1345 |
test_bug1285128.html |
Test for Bug 1285128 |
1764 |
test_bug1293174_implicit_pointer_capture_for_touch_1.html |
Test for Bug 1293174 |
1056 |
test_bug1293174_implicit_pointer_capture_for_touch_2.html |
Test for Bug 1293174 |
1057 |
test_bug1303704.html |
Test for Bug 1303704 |
3832 |
test_bug1315862.html |
Test for Bug 1315862 |
2441 |
test_bug1323158.html |
This is a test to check if target and relatedTarget of mouse events are the same as pointer events |
3794 |
test_bug1403055.html |
Test for Bug 1403055 |
3760 |
test_bug1420589_1.html |
Test for Bug 1420589 |
3705 |
test_bug1420589_2.html |
Test for Bug 1420589 |
4278 |
test_bug1420589_3.html |
Test for Bug 1420589 |
3942 |
test_bug1697769.xhtml |
2675 |
test_bug1725416.html |
Bug 1725416 |
1211 |
test_getCoalescedEvents.html |
Test for Bug 1303957 |
5474 |
test_getCoalescedEvents_during_button_press.html |
Test getCoalescedEvents() while a button is pressed |
5460 |
test_getCoalescedEvents_touch.html |
Test for Bug 1511231 |
4710 |
test_multiple_touches.html |
Test for Multiple Touches |
6191 |
test_pointercapture_remove_iframe.html |
Bug 1686037 |
2371 |
test_pointercapture_xorigin_iframe.html |
Test for pointer capture |
1329 |
test_pointermove_drag_scrollbar.html |
Test for Bug 1509710 |
2458 |
test_pointermove_isPrimary_subsequent_pens.html |
isPrimary=true for subsequent pen pointer events |
1090 |
test_remove_frame_when_got_pointer_capture.html |
Test for triggering popup by pointer events |
4583 |
test_synthesized_touch.html |
Test synthesized touch input |
1247 |
test_trigger_fullscreen_by_pointer_events.html |
Test for triggering Fullscreen by pointer events |
1822 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_attributes_hoverable_pointers-manual.html |
Test pointerevent attributes for hoverable pointers |
2968 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_attributes_nohover_pointers-manual.html |
Test pointerevent attributes for non-hoverable pointers |
1036 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_boundary_events_in_capturing-manual.html |
W3C pointerevent_boundary_events_in_capturing-manual.html in Mochitest form |
2324 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_drag_interaction-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1669673 |
1280 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_movementxy-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1399740 |
2641 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_multiple_primary_pointers_boundary_events-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
1147 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_pointercancel_touch-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
1027 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_pointerleave_after_pointercancel_touch-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
1046 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_pointerleave_pen-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
1082 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_pointerout_after_pointercancel_touch-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
1044 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_pointerout_pen-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
1080 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_releasepointercapture_events_to_original_target-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
2327 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_releasepointercapture_onpointercancel_touch-manual.html |
Test for Bug 1000870 |
1051 |
test_wpt_pointerevent_sequence_at_implicit_release_on_drag-manual.html |
W3C pointerevent_sequence_at_implicit_release_on_drag-manual.html in Mochitest form |
1084 |
test_wpt_touch_action.html |
W3C pointerevents/*touch-action*.html tests in Mochitest form |
4384 |
touch_action_helpers.js |
8088 |
wpt |