Name Description Size
blank_15000x10000.png 456146
driver-info.js 3626
es3-data.js 233625 <script> // SimpleTest.js replacement function debug(text) { var elem = document.getElementById('mochi-to-testcase-output'); elem.innerHTML += '\\n<br/>\\n' + text; } function ok(val, text) { var status = val ? 'Test <font color=\\'green\\'>passed</font>: ' : 'Test <font color=\\'red\\' >FAILED</font>: '; debug(status + text); } function todo(val, text) { var status = val ? 'Test <font color=\\'orange\\'>UNEXPECTED PASS</font>: ' : 'Test <font color=\\'blue\\' >todo</font>: '; debug(status + text); } function addLoadEvent(func) { window.addEventListener('load', func); } SimpleTest = { waitForExplicitFinish: () => {}, finish: () => {}, requestFlakyTimeout: () => {}, }; SpecialPowers = { pushPrefEnv: async (env, callback = null) => { console.log(`SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv(${JSON.stringify(env)})`); await new Promise(res => { setTimeout(res, 0); }); if (callback) { await callback(); } }, popPrefEnv: async (callback = null) => { console.log('SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv()'); await new Promise(res => { setTimeout(res, 0); }); if (callback) { await callback(); } }, }; </script> <div id='mochi-to-testcase-output'></div> 3125
mochitest.toml 9346
red-green.mp4 92225
red-green.webmvp8.webm 10979
red-green.webmvp9.webm 4309
test_backbuffer_channels.html WebGL test: bug 958723 3128
test_backends.html 3776
test_canvas_size.html WebGL test: Framebuffer maximum size test. (Bug 1290333) 1127
test_capture.html WebGL test: CaptureStream() 6501
test_cubemap_must_be_square.html 831
test_depth_readpixels.html WebGL test: Check for error on ReadPixels from a depth-only FB. 1701
test_depth_tex_lazy_clear.html 1541
test_draw.html WebGL test: Basic drawing 3176
test_draw_fakevert_large_offset.html 1670
test_fb_param.html WebGL test: bug 958491 1498
test_fb_param_crash.html WebGL test: bug 958723 1226
test_fuzzing_bugs.html WebGL fuzzy bugs 6189
test_has_rbab.html Fail without robust_buffer_access_behavior 1010
test_hidden_alpha.html WebGL test: Hidden alpha on no-alpha contexts 4055
test_hidden_depth_stencil.html WebGL test: Hidden depth/stencil passes without a depth/stencil buffer respectively 4876
test_highp_fs.html WebGL test: `highp` support 1482
test_imagedata_transfered_arraybuffer.html 808
test_implicit_color_buffer_float.html 6449
test_no_arr_points.html WebGL test: Drawing without attrib arrays 4769
test_noprog_draw.html WebGL test: Drawing with a null program 1686
test_pixel_pack_buffer.html 7168
test_privileged_exts.html WebGL test: Check for privileged ext access. 630
test_read_pixels_no_format.html 644
test_renderer_strings.html 6043
test_sab_with_webgl.html 6332
test_tex_large_uploads.html 2660
test_tex_pbo.html 2694
test_tex_unit_different_sampler_types.html 1248
test_texsubimage_float.html WebGL test: bug 1003607 1918
test_uninit_data.html Test contents of uninitialized buffers 2503
test_vertexattrib4f_update.html Bug 1426289 - vertexAttrib4f should actually update. 1538
test_video_fastpath.js 912
test_video_fastpath_mp4.html Video Fastpath upload test 700
test_video_fastpath_vp8.html Video Fastpath upload test 709
test_video_fastpath_vp9.html Video Fastpath upload test 709
test_webgl_available.html WebGL test: Check that WebGL works out-of-the-box. 466
test_webgl_compressed_texture_es3.html WebGL test: test WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc extension 25461
test_webgl_fingerprinting_resistance.html 2309
test_webgl_force_enable.html WebGL test: Check that WebGL works (or not) if it should (or should not). 1198
test_webgl_request_context.html WebGL test: 'webgl' and 'experimental-webgl' context requests succeed, 'moz-webgl' context requests fail. 1060
test_webgl_request_mismatch.html 2446
test_webgl2_alpha_luminance.html WebGL2 test: Alpha and Luminance Textures 3678
test_webgl2_invalidate_framebuffer.html WebGL2 test: Framebuffers 953
test_webgl2_not_exposed.html WebGL test: WebGL2RenderingContext only exposed when appropriate 733
test_webgl2_uniform_block.html WebGL2 test: using uniform blocks 2812
test_webglcontextcreationerror.html 1489
test_without_index_validation.html WebGL test: Drawing without index validation 2168
webgl-util.js 3882