Name Description Size
content_script.sys.mjs Called whenever a new global is instantiated in the current process @param {Debugger.Object} global 6354 471
process.sys.mjs Instantiate a content process target actor for the current process and for a given watcher actor. @param {Object} watcherDataObject 2714
service_worker.sys.mjs Called whenever the debugged browser element navigates to a new page and the URL's host changes. This is used to maintain the list of active Service Worker targets based on that host name. @param {Object} watcherDataObject See ContentProcessWatcherRegistry 1892
shared_worker.sys.mjs 541
window-global.sys.mjs Print information about operation being done against each Window Global. @param {WindowGlobalChild} windowGlobal The window global for which we should log a message. @param {String} message Message to log. 25592
worker.sys.mjs Called whenever a new Worker is instantiated in the current process @param {WorkerDebugger} dbg 15834