Name Description Size
clipboard.js Get the text of the element parameter, as provided by the Selection API. We need to rely on the Selection API as it mimics exactly what the user would have if they do a selection using the mouse and copy it. `HTMLElement.textContent` and `HTMLElement.innerText` follow a different codepath than user selection + copy. They both have issues when dealing with whitespaces, and therefore can't be used to have a reliable result. As the Selection API is exposed through the Window object, if we don't have a window we fallback to `HTMLElement.textContent`. @param {HTMLElement} el: The element we want the text of. @returns {String|null} The text of the element, or null if el is falsy. 1891
context-menu.js Create a Menu instance for the webconsole. @param {Event} context menu event {Object} message (optional) message object containing metadata such as: - {String} source - {String} request @param {Object} options - {Actions} bound actions - {WebConsoleWrapper} wrapper instance used for accessing properties like the store and window. 11890
id-generator.js 413
l10n.js Generates a formatted timestamp string for displaying in console messages. @param integer [milliseconds] Optional, allows you to specify the timestamp in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. @return string The timestamp formatted for display. 2025
messages.js Transforms a resource given its type. @param {Object} resource: This can be either a simple RDP packet or an object emitted by the Resource API. @param {Boolean} persistLogs: Value of the "Persist logs" setting 33837 390
object-inspector.js Create and return an ObjectInspector for the given front. @param {Object} grip The object grip to create an ObjectInspector for. @param {Object} serviceContainer Object containing various utility functions @param {Object} override Object containing props that should override the default props passed to ObjectInspector. @returns {ObjectInspector} An ObjectInspector for the given grip. 4733
prefs.js 1326