Name Description Size
ConfirmDialog.js 5537
EagerEvaluation.css Override Reps variables to turn eager eval output gray 2519
EagerEvaluation.js Show the results of evaluating the current terminal text, if possible. 4276
EditorToolbar.js 5170
EvaluationContextSelector.css This overrides the .devtools-dropdown-button:dir(rtl) rule from toolbars.css 1117
EvaluationContextSelector.js 11625
EvaluationNotification.css 1035
EvaluationNotification.js Show the results of evaluating the current terminal text, if possible. 1731
JSTerm.js Create a JSTerminal (a JavaScript command line). This is attached to an existing HeadsUpDisplay (a Web Console instance). This code is responsible with handling command line input and code evaluation. 50520 436
ReverseSearchInput.css Add a border radius match the borders of the window on Mac OS and hide the border radius on the right if the sidebar or editor is open. 3189
ReverseSearchInput.js 7926