Chart.js |
A factory for creating charts.
Example usage: let myChart = Chart.Pie(document, { ... });
17650 |
cubic-bezier.css |
Based on Lea Verou
See |
6152 |
CubicBezierPresets.js |
2219 |
CubicBezierWidget.js |
CubicBezier data structure helper
Accepts an array of coordinates and exposes a few useful getters
@param {Array} coordinates i.e. [.42, 0, .58, 1]
29015 |
filter-widget.css |
Main container: Displays the filters and presets in 2 columns |
5068 |
FilterWidget.js |
This is a CSS Filter Editor widget used
for Rule View's filter swatches
30866 |
linear-widget.css |
Timing Function Preview Widget |
2094 |
LinearEasingFunctionWidget.js |
This is a chart-like editor for linear() easing function, used in the Rules View.
23017 | |
586 |
ShapesInContextEditor.js |
The ShapesInContextEditor:
- communicates with the ShapesHighlighter actor from the server;
- listens to events for shape change and hover point coming from the shape-highlighter;
- writes shape value changes to the CSS declaration it was triggered from;
- synchronises highlighting coordinate points on mouse over between the shapes
highlighter and the shape value shown in the Rule view.
It is instantiated once in HighlightersOverlay by calls to .getInContextEditor().
12103 |
spectrum.css |
Mix-in classes |
8592 |
Spectrum.js |
Spectrum creates a color picker widget in any container you give it.
Simple usage example:
const {Spectrum} = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/Spectrum");
let s = new Spectrum(containerElement, [255, 126, 255, 1]);
s.on("changed", (rgba, color) => {
console.log("rgba(" + rgba[0] + ", " + rgba[1] + ", " + rgba[2] + ", " +
rgba[3] + ")");
Note that the color picker is hidden by default and you need to call show to
make it appear. This 2 stages initialization helps in cases you are creating
the color picker in a parent element that hasn't been appended anywhere yet
or that is hidden. Calling show() when the parent element is appended and
visible will allow spectrum to correctly initialize its various parts.
Fires the following events:
- changed : When the user changes the current color
22600 |
TableWidget.js |
A table widget with various features like resizble/toggleable columns,
sorting, keyboard navigation etc.
@param {Node} node
The container element for the table widget.
@param {object} options
- initialColumns: map of key vs display name for initial columns of
the table. See @setupColumns for more info.
- uniqueId: the column which will be the unique identifier of each
entry in the table. Default: name.
- wrapTextInElements: Don't ever use 'value' attribute on labels.
Default: false.
- emptyText: Localization ID for the text to display when there are
no entries in the table to display.
- highlightUpdated: true to highlight the changed/added row.
- removableColumns: Whether columns are removeable. If set to false,
the context menu in the headers will not appear.
- firstColumn: key of the first column that should appear.
- cellContextMenuId: ID of a <menupopup> element to be set as a
context menu of every cell.
56482 |
tooltip |
TreeWidget.js |
A tree widget with keyboard navigation and collapsable structure.
@param {Node} node
The container element for the tree widget.
@param {Object} options
- emptyText {string}: text to display when no entries in the table.
- defaultType {string}: The default type of the tree items. For ex.
- sorted {boolean}: Defaults to true. If true, tree items are kept in
lexical order. If false, items will be kept in insertion order.
- contextMenuId {string}: ID of context menu to be displayed on
tree items.
18281 |
view-helpers.js |
Helper for draining a rapid succession of events and invoking a callback
once everything settles down.
@param string id
A string identifier for the named timeout.
@param number wait
The amount of milliseconds to wait after no more events are fired.
@param function callback
Invoked when no more events are fired after the specified time.
12457 |
widgets.css |
BreacrumbsWidget |
2342 |