Name Description Size
codemirror.html CodeMirror: Basic Tests 8041
comment_test.js bar 4626
doc_test.js 11353
driver.js 4117
emacs_test.js , actions... 6182
mode_test.css 366
mode_test.js Helper to test CodeMirror highlighting modes. It pretty prints output of the highlighter and can check against expected styles. Mode tests are registered by calling test.mode(testName, mode, tokens), where mode is a mode object as returned by CodeMirror.getMode, and tokens is an array of lines that make up the test. These lines are strings, in which styled stretches of code are enclosed in brackets `[]`, and prefixed by their style. For example, `[keyword if]`. Brackets in the code itself must be duplicated to prevent them from being interpreted as token boundaries. For example `a[[i]]` for `a[i]`. If a token has multiple styles, the styles must be separated by ampersands, for example `[tag&error </hmtl>]`. See the test.js files in the css, markdown, gfm, and stex mode directories for examples. 7092
multi_test.js 10424
search_test.js 3321
sublime_test.js 10420
test.js 99016
vim_test.js buffer is empty 165600
vimemacs.html CodeMirror: VIM/Emacs tests 8155