Name Description Size
emacs.js 13811
sublime.js 25463
vim.js Supported keybindings: Too many to list. Refer to defaultKeymap below. Supported Ex commands: Refer to defaultExCommandMap below. Registers: unnamed, -, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 (Does not respect the special case for number registers when delete operator is made with these commands: %, (, ), , /, ?, n, N, {, } ) TODO: Implement the remaining registers. Marks: a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 TODO: Implement the remaining special marks. They have more complex behavior. Events: 'vim-mode-change' - raised on the editor anytime the current mode changes, Event object: {mode: "visual", subMode: "linewise"} Code structure: 1. Default keymap 2. Variable declarations and short basic helpers 3. Instance (External API) implementation 4. Internal state tracking objects (input state, counter) implementation and instantiation 5. Key handler (the main command dispatcher) implementation 6. Motion, operator, and action implementations 7. Helper functions for the key handler, motions, operators, and actions 8. Set up Vim to work as a keymap for CodeMirror. 9. Ex command implementations. 214970