Name Description Size
adb-addon.js Wrapper around the ADB Extension providing ADB binaries for devtools remote debugging. Fires the following events: - "update": the status of the addon was updated - "failure": addon installation failed - "progress": addon download in progress AdbAddon::state can take any of the values from ADB_ADDON_STATES. 4994
adb-binary.js Read contents from a given uri in the devtools-adb-extension and parse the contents as JSON. 6614
adb-client.js A module to track device changes Adapted from adb.js at 2517
adb-device.js A Device instance is created and registered with the Devices module whenever ADB notices a new device is connected. 1502
adb-process.js Stop the ADB server, but only if we started it. If it was started before us, we return immediately. 3932
adb-running-checker.js Uses host:version service to detect if ADB is running Modified from adb-file-transfer from original ADB 2576
adb-runtime.js 4022
adb-socket.js Dump the first few bytes of the given array to the console. @param {TypedArray} inputArray the array to dump 1922
adb.js This method will emit "runtime-list-ready" to notify the consumer that the list of runtimes is ready to be retrieved. 5118
commands 567