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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at <>. */
"use strict";
// Make this available to both AMD and CJS environments
define(function (require, exports, module) {
// Dependencies
const validProtocols = /(http|https|ftp|data|resource|chrome):/i;
// URL Regex, common idioms:
// Lead-in (URL):
// ( Capture because we need to know if there was a lead-in
// character so we can include it as part of the text
// preceding the match. We lack look-behind matching.
// ^| The URL can start at the beginning of the string.
// [\s(,;'"`“] Or whitespace or some punctuation that does not imply
// a context which would preclude a URL.
// )
// We do not need a trailing look-ahead because our regex's will terminate
// because they run out of characters they can eat.
// What we do not attempt to have the regexp do:
// - Avoid trailing '.' and ')' characters. We let our greedy match absorb
// these, but have a separate regex for extra characters to leave off at the
// end.
// The Regex (apart from lead-in/lead-out):
// ( Begin capture of the URL
// (?: (potential detect beginnings)
// https?:\/\/| Start with "http" or "https"
// www\d{0,3}[.][a-z0-9.\-]{2,249}|
// Start with "www", up to 3 numbers, then "." then
// something that looks domain-namey. We differ from the
// next case in that we do not constrain the top-level
// domain as tightly and do not require a trailing path
// indicator of "/". This is IDN root compatible.
// [a-z0-9.\-]{2,250}[.][a-z]{2,4}\/
// Detect a non-www domain, but requiring a trailing "/"
// to indicate a path. This only detects IDN domains
// with a non-IDN root. This is reasonable in cases where
// there is no explicit http/https start us out, but
// unreasonable where there is. Our real fix is the bug
// to port the Thunderbird/gecko linkification logic.
// Domain names can be up to 253 characters long, and are
// limited to a-zA-Z0-9 and '-'. The roots don't have
// hyphens unless they are IDN roots. Root zones can be
// )
// [-\w.!~*'();,/?:@&=+$#%]*
// path onwards. We allow the set of characters that
// encodeURI does not escape plus the result of escaping
// (so also '%')
// )
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const urlRegex =
// Set of terminators that are likely to have been part of the context rather
// than part of the URL and so should be uneaten. This is '(', ',', ';', plus
// quotes and question end-ing punctuation and the potential permutations with
// parentheses (english-specific).
const uneatLastUrlCharsRegex = /(?:[),;.!?`'"]|[.!?]\)|\)[.!?])$/;
const ELLIPSIS = "\u2026";
const dom = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories");
const { span } = dom;
function escapeNewLines(value) {
return value.replace(/\r/gm, "\\r").replace(/\n/gm, "\\n");
// Map from character code to the corresponding escape sequence. \0
// isn't here because it would require special treatment in some
// situations. \b, \f, and \v aren't here because they aren't very
// common. \' isn't here because there's no need, we only
// double-quote strings.
const escapeMap = {
// Tab.
9: "\\t",
// Newline.
0xa: "\\n",
// Carriage return.
0xd: "\\r",
// Quote.
0x22: '\\"',
// Backslash.
0x5c: "\\\\",
// All characters we might possibly want to escape, excluding quotes.
// Note that we over-match here, because it's difficult to, say, match
// an unpaired surrogate with a regexp. The details are worked out by
// the replacement function; see |escapeString|.
const commonEscapes =
// Backslash.
"\\\\" +
// Controls.
"\x00-\x1f" +
// More controls.
"\x7f-\x9f" +
// BOM
"\ufeff" +
// Specials, except for the replacement character.
"\ufff0-\ufffc\ufffe\uffff" +
// Surrogates.
"\ud800-\udfff" +
// Mathematical invisibles.
"\u2061-\u2064" +
// Line and paragraph separators.
"\u2028-\u2029" +
// Private use area.
const escapeRegexp = new RegExp(`[${commonEscapes}]`, "g");
const escapeRegexpIncludingDoubleQuote = new RegExp(
* Escape a string so that the result is viewable and valid JS.
* Control characters, other invisibles, invalid characters, and backslash
* are escaped. The resulting string is quoted with either double quotes,
* single quotes, or backticks. The preference is for a quote that doesn't
* require escaping, falling back to double quotes if that's not possible
* (and then escaping them in the string).
* @param {String} str
* the input
* @param {Boolean} escapeWhitespace
* if true, TAB, CR, and NL characters will be escaped
* @return {String} the escaped string
function escapeString(str, escapeWhitespace) {
let quote = '"';
let regexp = escapeRegexp;
if (str.includes('"')) {
if (!str.includes("'")) {
quote = "'";
} else if (!str.includes("`") && !str.includes("${")) {
quote = "`";
} else {
regexp = escapeRegexpIncludingDoubleQuote;
return `${quote}${str.replace(regexp, (match, offset) => {
const c = match.charCodeAt(0);
if (c in escapeMap) {
if (!escapeWhitespace && (c === 9 || c === 0xa || c === 0xd)) {
return match[0];
return escapeMap[c];
if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdfff) {
// Find the full code point containing the surrogate, with a
// special case for a trailing surrogate at the start of the
// string.
if (c >= 0xdc00 && offset > 0) {
const codePoint = str.codePointAt(offset);
if (codePoint >= 0xd800 && codePoint <= 0xdfff) {
// Unpaired surrogate.
return `\\u${codePoint.toString(16)}`;
} else if (codePoint >= 0xf0000 && codePoint <= 0x10fffd) {
// Private use area. Because we visit each pair of a such a
// character, return the empty string for one half and the
// real result for the other, to avoid duplication.
if (c <= 0xdbff) {
return `\\u{${codePoint.toString(16)}}`;
return "";
// Other surrogate characters are passed through.
return match;
return `\\u${`0000${c.toString(16)}`.substr(-4)}`;
* Escape a property name, if needed. "Escaping" in this context
* means surrounding the property name with quotes.
* @param {String}
* name the property name
* @return {String} either the input, or the input surrounded by
* quotes, properly quoted in JS syntax.
function maybeEscapePropertyName(name) {
// Quote the property name if it needs quoting. This particular
// test is an approximation; see
// the full solution requires a fair amount of Unicode data, and so
// let's defer that until either it's important, or the \p regexp
// syntax lands, see
if (!/^\w+$/.test(name)) {
name = escapeString(name);
return name;
function cropMultipleLines(text, limit) {
return escapeNewLines(cropString(text, limit));
function rawCropString(text, limit, alternativeText = ELLIPSIS) {
// Crop the string only if a limit is actually specified.
if (!limit || limit <= 0) {
return text;
// Set the limit at least to the length of the alternative text
// plus one character of the original text.
if (limit <= alternativeText.length) {
limit = alternativeText.length + 1;
const halfLimit = (limit - alternativeText.length) / 2;
if (text.length > limit) {
return (
text.substr(0, Math.ceil(halfLimit)) +
alternativeText +
text.substr(text.length - Math.floor(halfLimit))
return text;
function cropString(text, limit, alternativeText) {
return rawCropString(sanitizeString(`${text}`), limit, alternativeText);
function sanitizeString(text) {
// Replace all non-printable characters, except of
// (horizontal) tab (HT: \x09) and newline (LF: \x0A, CR: \x0D),
// with unicode replacement character (u+fffd).
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
const re = new RegExp("[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]", "g");
return text.replace(re, "\ufffd");
function parseURLParams(url) {
url = new URL(url);
return parseURLEncodedText(url.searchParams);
function parseURLEncodedText(text) {
const params = [];
// In case the text is empty just return the empty parameters
if (text == "") {
return params;
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(text);
const entries = [...searchParams.entries()];
return => {
return {
name: entry[0],
value: entry[1],
function getFileName(url) {
const split = splitURLBase(url);
function splitURLBase(url) {
if (!isDataURL(url)) {
return splitURLTrue(url);
return {};
function getURLDisplayString(url) {
return cropString(url);
function isDataURL(url) {
return url && url.substr(0, 5) == "data:";
function splitURLTrue(url) {
const reSplitFile = /(.*?):\/{2,3}([^\/]*)(.*?)([^\/]*?)($|\?.*)/;
const m = reSplitFile.exec(url);
if (!m) {
return {
name: url,
path: url,
} else if (m[4] == "" && m[5] == "") {
return {
protocol: m[1],
domain: m[2],
path: m[3],
name: m[3] != "/" ? m[3] : m[2],
return {
protocol: m[1],
domain: m[2],
path: m[2] + m[3],
name: m[4] + m[5],
* Wrap the provided render() method of a rep in a try/catch block that will
* render a fallback rep if the render fails.
function wrapRender(renderMethod) {
const wrappedFunction = function (props) {
try {
return, props);
} catch (e) {
return span(
className: "objectBox objectBox-failure",
"This object could not be rendered, " +
"please file a bug on",
/* Labels have to be hardcoded for reps, see Bug 1317038. */
"Invalid object"
wrappedFunction.propTypes = renderMethod.propTypes;
return wrappedFunction;
* Get preview items from a Grip.
* @param {Object} Grip from which we want the preview items
* @return {Array} Array of the preview items of the grip, or an empty array
* if the grip does not have preview items
function getGripPreviewItems(grip) {
if (!grip) {
return [];
// Array Grip
if (grip.preview && grip.preview.items) {
return grip.preview.items;
// Node Grip
if (grip.preview && grip.preview.childNodes) {
return grip.preview.childNodes;
// Set or Map Grip
if (grip.preview && grip.preview.entries) {
return grip.preview.entries.reduce((res, entry) => res.concat(entry), []);
// Event Grip
if (grip.preview && {
const keys = Object.keys(;
const values = Object.values(;
return [, ...keys, ...values];
// RegEx Grip
if (grip.displayString) {
return [grip.displayString];
// Generic Grip
if (grip.preview && grip.preview.ownProperties) {
let propertiesValues = Object.values(grip.preview.ownProperties).map(
property => property.value || property
const propertyKeys = Object.keys(grip.preview.ownProperties);
propertiesValues = propertiesValues.concat(propertyKeys);
// ArrayBuffer Grip
if (grip.preview.safeGetterValues) {
propertiesValues = propertiesValues.concat(
property => property.getterValue || property
return propertiesValues;
return [];
* Get the type of an object.
* @param {Object} Grip from which we want the type.
* @param {boolean} noGrip true if the object is not a grip.
* @return {boolean}
function getGripType(object, noGrip) {
if (noGrip || Object(object) !== object) {
return typeof object;
if (object.type === "object") {
return object.class;
return object.type;
* Determines whether a grip is a string containing a URL.
* @param string grip
* The grip, which may contain a URL.
* @return boolean
* Whether the grip is a string containing a URL.
function containsURL(grip) {
// An URL can't be shorter than 5 char (e.g. "ftp:").
if (typeof grip !== "string" || grip.length < 5) {
return false;
return validProtocols.test(grip);
* Determines whether a string token is a valid URL.
* @param string token
* The token.
* @return boolean
* Whether the token is a URL.
function isURL(token) {
try {
if (!validProtocols.test(token)) {
return false;
new URL(token);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Returns new array in which `char` are interleaved between the original items.
* @param {Array} items
* @param {String} char
* @returns Array
function interleave(items, char) {
return items.reduce((res, item, index) => {
if (index !== items.length - 1) {
return res.concat(item, char);
return res.concat(item);
}, []);
const ellipsisElement = span(
key: "more",
className: "more-ellipsis",
title: `more${ELLIPSIS}`,
* Removes any unallowed CSS properties from a string of CSS declarations
* @param {String} userProvidedStyle CSS declarations
* @param {Function} createElement Method to create a dummy element the styles get applied to
* @returns {Object} Filtered CSS properties as JavaScript object in camelCase notation
function cleanupStyle(userProvidedStyle, createElement) {
// Regular expression that matches the allowed CSS property names.
const allowedStylesRegex = new RegExp(
"^(?:-moz-)?(?:align|background|border|box|clear|color|cursor|display|" +
"float|font|justify|line|margin|padding|position|text|transition" +
"|outline|vertical-align|white-space|word|writing|" +
const mozElementRegex = /\b((?:-moz-)?element)[\s('"]+/gi;
// Regex to retrieve usages of `url(*)` in property value
const cssUrlRegex = /url\([\'\"]?([^\)]*)/g;
// Use a dummy element to parse the style string.
const dummy = createElement("div"); = userProvidedStyle;
// Return a style object as expected by React DOM components, e.g.
// {color: "red"}
// without forbidden properties and values.
return Array.from(
.filter(name => {
if (!allowedStylesRegex.test(name)) {
return false;
if (mozElementRegex.test(name)) {
return false;
if (name === "position") {
return ["static", "relative"].includes(
// There can be multiple call to `url()` (e.g.` background: url("path/to/image"), url("data:image/png,…");`);
// filter out the property if the url function is called with anything that is not
// a data URL.
return Array.from([name].matchAll(cssUrlRegex))
.map(match => match[1])
.every(potentialUrl => potentialUrl.startsWith("data:"));
.reduce((object, name) => {
// React requires CSS properties to be provided in JavaScript form, i.e. camelCased.
const jsName = name.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (_, char) =>
return Object.assign(
}, {});
* Append has-rtl-char to className if passed string has RTL chars.
* has-rtl-char is used in reps.css to set `unicode-bidi: isolate` on the element.
* It's important to only apply it when needed as this CSS property can have an
* important impact on performance (See Bug 1879806)
* @param {String} className: The className want to set on an element
* @param {String} strToCheck: The string for which we want to check if it has RTL chars
* @returns {String}
function appendRTLClassNameIfNeeded(className = "", strToCheck) {
if (
// The JSONViewer, which uses some Reps component, doesn't have access to Services.
typeof Services == "undefined" ||
) {
return className;
return `${className} has-rtl-char`;
module.exports = {