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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* Wait for a single requestAnimationFrame tick.
function tick() {
return new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
* It can be confusing when waiting for something asynchronously. This function
* logs out a message periodically (every 1 second) in order to create helpful
* log messages.
* @param {string} message
* @returns {Function}
function createPeriodicLogger() {
let startTime =;
let lastCount = 0;
let lastMessage = null;
return message => {
if (lastMessage === message) {
// The messages are the same, check if we should log them.
const now =;
const count = Math.floor((now - startTime) / 1000);
if (count !== lastCount) {
`${message} (After ${count} ${count === 1 ? "second" : "seconds"})`
lastCount = count;
} else {
// The messages are different, log them now, and reset the waiting time.
startTime =;
lastCount = 0;
lastMessage = message;
* Wait until a condition is fullfilled.
* @param {Function} condition
* @param {string?} logMessage
* @return The truthy result of the condition.
async function waitUntil(condition, message) {
const logPeriodically = createPeriodicLogger();
// Loop through the condition.
while (true) {
if (message) {
const result = condition();
if (result) {
return result;
await tick();
* This function looks inside of a container for some element that has a label.
* It runs in a loop every requestAnimationFrame until it finds the element. If
* it doesn't find the element it throws an error.
* @param {Element} container
* @param {string} label
* @returns {Promise<HTMLElement>}
function getElementByLabel(container, label) {
return waitUntil(
() => container.querySelector(`[label="${label}"]`),
`Trying to find the button with the label "${label}".`
/* exported getElementByLabel */
* This function looks inside of a container for some element that has a tooltip.
* It runs in a loop every requestAnimationFrame until it finds the element. If
* it doesn't find the element it throws an error.
* @param {Element} container
* @param {string} tooltip
* @returns {Promise<HTMLElement>}
function getElementByTooltip(container, tooltip) {
return waitUntil(
() => container.querySelector(`[tooltiptext="${tooltip}"]`),
`Trying to find the button with the tooltip "${tooltip}".`
/* exported getElementByTooltip */
* This function will select a node from the XPath.
* @returns {HTMLElement?}
function getElementByXPath(document, path) {
return document.evaluate(
/* exported getElementByXPath */
* This function looks inside of a document for some element that contains
* the given text. It runs in a loop every requestAnimationFrame until it
* finds the element. If it doesn't find the element it throws an error.
* @param {HTMLDocument} document
* @param {string} text
* @returns {Promise<HTMLElement>}
async function getElementFromDocumentByText(document, text) {
// Fallback on aria-label if there are no results for the text xpath.
const xpath = `//*[contains(text(), '${text}')] | //*[contains(@aria-label, '${text}')]`;
return waitUntil(
() => getElementByXPath(document, xpath),
`Trying to find the element with the text "${text}".`
/* exported getElementFromDocumentByText */
* This function is similar to getElementFromDocumentByText, but it immediately
* returns and does not wait for an element to exist.
* @param {HTMLDocument} document
* @param {string} text
* @returns {HTMLElement?}
function maybeGetElementFromDocumentByText(document, text) {
info(`Immediately trying to find the element with the text "${text}".`);
const xpath = `//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`;
return getElementByXPath(document, xpath);
/* exported maybeGetElementFromDocumentByText */
* Make sure the profiler popup is enabled.
async function makeSureProfilerPopupIsEnabled() {
info("Make sure the profiler popup is enabled.");
info("> Load the profiler menu button.");
const { ProfilerMenuButton } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
if (!ProfilerMenuButton.isInNavbar()) {
// Make sure the feature flag is enabled.
set: [["devtools.performance.popup.feature-flag", true]],
info("> The menu button is not in the nav bar, add it.");
await waitUntil(
() => gBrowser.ownerDocument.getElementById("profiler-button"),
"> Waiting until the profiler button is added to the browser."
await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(gBrowser.ownerGlobal);
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
"Clean up after the test by disabling the profiler popup menu button."
if (!ProfilerMenuButton.isInNavbar()) {
throw new Error(
"Expected the profiler popup to still be in the navbar during the test cleanup."
} else {
info("> The menu button was already enabled.");
/* exported makeSureProfilerPopupIsEnabled */
* XUL popups will fire the popupshown and popuphidden events. These will fire for
* any type of popup in the browser. This function waits for one of those events, and
* checks that the viewId of the popup is PanelUI-profiler
* @param {Window} window
* @param {"popupshown" | "popuphidden"} eventName
* @returns {Promise<void>}
function waitForProfilerPopupEvent(window, eventName) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
function handleEvent(event) {
if ("viewId") === "PanelUI-profiler") {
window.removeEventListener(eventName, handleEvent);
window.addEventListener(eventName, handleEvent);
/* exported waitForProfilerPopupEvent */
* Do not use this directly in a test. Prefer withPopupOpen and openPopupAndEnsureCloses.
* This function toggles the profiler menu button, and then uses user gestures
* to click it open. It waits a tick to make sure it has a chance to initialize.
* @param {Window} window
* @return {Promise<void>}
async function _toggleOpenProfilerPopup(window) {
info("Toggle open the profiler popup.");
info("> Find the profiler menu button.");
const profilerDropmarker = window.document.getElementById(
if (!profilerDropmarker) {
throw new Error(
"Could not find the profiler button dropmarker in the toolbar."
const popupShown = waitForProfilerPopupEvent(window, "popupshown");
info("> Trigger a click on the profiler button dropmarker.");
await EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(profilerDropmarker, {}, window);
if (profilerDropmarker.getAttribute("open") !== "true") {
throw new Error(
"This test assumes that the button will have an open=true attribute after clicking it."
info("> Wait for the popup to be shown.");
await popupShown;
// Also wait a tick in case someone else is subscribing to the "popupshown" event
// and is doing synchronous work with it.
await tick();
* Do not use this directly in a test. Prefer withPopupOpen.
* This function uses a keyboard shortcut to close the profiler popup.
* @param {Window} window
* @return {Promise<void>}
async function _closePopup(window) {
const popupHiddenPromise = waitForProfilerPopupEvent(window, "popuphidden");
info("> Trigger an escape key to hide the popup");
info("> Wait for the popup to be hidden.");
await popupHiddenPromise;
// Also wait a tick in case someone else is subscribing to the "popuphidden" event
// and is doing synchronous work with it.
await tick();
* Perform some action on the popup, and close it afterwards.
* @param {Window} window
* @param {() => Promise<void>} callback
async function withPopupOpen(window, callback) {
await _toggleOpenProfilerPopup(window);
await callback();
await _closePopup(window);
/* exported withPopupOpen */
* This function opens the profiler popup, but also ensures that something else closes
* it before the end of the test. This is useful for tests that trigger the profiler
* popup to close through an implicit action, like opening a tab.
* @param {Window} window
* @param {() => Promise<void>} callback
async function openPopupAndEnsureCloses(window, callback) {
await _toggleOpenProfilerPopup(window);
// We want to ensure the popup gets closed by the test, during the callback.
const popupHiddenPromise = waitForProfilerPopupEvent(window, "popuphidden");
await callback();
info("> Verifying that the popup was closed by the test.");
await popupHiddenPromise;
/* exported openPopupAndEnsureCloses */
* This function overwrites the default URL for tests. This
* ensures that the tests do not attempt to access external URLs.
* The origin needs to be on the allowlist in validateProfilerWebChannelUrl,
* otherwise the WebChannel won't work. ("" is on that list.)
* @param {string} origin - For example:
* @param {string} pathname - For example: /my/testing/frontend.html
* @returns {Promise}
function setProfilerFrontendUrl(origin, pathname) {
return SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
// Make sure observer and testing function run in the same process
["devtools.performance.recording.ui-base-url", origin],
["devtools.performance.recording.ui-base-url-path", pathname],
/* exported setProfilerFrontendUrl */
* This function checks the document title of a tab to see what the state is.
* This creates a simple messaging mechanism between the content page and the
* test harness. This function runs in a loop every requestAnimationFrame, and
* checks for a sucess title. In addition, an "initialTitle" and "errorTitle"
* can be specified for nicer test output.
* @param {object}
* {
* initialTitle: string,
* successTitle: string,
* errorTitle: string
* }
async function checkTabLoadedProfile({
}) {
const logPeriodically = createPeriodicLogger();
info("Attempting to see if the selected tab can receive a profile.");
return waitUntil(() => {
switch (gBrowser.selectedTab.label) {
case initialTitle:
logPeriodically(`> Waiting for the profile to be received.`);
return false;
case successTitle:
ok(true, "The profile was successfully injected to the page");
return true;
case errorTitle:
throw new Error(
"The fake frontend indicated that there was an error injecting the profile."
logPeriodically(`> Waiting for the fake frontend tab to be loaded.`);
return false;
/* exported checkTabLoadedProfile */
* This function checks the url of a tab so we can assert the frontend's url
* with our expected url. This function runs in a loop every
* requestAnimationFrame, and checks for a initialTitle. Asserts as soon as it
* finds that title. We don't have to look for success title or error title
* since we only care about the url.
* @param {{
* initialTitle: string,
* successTitle: string,
* errorTitle: string,
* expectedUrl: string
* }}
async function waitForTabUrl({
}) {
const logPeriodically = createPeriodicLogger();
info(`Waiting for the selected tab to have the url "${expectedUrl}".`);
return waitUntil(() => {
switch (gBrowser.selectedTab.label) {
case initialTitle:
case successTitle:
if (gBrowser.currentURI.spec === expectedUrl) {
ok(true, `The selected tab has the url ${expectedUrl}`);
return true;
throw new Error(
`Found a different url on the fake frontend: ${gBrowser.currentURI.spec} (expecting ${expectedUrl})`
case errorTitle:
throw new Error(
"The fake frontend indicated that there was an error injecting the profile."
logPeriodically(`> Waiting for the fake frontend tab to be loaded.`);
return false;
/* exported waitForTabUrl */
* This function checks the document title of a tab as an easy way to pass
* messages from a content page to the mochitest.
* @param {string} title
async function waitForTabTitle(title) {
const logPeriodically = createPeriodicLogger();
info(`Waiting for the selected tab to have the title "${title}".`);
return waitUntil(() => {
if (gBrowser.selectedTab.label === title) {
ok(true, `The selected tab has the title ${title}`);
return true;
logPeriodically(`> Waiting for the tab title to change.`);
return false;
/* exported waitForTabTitle */
* Open about:profiling in a new tab, and output helpful log messages.
* @template T
* @param {(Document) => T} callback
* @returns {Promise<T>}
function withAboutProfiling(callback) {
info("Begin to open about:profiling in a new tab.");
return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(
async contentBrowser => {
info("about:profiling is now open in a tab.");
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() =>
"Document's root has been populated"
return callback(contentBrowser.contentDocument);
/* exported withAboutProfiling */
* Open DevTools and view the performance-new tab. After running the callback, clean
* up the test.
* @param {string} [url="about:blank"] url for the new tab
* @param {(Document, Document) => unknown} callback: the first parameter is the
* devtools panel's document, the
* second parameter is the opened tab's
* document.
* @param {Window} [aWindow] The browser's window object we target
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function withDevToolsPanel(url, callback, aWindow = window) {
if (typeof url === "function") {
aWindow = callback ?? window;
callback = url;
url = "about:blank";
const { gBrowser } = aWindow;
const {
info(`Create a new tab with url "${url}".`);
const tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, url);
info("Begin to open the DevTools and the performance-new panel.");
const toolbox = await gDevTools.showToolboxForTab(tab, {
toolId: "performance",
const { document } = toolbox.getCurrentPanel().panelWin;
info("The performance-new panel is now open and ready to use.");
await callback(document, tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument);
info("About to remove the about:blank tab");
await toolbox.destroy();
// The previous asynchronous functions may resolve within a tick after opening a new tab.
// We shouldn't remove the newly opened tab in the same tick.
// Wait for the next tick here.
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
// Take care to register the TabClose event before we call removeTab, to avoid
// race issues.
const waitForClosingPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForTabClosing(tab);
info("Requested closing the about:blank tab, waiting...");
await waitForClosingPromise;
info("The about:blank tab is now removed.");
/* exported withDevToolsPanel */
* Start and stop the profiler to get the current active configuration. This is
* done programmtically through the nsIProfiler interface, rather than through click
* interactions, since the about:profiling page does not include buttons to control
* the recording.
* @returns {Object}
function getActiveConfiguration() {
const BackgroundJSM = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { startProfiler, stopProfiler } = BackgroundJSM;
info("Start the profiler with the current about:profiling configuration.");
// Immediately pause the sampling, to make sure the test runs fast. The profiler
// only needs to be started to initialize the configuration.
const { activeConfiguration } = Services.profiler;
if (!activeConfiguration) {
throw new Error(
"Expected to find an active configuration for the profile."
info("Stop the profiler after getting the active configuration.");
return activeConfiguration;
/* exported getActiveConfiguration */
* Start the profiler programmatically and check that the active configuration has
* a feature enabled
* @param {string} feature
* @return {boolean}
function activeConfigurationHasFeature(feature) {
const { features } = getActiveConfiguration();
return features.includes(feature);
/* exported activeConfigurationHasFeature */
* Start the profiler programmatically and check that the active configuration is
* tracking a thread.
* @param {string} thread
* @return {boolean}
function activeConfigurationHasThread(thread) {
const { threads } = getActiveConfiguration();
return threads.includes(thread);
/* exported activeConfigurationHasThread */
* Use user driven events to start the profiler, and then get the active configuration
* of the profiler. This is similar to functions in the head.js file, but is specific
* for the DevTools situation. The UI complains if the profiler stops unexpectedly.
* @param {Document} document
* @param {string} feature
* @returns {boolean}
async function devToolsActiveConfigurationHasFeature(document, feature) {
info("Get the active configuration of the profiler via user driven events.");
const start = await getActiveButtonFromText(document, "Start recording");
info("Click the button to start recording.");;
// Get the cancel button first, so that way we know the profile has actually
// been recorded.
const cancel = await getActiveButtonFromText(document, "Cancel recording");
const { activeConfiguration } = Services.profiler;
if (!activeConfiguration) {
throw new Error(
"Expected to find an active configuration for the profile."
info("Click the cancel button to discard the profile..");;
// Wait until the start button is back.
await getActiveButtonFromText(document, "Start recording");
return activeConfiguration.features.includes(feature);
/* exported devToolsActiveConfigurationHasFeature */
* This adapts the expectation using the current build's available profiler
* features.
* @param {string} fixture It can be either already trimmed or untrimmed.
* @returns {string}
function _adaptCustomPresetExpectationToCustomBuild(fixture) {
const supportedFeatures = Services.profiler.GetFeatures();
info("Supported features are: " + supportedFeatures.join(", "));
// Some platforms do not support stack walking, we can adjust the passed
// fixture so that tests are passing in these platforms too.
// Most notably MacOS outside of Nightly and DevEdition.
if (!supportedFeatures.includes("stackwalk")) {
"Supported features do not include stackwalk, let's remove the Native Stacks from the expected output."
fixture = fixture.replace(/^.*Native Stacks.*\n/m, "");
return fixture;
* Get the content of the preset description.
* @param {Element} devtoolsDocument
* @returns {string}
function getDevtoolsCustomPresetContent(devtoolsDocument) {
return devtoolsDocument.querySelector(".perf-presets-custom").innerText;
/* exported getDevtoolsCustomPresetContent */
* This checks if the content of the preset description equals the fixture in
* string form.
* @param {Element} devtoolsDocument
* @param {string} fixture
function checkDevtoolsCustomPresetContent(devtoolsDocument, fixture) {
// This removes all indentations and any start or end new line and other space characters.
fixture = fixture.replace(/^\s+/gm, "").trim();
// This removes unavailable features from the fixture content.
fixture = _adaptCustomPresetExpectationToCustomBuild(fixture);
is(getDevtoolsCustomPresetContent(devtoolsDocument), fixture);
/* exported checkDevtoolsCustomPresetContent */
* Selects an element with some given text, then it walks up the DOM until it finds
* an input or select element via a call to querySelector.
* @param {Document} document
* @param {string} text
* @param {HTMLInputElement}
async function getNearestInputFromText(document, text) {
const textElement = await getElementFromDocumentByText(document, text);
if (textElement.control) {
// This is a label, just grab the input.
return textElement.control;
// A non-label node
let next = textElement;
while ((next = next.parentElement)) {
const input = next.querySelector("input, select");
if (input) {
return input;
throw new Error("Could not find an input or select near the text element.");
/* exported getNearestInputFromText */
* Grabs the closest button element from a given snippet of text, and make sure
* the button is not disabled.
* @param {Document} document
* @param {string} text
* @param {HTMLButtonElement}
async function getActiveButtonFromText(document, text) {
// This could select a span inside the button, or the button itself.
let button = await getElementFromDocumentByText(document, text);
while (button.tagName !== "button") {
// Walk up until a button element is found.
button = button.parentElement;
if (!button) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find a button from the text "${text}"`);
await waitUntil(
() => !button.disabled,
"Waiting until the button is not disabled."
return button;
/* exported getActiveButtonFromText */
* Wait until the profiler menu button is added.
* @returns Promise<void>
async function waitForProfilerMenuButton() {
info("Checking if the profiler menu button is enabled.");
await waitUntil(
() => gBrowser.ownerDocument.getElementById("profiler-button"),
"> Waiting until the profiler button is added to the browser."
/* exported waitForProfilerMenuButton */
* Make sure the profiler popup is disabled for the test.
async function makeSureProfilerPopupIsDisabled() {
info("Make sure the profiler popup is dsiabled.");
info("> Load the profiler menu button module.");
const { ProfilerMenuButton } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const isOriginallyInNavBar = ProfilerMenuButton.isInNavbar();
if (isOriginallyInNavBar) {
info("> The menu button is in the navbar, remove it for this test.");
} else {
info("> The menu button was not in the navbar yet.");
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
info("Revert the profiler menu button to be back in its original place");
if (isOriginallyInNavBar !== ProfilerMenuButton.isInNavbar()) {
/* exported makeSureProfilerPopupIsDisabled */
* Open the WebChannel test document, that will enable the profiler popup via
* WebChannel.
* @param {Function} callback
function withWebChannelTestDocument(callback) {
return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(
/* exported withWebChannelTestDocument */
// This has been stolen from the great library dom-testing-library.
// function written after some investigation here:
function setNativeValue(element, value) {
const { set: valueSetter } =
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(element, "value") || {};
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(element);
const { set: prototypeValueSetter } =
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, "value") || {};
if (prototypeValueSetter && valueSetter !== prototypeValueSetter) {, value);
} else {
/* istanbul ignore if */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if -- Can't be ignored by istanbul otherwise
if (valueSetter) {, value);
} else {
throw new Error("The given element does not have a value setter");
/* exported setNativeValue */
* Set a React-friendly input value. Doing this the normal way doesn't work.
* This reuses the previous function setNativeValue stolen from
* dom-testing-library.
* @param {HTMLInputElement} input
* @param {string} value
function setReactFriendlyInputValue(input, value) {
setNativeValue(input, value);
input.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", { bubbles: true }));
/* exported setReactFriendlyInputValue */
* The recording state is the internal state machine that represents the async
* operations that are going on in the profiler. This function sets up a helper
* that will obtain the Redux store and query this internal state. This is useful
* for unit testing purposes.
* @param {Document} document
function setupGetRecordingState(document) {
const store = document.defaultView.gStore;
if (!store) {
throw new Error("Could not find the redux store on the window object.");
return () => selectors.getRecordingState(store.getState());
/* exported setupGetRecordingState */