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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* This file contains the shared types for the performance-new client.
import {
Reducer as ReduxReducer,
Store as ReduxStore,
} from "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/redux.js";
export interface PanelWindow {
gToolbox?: any;
gStore?: Store;
perfFront: PerfFront,
traits: RootTraits,
pageContext: PageContext,
openAboutProfiling: () => void
): Promise<void>;
gDestroy(): void;
gIsPanelDestroyed?: boolean;
* TS-TODO - Stub.
export interface Target {
client: any;
* TS-TODO - Stub.
export interface Toolbox {
target: Target;
* TS-TODO - Stub.
export interface Commands {
client: any;
targetCommand: {
targetFront: {
getTrait: (traitName: string) => unknown;
* TS-TODO - Stub.
export interface PerfFront {
startProfiler: (options: RecordingSettings) => Promise<boolean>;
getProfileAndStopProfiler: () => Promise<any>;
stopProfilerAndDiscardProfile: () => Promise<void>;
getSymbolTable: (
path: string,
breakpadId: string
) => Promise<[number[], number[], number[]]>;
isActive: () => Promise<boolean>;
isSupportedPlatform: () => Promise<boolean>;
on: (type: string, listener: () => void) => void;
off: (type: string, listener: () => void) => void;
destroy: () => void;
getSupportedFeatures: () => Promise<string[]>;
* TS-TODO - Stub
export interface PreferenceFront {
clearUserPref: (prefName: string) => Promise<void>;
getStringPref: (prefName: string) => Promise<string>;
setStringPref: (prefName: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;
getCharPref: (prefName: string) => Promise<string>;
setCharPref: (prefName: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;
getIntPref: (prefName: string) => Promise<number>;
setIntPref: (prefName: string, value: number) => Promise<void>;
export interface RootTraits {
// There are no traits used by the performance front end at the moment.
export type RecordingState =
// The initial state before we've queried the PerfActor
| "not-yet-known"
// The profiler is available, we haven't started recording yet.
| "available-to-record"
// An async request has been sent to start the profiler.
| "request-to-start-recording"
// An async request has been sent to get the profile and stop the profiler.
| "request-to-get-profile-and-stop-profiler"
// An async request has been sent to stop the profiler.
| "request-to-stop-profiler"
// The profiler notified us that our request to start it actually started
// it, or it was already started.
| "recording";
// We are currently migrating to a new UX workflow with about:profiling.
// This type provides an easy way to change the implementation based
// on context.
export type PageContext =
| "devtools"
| "devtools-remote"
| "aboutlogging"
| "aboutprofiling"
| "aboutprofiling-remote";
export type PrefPostfix = "" | ".remote";
export interface State {
recordingState: RecordingState;
recordingUnexpectedlyStopped: boolean;
isSupportedPlatform: boolean | null;
recordingSettings: RecordingSettings;
initializedValues: InitializedValues | null;
promptEnvRestart: null | string;
export type Selector<T> = (state: State) => T;
export type ThunkDispatch = <Returns>(action: ThunkAction<Returns>) => Returns;
export type PlainDispatch = (action: Action) => Action;
export type GetState = () => State;
export type SymbolTableAsTuple = [Uint32Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array];
export type ProfilerFaviconData = {
data: ArrayBuffer;
mimeType: string;
* The `dispatch` function can accept either a plain action or a thunk action.
* This is similar to a type `(action: Action | ThunkAction) => any` except this
* allows to type the return value as well.
export type Dispatch = PlainDispatch & ThunkDispatch;
export type ThunkAction<Returns> = ({
}: {
dispatch: Dispatch;
getState: GetState;
}) => Returns;
export interface Library {
start: number;
end: number;
offset: number;
name: string;
path: string;
debugName: string;
debugPath: string;
breakpadId: string;
arch: string;
* Only provide types for the GeckoProfile as much as we need it. There is no
* reason to maintain a full type definition here.
export interface MinimallyTypedGeckoProfile {
libs: Library[];
processes: MinimallyTypedGeckoProfile[];
export type GetSymbolTableCallback = (
debugName: string,
breakpadId: string
) => Promise<SymbolTableAsTuple>;
export interface SymbolicationService {
getSymbolTable: GetSymbolTableCallback;
querySymbolicationApi: (path: string, requestJson: string) => Promise<string>;
export type ReceiveProfile = (
geckoProfile: MinimallyTypedGeckoProfile,
profilerViewMode: ProfilerViewMode | undefined,
getSymbolTableCallback: GetSymbolTableCallback
) => void;
* This is the type signature for a function to restart the browser with a given
* environment variable. Currently only implemented for the popup.
export type RestartBrowserWithEnvironmentVariable = (
envName: string,
value: string
) => void;
* This is the type signature for the event listener that's called once the
* profile has been obtained.
export type OnProfileReceived = (profile: MinimallyTypedGeckoProfile) => void;
* This is the type signature for a function to query the browser for the
* ID of the active tab.
export type GetActiveBrowserID = () => number;
* This interface is injected into
interface GeckoProfilerFrameScriptInterface {
getProfile: () => Promise<MinimallyTypedGeckoProfile>;
getSymbolTable: GetSymbolTableCallback;
export interface RecordingSettings {
presetName: string;
entries: number;
interval: number; // in milliseconds
features: string[];
threads: string[];
objdirs: string[];
duration?: number;
* A Redux Reducer that knows about the performance-new client's Actions.
export type Reducer<S> = (state: S | undefined, action: Action) => S;
export interface InitializedValues {
// The current list of presets, loaded in from a JSM.
presets: Presets;
// Determine the current page context.
pageContext: PageContext;
// The list of profiler features that the current target supports.
supportedFeatures: string[];
// Allow about:profiling to switch back to the remote devtools panel.
openRemoteDevTools?: () => void;
* Export a store that is opinionated about our State definition, and the union
* of all Actions, as well as specific Dispatch behavior.
export type Store = ReduxStore<State, Action>;
export type Action =
| {
isActive: boolean;
| {
| {
| {
| {
| {
| {
| {
interval: number;
| {
entries: number;
| {
features: string[];
promptEnvRestart: string | null;
| {
threads: string[];
| {
objdirs: string[];
| {
isSupportedPlatform: boolean;
presets: Presets;
pageContext: PageContext;
openRemoteDevTools?: () => void;
supportedFeatures: string[];
| {
presetName: string;
preset: PresetDefinition | undefined;
| {
recordingSettingsFromPreferences: RecordingSettings;
export interface InitializeStoreValues {
isSupportedPlatform: boolean;
presets: Presets;
pageContext: PageContext;
supportedFeatures: string[];
openRemoteDevTools?: () => void;
export type PopupBackgroundFeatures = { [feature: string]: boolean };
// TS-TODO - Stub
export interface ContentFrameMessageManager {
addMessageListener: (event: string, listener: (event: any) => void) => void;
addEventListener: (event: string, listener: (event: any) => void) => void;
sendAsyncMessage: (name: string, data: any) => void;
* This interface serves as documentation for all of the prefs used by the
* performance-new client. Each preference access string access can be coerced to
* one of the properties of this interface.
export interface PerformancePref {
* The recording preferences by default are controlled by different presets.
* This pref stores that preset.
Preset: "devtools.performance.recording.preset";
* Stores the total number of entries to be used in the profile buffer.
Entries: "devtools.performance.recording.entries";
* The recording interval, stored in microseconds. Note that the StartProfiler
* interface uses milliseconds, but this lets us store higher precision numbers
* inside of an integer preference store.
Interval: "devtools.performance.recording.interval";
* The features enabled for the profiler, stored as a comma-separated list.
Features: "devtools.performance.recording.features";
* The threads to profile, stored as a comma-separated list.
Threads: "devtools.performance.recording.threads";
* The location of the objdirs to use, stored as a comma-separated list.
ObjDirs: "devtools.performance.recording.objdirs";
* The duration of the profiling window to use in seconds. Setting this to 0
* will cause no profile window to be used, and the values will naturally roll
* off from the profiling buffer.
Duration: "devtools.performance.recording.duration";
* local development workflows.
UIBaseUrl: "devtools.performance.recording.ui-base-url";
* This pref allows tests to override the /from-browser in order to more easily
* test the profile injection mechanism.
UIBaseUrlPathPref: "devtools.performance.recording.ui-base-url-path";
* This controls whether we enable the active tab view when capturing in web
* developer preset.
* We're not enabling the active-tab view in all environments until we
* iron out all its issues.
UIEnableActiveTabView: "";
* The profiler popup has some introductory text explaining what it is the first
* time that you open it. After that, it is not displayed by default.
PopupIntroDisplayed: "devtools.performance.popup.intro-displayed";
* This preference is used outside of the performance-new type system
* (in DevToolsStartup). It toggles the availability of the profiler menu
* button in the customization palette.
PopupFeatureFlag: "devtools.performance.popup.feature-flag";
/* The next 2 types bring some duplication from gecko.d.ts, but this is simpler
* this way. */
* This is a function called by a preference observer.
export type PrefObserverFunction = (
aSubject: nsIPrefBranch,
aTopic: "nsPref:changed",
aData: string
) => unknown;
* This is the type of an observer we can pass to Service.prefs.addObserver and
* Service.prefs.removeObserver.
export type PrefObserver =
| PrefObserverFunction
| { observe: PrefObserverFunction };
* Scale a number value.
export type NumberScaler = (value: number) => number;
* A collection of functions to scale numbers.
export interface ScaleFunctions {
fromFractionToValue: NumberScaler;
fromValueToFraction: NumberScaler;
fromFractionToSingleDigitValue: NumberScaler;
steps: number;
* View mode for the Firefox Profiler front-end timeline.
* `undefined` is defaulted to full automatically.
export type ProfilerViewMode = "full" | "active-tab" | "origins";
* Panel string identifier in the profiler frontend.
* To be synchronized with:
export type ProfilerPanel =
| "calltree"
| "flame-graph"
| "stack-chart"
| "marker-chart"
| "marker-table"
| "network-chart"
| "js-tracer";
export interface PresetDefinition {
entries: number;
interval: number;
features: string[];
threads: string[];
duration: number;
profilerViewMode?: ProfilerViewMode;
l10nIds: {
popup: {
label: string;
description: string;
devtools: {
label: string;
description: string;
export interface Presets {
[presetName: string]: PresetDefinition;
// Should be kept in sync with the types in .
// Compatibility is handled as follows:
// - The front-end needs to worry about compatibility and handle older browser versions.
// - The browser can require the latest front-end version and does not need to keep any legacy functionality for older front-end versions.
type MessageFromFrontend = {
requestId: number;
} & RequestFromFrontend;
export type RequestFromFrontend =
| StatusQueryRequest
| EnableMenuButtonRequest
| GetProfileRequest
| GetExternalMarkersRequest
| GetExternalPowerTracksRequest
| GetSymbolTableRequest
| QuerySymbolicationApiRequest
| GetPageFaviconsRequest;
type StatusQueryRequest = { type: "STATUS_QUERY" };
type EnableMenuButtonRequest = { type: "ENABLE_MENU_BUTTON" };
type GetProfileRequest = { type: "GET_PROFILE" };
type GetExternalMarkersRequest = {
startTime: number;
endTime: number;
type GetExternalPowerTracksRequest = {
startTime: number;
endTime: number;
type GetSymbolTableRequest = {
debugName: string;
breakpadId: string;
type QuerySymbolicationApiRequest = {
path: string;
requestJson: string;
type GetPageFaviconsRequest = {
pageUrls: Array<string>;
export type MessageToFrontend<R> =
| OutOfBandErrorMessageToFrontend
| ErrorResponseMessageToFrontend
| SuccessResponseMessageToFrontend<R>;
type OutOfBandErrorMessageToFrontend = {
errno: number;
error: string;
type ErrorResponseMessageToFrontend = {
requestId: number;
error: string;
type SuccessResponseMessageToFrontend<R> = {
requestId: number;
response: R;
export type ResponseToFrontend =
| StatusQueryResponse
| EnableMenuButtonResponse
| GetProfileResponse
| GetExternalMarkersResponse
| GetExternalPowerTracksResponse
| GetSymbolTableResponse
| QuerySymbolicationApiResponse
| GetPageFaviconsResponse;
type StatusQueryResponse = {
menuButtonIsEnabled: boolean;
// The version indicates which message types are supported by the browser.
// No version:
// Shipped in Firefox 76.
// Supports the following message types:
// Version 1:
// Shipped in Firefox 93.
// Adds support for the following message types:
// Version 2:
// Shipped in Firefox 121.
// Adds support for the following message types:
version: number;
type EnableMenuButtonResponse = void;
type GetProfileResponse = ArrayBuffer | MinimallyTypedGeckoProfile;
type GetExternalMarkersResponse = Array<object>;
type GetExternalPowerTracksResponse = Array<object>;
type GetSymbolTableResponse = SymbolTableAsTuple;
type QuerySymbolicationApiResponse = string;
type GetPageFaviconsResponse = Array<ProfilerFaviconData | null>;
* This represents an event channel that can talk to a content page on the web.
* This interface is a manually typed version of toolkit/modules/WebChannel.sys.mjs
* and is opinionated about the types of messages we can send with it.
* The definition is here rather than gecko.d.ts because it was simpler than getting
* generics working with the ChromeUtils.import machinery.
export class ProfilerWebChannel {
constructor(id: string, url: MockedExports.nsIURI);
send: (
message: MessageToFrontend<ResponseToFrontend>,
target: MockedExports.WebChannelTarget
) => void;
listen: (
handler: (
idle: string,
message: MessageFromFrontend,
target: MockedExports.WebChannelTarget
) => void
) => void;
* The per-tab information that is stored when a new profile is captured
* and a profiler tab is opened, to serve the correct profile to the tab
* that sends the WebChannel message.
export type ProfilerBrowserInfo = {
profileCaptureResult: ProfileCaptureResult;
symbolicationService: SymbolicationService;
export type ProfileCaptureResult =
| {
type: "SUCCESS";
profile: MinimallyTypedGeckoProfile | ArrayBuffer;
| {
type: "ERROR";
error: Error;
* Describes all of the profiling features that can be turned on and
* off in about:profiling.
export interface FeatureDescription {
// The name of the feature as shown in the UI.
name: string;
// The key value of the feature, this will be stored in prefs, and used in the
// nsiProfiler interface.
value: string;
// The full description of the preset, this will need to be localized.
title: string;
// This will give the user a hint that it's recommended on.
recommended?: boolean;
// This will give the user a hint that it's an experimental feature.
experimental?: boolean;
// This will give a reason if the feature is disabled.
disabledReason?: string;
// The key has the shape `${debugName}:${breakpadId}`.
export type LibInfoMapKey = string;
// This is a subset of the full Library struct.
export type LibInfoMapValue = {
name: string;
path: string;
debugName: string;
debugPath: string;
breakpadId: string;
arch: string;
export type SymbolicationWorkerInitialMessage = {
request: SymbolicationWorkerRequest;
// A map that allows looking up library info based on debugName + breakpadId.
// This is rather redundant at the moment, but it will make more sense once
// we can request symbols for multiple different libraries with one worker
// message.
libInfoMap: Map<LibInfoMapKey, LibInfoMapValue>;
// An array of objdir paths on the host machine that should be searched for
// relevant build artifacts.
objdirs: string[];
// The profiler-get-symbols wasm module.
module: WebAssembly.Module;
export type SymbolicationWorkerRequest =
| {
// The debugName of the binary whose symbols should be obtained.
debugName: string;
// The breakpadId for the binary whose symbols should be obtained.
breakpadId: string;
| {
// The API entry path, such as "/symbolicate/v5".
path: string;
// The payload JSON, as a string.
requestJson: string;
export type SymbolicationWorkerError = {
name: string;
message: string;
fileName?: string;
lineNumber?: number;
export type SymbolicationWorkerReplyData<R> =
| {
result: R;
| {
error: SymbolicationWorkerError;
// This type is used in the symbolication worker for the return type of the
// FileAndPathHelper's readFile method.
// FIXME: Or rather, this type *would* be used if the worker code was checked
// by TypeScript.
export interface FileHandle {
// Return the length of the file in bytes.
getLength: () => number;
// Synchronously read the bytes at offset `offset` into the array `dest`.
readBytesInto: (dest: Uint8Array, offset: number) => void;
// Called when the file is no longer needed, to allow closing the file.
drop: () => void;