batching.js |
Middleware that watches for actions with a "batch = true" value in their meta field.
These actions are queued and dispatched as one batch after a timeout.
Special actions that are handled by this middleware:
- BATCH_ENABLE can be used to enable and disable the batching.
- BATCH_RESET discards the actions that are currently in the queue.
3223 |
event-telemetry.js |
Event telemetry middleware is responsible for logging
various events to telemetry. This helps to track Network
panel usage.
4963 | |
328 |
prefs.js |
Update the relevant prefs when:
- a column has been toggled
- a filter type has been set
3327 |
request-blocking.js |
This middleware is responsible for syncing the list of blocking patterns/urls with the backed.
It utilizes the NetworkCommand and `setBlockedUrls` function to sent the current list to the server
every time it's been modified.
1716 |
throttling.js |
Network throttling middleware is responsible for
updating/syncing currently connected backend
according to user actions.
783 |