Name Description Size
Census.js 2636
CensusHeader.js 2011
CensusTreeItem.js 5708
DominatorTree.js A throbber that represents a subtree in the dominator tree that is actively being incrementally loaded and fetched from the `HeapAnalysesWorker`. 7496
DominatorTreeHeader.js 1321
DominatorTreeItem.js 5004
Heap.js Get the app state's current state atom. @see the relevant state string constants in `../constants.js`. @param {models.view} view @param {snapshotModel} snapshot @param {diffingModel} diffing @param {individualsModel} individuals @return {snapshotState|diffingState|dominatorTreeState} 14809
Individuals.js The list of individuals in a census group. 2059
IndividualsHeader.js 1311
List.js Generic list component that takes another react component to represent the children nodes as `itemComponent`, and a list of items to render as that component with a click handler. 1287 590
ShortestPaths.js 5270
SnapshotListItem.js 3927
Toolbar.js 9536
TreeMap.js 1994