Name Description Size
bundle-with-another-original.js / (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /***** 2840 3091
bundle.js / (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /***** 2919 3163
iframe.html Iframe v1 831
index.html Empty test page 1 2661
onload.js Load the same url in many ways 678
original-with-no-update.js 189
original.js 290
query.js.x=1 45
query.js.x=2 45
query2.js.y=3 46
react-component-module.js 128
removed-original.js 230
replaced-bundle.js / (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /***** 2865 2938
same-url.sjs Serve a different content, each time it is loaded 659
script.js 240
test-functions.js This file contains various test functions called by the test script via `await invokeInTab("functionName");`. 284
webpack.config.js 1278