ast.js |
Ast reducer
@module reducers/ast
2541 |
breakpoints.js |
Breakpoints reducer
@module reducers/breakpoints
3747 |
event-listeners.js |
1757 |
exceptions.js |
Exceptions reducer
@module reducers/exceptionss
2297 |
expressions.js |
Expressions reducer
@module reducers/expressions
3009 |
index.js |
Reducer index
@module reducers/index
2636 | |
634 |
pause.js |
eslint complexity: ["error", 36] |
11686 |
pending-breakpoints.js |
Pending breakpoints reducer.
Pending breakpoints are a more lightweight version compared to regular breakpoints objects.
They are meant to be persisted across Firefox restarts and stored into async-storage.
This reducer data is saved into asyncStore from bootstrap.js and restored from main.js.
The main difference with pending breakpoints is that we only save breakpoints
against source with an URL as only them can be restored. (source IDs are different across reloads).
The second difference is that we don't store the whole source object but only the source URL.
4155 |
quick-open.js |
Quick Open reducer
@module reducers/quick-open
1074 |
source-actors.js |
This reducer stores the list of all source actors as well their breakable lines.
There is a one-one relationship with Source Actors from the server codebase,
as well as SOURCE Resources distributed by the ResourceCommand API.
3501 |
source-blackbox.js |
Reducer containing all data about sources being "black boxed".
i.e. sources which should be ignored by the debugger.
Typically, these sources should be hidden from paused stack frames,
and any debugger statement or breakpoint should be ignored.
4074 |
sources-content.js |
Sources content reducer.
This store the textual content for each source.
3890 |
sources-tree.js |
Sources tree reducer
A Source Tree is composed of:
- Thread Items To designate targets/threads.
These are the roots of the Tree if no project directory is selected.
- Group Items To designates the different domains used in the website.
These are direct children of threads and may contain directory or source items.
- Directory Items To designate all the folders.
Note that each every folder has an items. The Source Tree React component is doing the magic to coallesce folders made of only one sub folder.
- Source Items To designate sources.
They are the leaves of the Tree. (we should not have empty directories.)
24590 |
sources.js |
Sources reducer
@module reducers/sources
12717 |
tabs.js |
Tabs reducer
@module reducers/tabs
5106 |
threads.js |
Threads reducer
@module reducers/threads
2332 |
tracer-frames.js |
20176 |
ui.js |
eslint-disable complexity |
5782 |