Name Description Size
AccessibleImage.css use background-color for the icon color, and mask-image for its shape 5049
AccessibleImage.js 675
Accordion.css align expand arrow and button text 2423
Accordion.js 2102
Badge.css 504
Badge.js 708
BracketArrow.css 1417
BracketArrow.js 827
Dropdown.css cover the reserved space at the end of .source-tabs 1773
Dropdown.js 1636
menu.css 1008
Modal.css Place the modal below the sources tab strip 1047
Modal.js 1182 521
Popover.css 700
Popover.js 8488
PreviewFunction.css 525
PreviewFunction.js 2435
ResultList.css * 2715
ResultList.js 2633
SearchInput.css Don't show the box-shadow focus indicator, only keep the outline, otherwise the shadow overlap the first item in the result list 4780
SearchInput.js 8855
SmartGap.js 4368
SourceIcon.css Variant of AccessibleImage used in sources list and tabs. Define the different source type / framework / library icons here. 4998
SourceIcon.js 2214