Name Description Size
BlackboxLines.js 4142
Breakpoint.js 4570
Breakpoints.css Standard gutter breakpoints 7093
Breakpoints.js 5480
ColumnBreakpoint.js 3457
ColumnBreakpoints.js 7043
ConditionalPanel.css CodeMirror 6 block widgets can't have margin, so we put a padding on a container element 1630
ConditionalPanel.js Set the breakpoint/logpoint if expression isn't empty, and close the panel. @param {String} expression: The expression that will be used for setting the conditional breakpoint/logpoint 11344
DebugLine.js 5485
Editor.css Prevents inline preview from shifting source height (#1576163) 4728
EmptyLines.js 2685
Exception.js 2622
Exceptions.js 3373
Footer.css override default style to have similar left and right margins 2755
Footer.js 13930
HighlightLine.js Uses of this panel are:- - Highlight line when source is opened using view source links from other panels - Highlight line with function or class from an Outline search result selection - Highlight line from a Quick open panel search result selection - Highlight the last selected line when a source is selected - Highlight the breakpoint line when the breakpoint is selected 5626
HighlightLines.js Uses of this panel are:- - Highlighting lines of a function selected to be copied using the "Copy function" context menu in the Outline panel 2574
index.js 30781
InlinePreview.css 1433
InlinePreview.js 2138
InlinePreviewRow.js 2791
InlinePreviews.js 4005 719
SearchInFileBar.css Display an outline on the container when the child input is focused. If another element is focused (e.g. a button), we only want the outline on that element 901
SearchInFileBar.js 11021
Tab.js 3789
Tabs.css Reserve space for the overflow button (even if not visible) 3292
Tabs.js Updates the hiddenSourceTabs state, by finding the source tabs which are wrapped and are not on the top row. 8581