Name Description Size
Manifest.js A canonical manifest, splitted in different sections 4407
ManifestColorItem.css NOTE: platform converts any color format that is in the manifest to hexadecimal, so we can uppercase 1202
ManifestColorItem.js This component displays a Manifest member which holds a color value 1499
ManifestEmpty.js This component displays help information when no manifest is found for the current target. 1954
ManifestIconItem.css 250
ManifestIconItem.js This component displays a Manifest member which holds a color value 2477
ManifestIssue.css 490
ManifestIssue.js A Manifest validation issue (warning, error) 2033
ManifestIssueList.css 410
ManifestIssueList.js A collection of manifest issues (errors, warnings) 1832
ManifestItem.css 701
ManifestItem.js This component displays a key-value data pair from a manifest 1201
ManifestJsonLink.css this is so it has an implicit width and the link inside gets to truncate with an ellipsis 350
ManifestJsonLink.js This component displays an "Open JSON" link for the Manifest 1875
ManifestLoader.css TODO: implement a spinner when tackling the UX review bug 483
ManifestLoader.js 2856
ManifestPage.js 2310
ManifestSection.css 690
ManifestSection.js A section of a manifest in the form of a captioned table. 1137
ManifestUrlItem.css force LTR so the # stays at the beginning of the hex number 339
ManifestUrlItem.js This component displays a Manifest member which holds a URL 1060 519