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"use strict";
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
// We import sinon here to make it available across all mochitest test files
const { sinon } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
function popPrefs() {
return SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
function pushPrefs(...prefs) {
return SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: prefs });
// Toggle the feed off and on as a workaround to read the new prefs.
async function toggleTopsitesPref() {
await pushPrefs([
await pushPrefs([
async function setDefaultTopSites() {
// The pref for TopSites is empty by default.
await pushPrefs([
await toggleTopsitesPref();
await pushPrefs([
async function setTestTopSites() {
await pushPrefs([
// The pref for TopSites is empty by default.
// Using a topsite with allows us to open the topsite without a network request.
await pushPrefs([
await toggleTopsitesPref();
async function clearHistoryAndBookmarks() {
await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
await PlacesUtils.history.clear();
* Helper to wait for potentially preloaded browsers to "load" where a preloaded
* page has already loaded and won't trigger "load", and a "load"ed page might
* not necessarily have had all its javascript/render logic executed.
async function waitForPreloaded(browser) {
let readyState = await ContentTask.spawn(
() => content.document.readyState
if (readyState !== "complete") {
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
* Helper to force the HighlightsFeed to update.
function refreshHighlightsFeed() {
// Toggling the pref will clear the feed cache and force a places query.
* Helper to populate the Highlights section with bookmark cards.
* @param count Number of items to add.
async function addHighlightsBookmarks(count) {
const bookmarks = new Array(count).fill(null).map((entry, i) => ({
parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
title: "foo",
url: `https://mozilla${i}.com/nowNew`,
for (let placeInfo of bookmarks) {
await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert(placeInfo);
// Bookmarks need at least one visit to show up as highlights.
await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(placeInfo.url);
// Force HighlightsFeed to make a request for the new items.
* Helper to add various helpers to the content process by injecting variables
* and functions to the `content` global.
function addContentHelpers() {
const { document } = content;
Object.assign(content, {
* Click the context menu button for an item and get its options list.
* @param selector {String} Selector to get an item (e.g., top site, card)
* @return {Array} The nodes for the options.
async openContextMenuAndGetOptions(selector) {
const item = document.querySelector(selector);
const contextButton = item.querySelector(".context-menu-button");;
// Gives fluent-dom the time to render strings
await new Promise(r => content.requestAnimationFrame(r));
const contextMenu = item.querySelector(".context-menu");
const contextMenuList = contextMenu.querySelector(".context-menu-list");
return [...contextMenuList.getElementsByClassName("context-menu-item")];
* Helper to run Activity Stream about:newtab test tasks in content.
* @param testInfo {Function|Object}
* {Function} This parameter will be used as if the function were called with
* an Object with this parameter as "test" key's value.
* {Object} The following keys are expected:
* before {Function} Optional. Runs before and returns an arg for "test"
* test {Function} The test to run in the about:newtab content task taking
* an arg from "before" and returns a result to "after"
* after {Function} Optional. Runs after and with the result of "test"
* @param browserURL {optional String}
* {String} This parameter is used to explicitly specify URL opened in new tab
function test_newtab(testInfo, browserURL = "about:newtab") {
// Extract any test parts or default to just the single content task
let { before, test: contentTask, after } = testInfo;
if (!before) {
before = () => ({});
if (!contentTask) {
contentTask = testInfo;
if (!after) {
after = () => {};
// Helper to push prefs for just this test and pop them when done
let needPopPrefs = false;
let scopedPushPrefs = async (...args) => {
needPopPrefs = true;
await pushPrefs(...args);
let scopedPopPrefs = async () => {
if (needPopPrefs) {
await popPrefs();
// Make the test task with optional before/after and content task to run in a
// new tab that opens and closes.
let testTask = async () => {
// Open about:newtab without using the default load listener
let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(
// Specially wait for potentially preloaded browsers
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
await waitForPreloaded(browser);
// Add shared helpers to the content process
SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], addContentHelpers);
// Wait for React to render something
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
() =>
() => content.document.getElementById("root").children.length
"Should render activity stream content"
// Chain together before -> contentTask -> after data passing
try {
let contentArg = await before({ pushPrefs: scopedPushPrefs, tab });
let contentResult = await SpecialPowers.spawn(
await after(contentResult);
} finally {
// Clean up for next tests
await scopedPopPrefs();
// Copy the name of the content task to identify the test
Object.defineProperty(testTask, "name", { value: });