Name Description Size
annotation_first.html 55
annotation_second.html 125
annotation_third.html 54
blue_page.html 103
browser.toml 1901
browser_as_load_location.js Helper to test that a newtab page loads its html document. @param selector {String} CSS selector to find an element in newtab content @param message {String} Description of the test printed with the assertion 1242
browser_as_render.js 2298
browser_context_menu_item.js 598
browser_customize_menu_content.js 7556
browser_customize_menu_render.js 865
browser_discovery_card.js 1436
browser_discovery_render.js 817
browser_enabled_newtabpage.js 781
browser_foxdoodle_set_default.js 2120
browser_getScreenshots.js 2883
browser_highlights_section.js Helper for setup and cleanup of Highlights section tests. @param bookmarkCount Number of bookmark higlights to add @param test The test case 2928
browser_multistage_spotlight.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2753
browser_multistage_spotlight_telemetry.js 4537
browser_newtab_glean.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 856
browser_newtab_header.js 2534
browser_newtab_last_LinkMenu.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4358
browser_newtab_overrides.js Tests that the default newtab page is always returned when one types "about:newtab" in the URL bar, even when overridden. 3999
browser_newtab_ping.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 7552
browser_newtab_towindow.js 1073
browser_newtab_trigger.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1320
browser_open_tab_focus.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1051
browser_remote_l10n.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1893
browser_topsites_annotation.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 27808
browser_topsites_contextMenu_options.js 4170
browser_topsites_section.js 9798
browser_trigger_messagesLoaded.js 4790
file_pdf.PDF 291
head.js Helper to wait for potentially preloaded browsers to "load" where a preloaded page has already loaded and won't trigger "load", and a "load"ed page might not necessarily have had all its javascript/render logic executed. 7737
red_page.html 102
redirect_to.sjs 299
topstories.json 763