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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: browser/components/backup/tests/chrome/chrome.toml
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tests for the turn-on-scheduled-backups component</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="head.js"></script>
<link rel="localization" href="preview/backupSettings.ftl"/>
<link rel="localization" href="branding/brand.ftl"/>
const { BrowserTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
* Tests that adding a turn-on-scheduled-backups element to the DOM causes it to
* fire a BackupUI:InitWidget event.
add_task(async function test_initWidget() {
let turnOnScheduledBackups = document.createElement("turn-on-scheduled-backups");
let content = document.getElementById("content");
let sawInitWidget = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(content, "BackupUI:InitWidget");
await sawInitWidget;
ok(true, "Saw BackupUI:InitWidget");
* Tests that pressing the confirm button will dispatch the expected events.
add_task(async function test_confirm() {
let turnOnScheduledBackups = document.getElementById("test-turn-on-scheduled-backups");
let confirmButton = turnOnScheduledBackups.confirmButtonEl;
ok(confirmButton, "Confirm button should be found");
let content = document.getElementById("content");
let promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(content, "BackupUI:EnableScheduledBackups");
await promise;
ok(true, "Detected event after selecting the confirm button");
* Tests that pressing the cancel button will dispatch the expected events.
add_task(async function test_cancel() {
let turnOnScheduledBackups = document.getElementById("test-turn-on-scheduled-backups");
let cancelButton = turnOnScheduledBackups.cancelButtonEl;
ok(cancelButton, "Cancel button should be found");
let content = document.getElementById("content");
let promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(content, "dialogCancel");
await promise;
ok(true, "Detected event after selecting the cancel button");
* Tests that selecting the checkbox for enabling backup encryption will show more
* options to configure the password needed for encryption.
add_task(async function test_expandedPasswords() {
let turnOnScheduledBackups = document.getElementById("test-turn-on-scheduled-backups");
let passwordsCheckbox = turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsCheckboxEl;
ok(passwordsCheckbox, "Passwords checkbox should be found");
ok(!turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsExpandedEl, "Passwords expanded options should not be found");;
await turnOnScheduledBackups.updateComplete;
ok(turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsExpandedEl, "Passwords expanded options should be found");
// Click again to verify collapse and reset checkbox state for suceeding tests;
await turnOnScheduledBackups.updateComplete;
ok(!turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsExpandedEl, "Passwords expanded options should be hidden again");
* Tests that the Confirm button cannot be selected if password settings are shown and
* inputted passwords are invalid. Once passwords are valid, verifies that the Confirm
* button can be selected.
add_task(async function test_passwordValidityConfirmButton() {
let turnOnScheduledBackups = document.getElementById("test-turn-on-scheduled-backups");
let passwordsCheckbox = turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsCheckboxEl;
// First check that the confirm button is not disabled with password options collapsed
ok(passwordsCheckbox, "Passwords checkbox should be found");
ok(!turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsExpandedEl, "Passwords expanded options should not be found");
let confirmButton = turnOnScheduledBackups.confirmButtonEl;
ok(confirmButton, "Confirm button should be found");
ok(!confirmButton.disabled, "Confirm button should not be disabled since there are no passwords expanded options");;
await turnOnScheduledBackups.updateComplete;
// Now check that the confirm button is disabled
ok(turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsExpandedEl, "Passwords expanded options should be found");
ok(confirmButton.disabled, "Confirm button should now be disabled since there are passwords expanded options");
// Pretend that the password inputs dispatch an event indicating that we have valid passwords
let passwordOptionsExpanded = turnOnScheduledBackups.passwordOptionsExpandedEl;
let validPromise = createMockValidityPassEventPromise(turnOnScheduledBackups, passwordOptionsExpanded, "ValidPasswordsDetected");
await validPromise;
ok(!confirmButton.disabled, "Confirm button should no longer be disabled");
// Now pretend that passwords are no longer valid
let invalidPromise = createMockValidityPassEventPromise(turnOnScheduledBackups, passwordOptionsExpanded, "InvalidPasswordsDetected");
await invalidPromise;
ok(confirmButton.disabled, "Confirm button should be disabled again");
* Tests that the dialog displays a default save location for backups and updates to a custom one
* if there is one selected.
add_task(async function test_locationInputs() {
let turnOnScheduledBackups = document.getElementById("test-turn-on-scheduled-backups");
let inputDefault = turnOnScheduledBackups.filePathInputDefaultEl;
ok(inputDefault, "Default input should be found");
let promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => inputDefault.value);
/* Normally we would pass in the default attributes, but for this test, we will
* hardcode them since file paths vary across different platforms.
const defaultPathFilename = "testdefaultpath";
let defaultPath = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, defaultPathFilename);
turnOnScheduledBackups.defaultPath = defaultPath;
turnOnScheduledBackups.defaultLabel = defaultPathFilename;
await turnOnScheduledBackups.updateComplete;
await promise;
is(inputDefault.value, `${defaultPathFilename} (recommended)`, "Default input should not be empty and should contain part of the default path");
// Now pretend a custom file path was selected
const newPathFilename = "testnewpath";
let newPath = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, newPathFilename);
turnOnScheduledBackups._newPath = newPath;
turnOnScheduledBackups._newLabel = newPathFilename;
await turnOnScheduledBackups.updateComplete;
let inputCustom = turnOnScheduledBackups.filePathInputCustomEl;
ok(inputCustom, "Input should be updated");
is(inputCustom.value, newPathFilename, "Input value should be set to the new path");
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<turn-on-scheduled-backups id="test-turn-on-scheduled-backups"></turn-on-scheduled-backups>
<pre id="test"></pre>