browser.toml |
4611 |
browser_about_blank_same_document_tabswitch.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2656 |
browser_bug822367.js |
User Override Mixed Content Block - Tests for Bug 822367
8134 |
browser_bug902156.js |
Description of the Tests for
- Bug 902156: Persist "disable protection" option for Mixed Content Blocker
1. Navigate to the same domain via document.location
- Load a html page which has mixed content
- Control Center button to disable protection appears - we disable it
- Load a new page from the same origin using document.location
- Control Center button should not appear anymore!
2. Navigate to the same domain via simulateclick for a link on the page
- Load a html page which has mixed content
- Control Center button to disable protection appears - we disable it
- Load a new page from the same origin simulating a click
- Control Center button should not appear anymore!
3. Navigate to a differnet domain and show the content is still blocked
- Load a different html page which has mixed content
- Control Center button to disable protection should appear again because
we navigated away from html page where we disabled the protection.
Note, for all tests we set gHttpTestRoot to use 'https'.
6378 |
browser_bug906190.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
11286 |
browser_bug1045809.js |
3346 |
browser_check_identity_state.js |
Test the identity mode UI for a variety of page types
20336 |
browser_check_identity_state_pdf.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2183 |
browser_csp_block_all_mixedcontent.js |
Description of the Test:
We load an https page which uses a CSP including block-all-mixed-content.
The page tries to load a script over http. We make sure the UI is not
influenced when blocking the mixed content. In particular the page
should still appear fully encrypted with a green lock.
1788 |
browser_deprecatedTLSVersions.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
Tests for Bug 1535210 - Set SSL STATE_IS_BROKEN flag for TLS1.0 and TLS 1.1 connections
3174 |
browser_geolocation_indicator.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
11043 |
browser_getSecurityInfo.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1467 |
browser_identity_UI.js |
Tests for correct behaviour of getHostForDisplay on identity handler |
5432 |
browser_identity_web_controlled_blank.js |
4370 |
browser_identityBlock_flicker.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1380 |
browser_identityBlock_focus.js |
Tests that the identity block can be reached via keyboard
shortcuts and that it has the correct tab order.
4687 |
browser_identityIcon_img_url.js |
Test Bug 1562881 - Ensuring the identity icon loads correct img in different
4410 |
browser_identityPopup_clearSiteData.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
6724 |
browser_identityPopup_clearSiteData_extensions.js |
-*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
2325 |
browser_identityPopup_custom_roots.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2767 |
browser_identityPopup_focus.js |
Tests the focus behavior of the identity popup. |
4544 |
browser_identityPopup_HttpsOnlyMode.js |
7823 |
browser_iframe_navigation.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4624 |
browser_ignore_same_page_navigation.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1805 |
browser_mcb_redirect.js |
Description of the Tests for
- Bug 418354 - Call Mixed content blocking on redirects
Single redirect script tests
1. Load a script over https inside an https page
- the server responds with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTP << script
- the doorhanger should appear!
2. Load a script over https inside an http page
- the server responds with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTP << script
- the doorhanger should not appear!
Single redirect image tests
3. Load an image over https inside an https page
- the server responds with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTP << image
- the image should not load
4. Load an image over https inside an http page
- the server responds with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTP << image
- the image should load and get cached
Single redirect cached image tests
5. Using offline mode to ensure we hit the cache, load a cached image over
https inside an http page
- the server would have responded with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTP <<
image, but instead we try to use the cached image.
- the image should load
6. Using offline mode to ensure we hit the cache, load a cached image over
https inside an https page
- the server would have responded with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTP <<
image, but instead we try to use the cached image.
- the image should not load
Double redirect image test
7. Load an image over https inside an http page
- the server responds with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTP << server
- the HTTP server responds with a 302 redirect to a >> HTTPS << image
- the image should load and get cached
Double redirect cached image tests
8. Using offline mode to ensure we hit the cache, load a cached image over
https inside an http page
- the image would have gone through two redirects: HTTPS->HTTP->HTTPS,
but instead we try to use the cached image.
- the image should load
9. Using offline mode to ensure we hit the cache, load a cached image over
https inside an https page
- the image would have gone through two redirects: HTTPS->HTTP->HTTPS,
but instead we try to use the cached image.
- the image should not load
12123 |
browser_mixed_content_cert_override.js |
Bug 1253771 - check mixed content blocking in combination with overriden certificates
2216 |
browser_mixed_content_with_navigation.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4730 |
browser_mixed_passive_content_indicator.js |
571 |
browser_mixedcontent_securityflags.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2649 |
browser_mixedContentFramesOnHttp.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
Test for Bug 1182551 -
This test has a top level HTTP page with an HTTPS iframe. The HTTPS iframe
includes an HTTP image. We check that the top level security state is
STATE_IS_INSECURE. The mixed content from the iframe shouldn't "upgrade"
the HTTP top level page to broken HTTPS.
1190 |
browser_mixedContentFromOnunload.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
Tests for Bug 947079 - Fix bug in nsSecureBrowserUIImpl that sets the wrong
security state on a page because of a subresource load that is not on the
same page.
2732 |
browser_navigation_failures.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5192 |
browser_no_mcb_for_loopback.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3105 |
browser_no_mcb_for_onions.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1495 |
browser_no_mcb_on_http_site.js |
Description of the Tests for
- Bug 909920 - Mixed content warning should not show on a HTTP site
Description of the tests:
Test 1:
1) Load an http page
2) The page includes a css file using https
3) The css file loads an |IMAGE| << over http
Test 2:
1) Load an http page
2) The page includes a css file using https
3) The css file loads a |FONT| over http
Test 3:
1) Load an http page
2) The page includes a css file using https
3) The css file imports (@import) another css file using http
3) The imported css file loads a |FONT| over http
Since the top-domain is >> NOT << served using https, the MCB
should >> NOT << trigger a warning.
3897 |
browser_secure_transport_insecure_scheme.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
6498 |
browser_session_store_pageproxystate.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2654 |
browser_tab_sharing_state.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2848 |
dummy_iframe_page.html |
Dummy iframe test page |
226 |
dummy_page.html |
Dummy test page |
242 |
file_bug822367_1.html |
Test 1 for Bug 822367 |
417 |
file_bug822367_1.js |
51 |
file_bug822367_2.html |
Test 2 for Bug 822367 - Mixed Display |
370 |
file_bug822367_3.html |
Test 3 for Bug 822367 |
718 |
file_bug822367_4.html |
Test 4 for Bug 822367 |
429 |
file_bug822367_4.js |
115 |
file_bug822367_4B.html |
Test 4B Location Change for Bug 822367 |
439 |
file_bug822367_5.html |
Test 5 for Bug 822367 |
737 |
file_bug822367_6.html |
Test 6 for Bug 822367 |
453 |
file_bug902156.js |
Once the mixed content blocker is disabled for the page, this scripts loads
and updates the text inside the div container.
221 |
file_bug902156_1.html |
Test 1 for Bug 902156 |
436 |
file_bug902156_2.html |
Test 2 for Bug 902156 |
598 |
file_bug902156_3.html |
Test 3 for Bug 902156 |
436 |
file_bug906190.js |
Once the mixed content blocker is disabled for the page, this scripts loads
and updates the text inside the div container.
221 |
file_bug906190.sjs |
645 |
file_bug906190_1.html |
Test 1 for Bug 906190 |
436 |
file_bug906190_2.html |
Test 2 for Bug 906190 |
436 |
file_bug906190_3_4.html |
Test 3 and 4 for Bug 906190 |
424 |
file_bug906190_redirected.html |
Redirected Page for Bug 906190 |
469 |
file_bug1045809_1.html |
176 |
file_bug1045809_2.html |
117 |
file_csp_block_all_mixedcontent.html |
Bug 1122236 - CSP: Implement block-all-mixed-content |
363 |
file_csp_block_all_mixedcontent.js |
175 |
file_mixedContentFramesOnHttp.html |
Test for Bug 1182551 |
444 |
file_mixedContentFromOnunload.html |
Test for Bug 947079 |
392 |
file_mixedContentFromOnunload_test1.html |
Test 1 for Bug 947079 |
291 |
file_mixedContentFromOnunload_test2.html |
Test 2 for Bug 947079 |
340 |
file_mixedPassiveContent.html |
HTTPS page with HTTP image |
274 |
file_pdf.pdf |
291 |
file_pdf_blob.html |
383 |
head.js |
Waits for a load (or custom) event to finish in a given tab. If provided
load an uri into the tab.
@param tab
The tab to load into.
@param [optional] url
The url to load, or the current url.
@return {Promise} resolved when the event is handled.
@resolves to the received event
@rejects if a valid load event is not received within a meaningful interval
12692 |
iframe_navigation.html |
1268 |
insecure_opener.html |
291 |
open-self-from-frame.html |
198 |
simple_mixed_passive.html |
86 |
test-mixedcontent-securityerrors.html |
Mixed Content test - http on https |
608 |
test_mcb_double_redirect_image.html |
Bug 1082837 |
712 |
test_mcb_redirect.html |
Bug 418354 |
419 |
test_mcb_redirect.js |
Once the mixed content blocker is disabled for the page, this scripts loads
and updates the text inside the div container.
204 |
test_mcb_redirect.sjs |
1412 |
test_mcb_redirect_image.html |
Bug 1082837 |
699 |
test_no_mcb_for_loopback.html |
Bug 903966, Bug 1402530 |
1407 |
test_no_mcb_for_onions.html |
Bug 1382359 |
678 |
test_no_mcb_on_http_site_font.css |
stylelint-disable font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword |
267 |
test_no_mcb_on_http_site_font.html |
Test 2 for Bug 909920 |
1791 |
test_no_mcb_on_http_site_font2.css |
114 |
test_no_mcb_on_http_site_font2.html |
Test 3 for Bug 909920 |
1874 |
test_no_mcb_on_http_site_img.css |
87 |
test_no_mcb_on_http_site_img.html |
Test 1 for Bug 909920 |
1792 |
test_web_controlled_blank.html |
Bug 1813463: Web controlled about:blank |
1501 |