Name Description Size
aboutDialog-appUpdater.js import-globals-from aboutDialog.js 9048
aboutDialog.css Set an explicit line-height to avoid discrepancies in 'auto' spacing across screens with different device DPI, which may cause font metrics to round differently. 3446
aboutDialog.js import-globals-from aboutDialog-appUpdater.js 3998
aboutDialog.xhtml 8177
aboutFrameCrashed.html 974
aboutRestartRequired.js eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 1337
aboutRestartRequired.xhtml 2053
aboutRobots-icon.png 7599
aboutRobots.css 291
aboutRobots.js 511
aboutRobots.xhtml 2156
aboutTabCrashed.css 508
aboutTabCrashed.js eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 7358
aboutTabCrashed.xhtml 3388 37194
blanktab.html 451
blockedSite.js Check whether this warning page is overridable or not, in which case the "ignore the risk" suggestion in the error description should not be shown. 4927
blockedSite.xhtml 2767
browser-a11yUtils.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 3084
browser-addons.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 73530 1508
browser-captivePortal.js If a portal is detected when we don't have focus, we first wait for focus and then add the tab if, after a recheck, the portal is still active. This is set to true while we wait so that in the unlikely event that we receive another notification while waiting, we don't do things twice. 13013
browser-commands.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 19012 18995
browser-context.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 11709
browser-customization.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 4787
browser-data-submission-info-bar.js Represents an info bar that shows a data submission notification. 3434
browser-development-helpers.js Extra features for local development. This file isn't loaded in non-local builds. 1603
browser-fullScreenAndPointerLock.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 31863
browser-gestureSupport.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 30092
browser-graphics-utils.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 1752
browser-init.js 39423 23266
browser-menubar.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 7585
browser-pageActions.js The main page action button in the urlbar (DOM node) 30851
browser-pagestyle.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 4200
browser-places.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 72346
browser-profiles.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 12575
browser-safebrowsing.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 2710 18598
browser-sets.js 10287
browser-siteIdentity.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 45441
browser-sitePermissionPanel.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 37334
browser-siteProtections.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 90223
browser-sync.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 82246
browser-tabsintitlebar.js 2443
browser-thumbnails.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 6568
browser-toolbarKeyNav.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 14066
browser-unified-extensions.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 6349
browser-webrtc.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 3933
browser.js 235301
browser.js.globals 6107
browser.xhtml 8975
contentTheme.js ContentThemeController handles theme updates sent by the frame script. To be able to use ContentThemeController, you must add your page to the whitelist in LightweightThemeChild.sys.mjs 6362
default-bookmarks.html 10202
docs 1222 1454
hiddenWindowMac.xhtml 1327
logos 1689 30464
main-popupset.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 15851
metrics.yaml 16045 4949 33374
navigator-toolbox.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 15341
nonbrowser-mac.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 4769
nsContextMenu.sys.mjs A promise to retrieve the translations language pair if the context menu was opened in a context relevant to open the SelectTranslationsPanel. @type {Promise<{fromLanguage: string, toLanguage: string}>} 86839
pageinfo 16736 469
robot.ico 1791
safeMode.css 251
safeMode.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 2220
safeMode.xhtml 1534
sanitize.xhtml 4504
sanitize_v2.xhtml 10266
sanitizeDialog.css Sanitize everything warnings 1773
sanitizeDialog.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 20081
spotlight.html 1757
spotlight.js Render content based on about:welcome multistage template. 3252
static-robot.png 224 2704
test 1089 1862
utilityOverlay.js Determines whether the given url is considered a special URL for new tabs. 17102
webext-panels.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 5796
webext-panels.xhtml 2441
webrtcIndicator.js Public function called by webrtcUI to update the indicator display when the active streams change. 18787
webrtcIndicator.xhtml 2662