Name Description Size
browser.toml 277
browser_sidebar_adopt.js This test checks that the SidebarFocused event doesn't fire in adopted windows when the sidebar gets opened during window opening, to make sure that sidebars don't steal focus from the page in this case (Bug 1394207). There's another case not covered here that has the same expected behavior - during the initial browser startup - but it would be hard to do with a mochitest. 2736
browser_sidebar_app_locale_changed.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3051
browser_sidebar_keys.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4044
browser_sidebar_move.js 2834
browser_sidebar_persist.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1185
browser_sidebar_switcher.js Helper function that opens a sidebar switcher panel popup menu @returns Promise that resolves when the switcher panel popup is shown without any action from a user/test 8703
browserSidebarRevamp.toml 138