Name Description Size
app_bug575561.html Test for links in app tabs 946
app_subframe_bug575561.html Test for links in app tab subframes 297
audio.ogg 14293
browser.toml 14180
browser_accesskeys.js 6849
browser_addCertException.js 3254
browser_backButtonFitts.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1429
browser_bug321000.js 2396
browser_bug356571.js FIXME Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar) .registerFactory(Components.ID(kPromptServiceUUID), "Prompt Service", kPromptServiceContractID, fakePromptServiceFactory); 2791
browser_bug380960.js 495
browser_bug406216.js "TabClose" event is possibly used for closing related tabs of the current. "removeTab" method should work correctly even if the number of tabs are changed while "TabClose" event. 1846
browser_bug417483.js 1338
browser_bug424101.js Make sure that the context menu appears on form elements 2001
browser_bug427559.js Test bug 427559 to make sure focused elements that are no longer on the page will have focus transferred to the window when changing tabs back to that tab with the now-gone element. 1206
browser_bug431826.js 3122
browser_bug432599.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3063
browser_bug455852.js 767
browser_bug462289.js 3721
browser_bug462673.js 1669
browser_bug477014.js 1850
browser_bug479408.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 844
browser_bug479408_sample.html Testcase for bug 479408 226
browser_bug481560.js 514
browser_bug484315.js 447
browser_bug491431.js 1237
browser_bug495058.js Tests that the right elements of a tab are focused when it is torn out into its own window. 1550
browser_bug519216.js 1369
browser_bug520538.js 677
browser_bug521216.js 1683
browser_bug533232.js 1694
browser_bug537013.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4895
browser_bug537474.js 492
browser_bug563588.js 1092
browser_bug565575.js 587
browser_bug567306.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1859
browser_bug575561.js 3979
browser_bug577121.js 1038
browser_bug578534.js 1064
browser_bug579872.js 1083
browser_bug581253.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1949
browser_bug585785.js 1147
browser_bug585830.js 890
browser_bug594131.js 887
browser_bug596687.js 716
browser_bug597218.js 1162
browser_bug609700.js 549
browser_bug623893.js 1543
browser_bug624734.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1404
browser_bug664672.js 509
browser_bug676619.js 6922
browser_bug710878.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1181
browser_bug724239.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2003
browser_bug734076.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5624
browser_bug749738.js This test checks that if you search for something on one tab, then close that tab and have the find bar open on the next tab you get switched to, closing the find bar in that tab works without exceptions. 1047
browser_bug763468_perwindowpb.js 1539
browser_bug767836_perwindowpb.js 2116
browser_bug817947.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1571
browser_bug832435.js 850
browser_bug882977.js Tests that the identity-box shows the chromeUI styling when viewing such a page in a new window. 847
browser_bug963945.js This test ensures the about:addons tab is only opened one time when in private browsing. 892
browser_bug1261299.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3344
browser_bug1297539.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 4416
browser_bug1299667.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2387
browser_clipboard.js 9050
browser_clipboard_pastefile.js 3951
browser_contentAltClick.js Test for Bug 1109146. The tests opens a new tab and alt + clicks to download files and confirms those files are on the download list. The difference between this and the test "browser_contentAreaClick.js" is that the code path in e10s uses the ClickHandler actor instead of browser.js::contentAreaClick() util. 6171
browser_contentAreaClick.js Test for bug 549340. Test for browser.js::contentAreaClick() util. The test opens a new browser window, then replaces browser.js methods invoked by contentAreaClick with a mock function that tracks which methods have been called. Each sub-test synthesizes a mouse click event on links injected in content, the event is collected by a click handler that ensures that contentAreaClick correctly prevent default events, and follows the correct code path. 9818
browser_datachoices_notification.js Wait for a tick. 8686
browser_documentnavigation.js This test checks that focus is adjusted properly in a browser when pressing F6 and Shift+F6. There are additional tests in dom/tests/mochitest/chrome/test_focus_docnav.xul which test non-browser cases. 11797
browser_domFullscreen_fullscreenMode.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 7474
browser_drag.js 1636
browser_duplicateIDs.js 236
browser_findbarClose.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1253
browser_focusonkeydown.js 614
browser_fullscreen-window-open.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 8964
browser_gestureSupport.js waitForLoad 29654
browser_hide_removing.js 1008
browser_homeDrop.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3329
browser_invalid_uri_back_forward_manipulation.js Verify that loading an invalid URI does not clobber a previously-loaded page's history entry, but that the invalid URI gets its own history entry instead. We're checking this using nsIWebNavigation's canGoBack, as well as actually going back and then checking canGoForward. 1780
browser_menuButtonFitts.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2230
browser_middleMouse_noJSPaste.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1238
browser_minimize.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2693
browser_modifiedclick_inherit_principal.js Check that when manually opening content JS links in new tabs/windows, we use the correct principal, and we don't clear the URL bar. 1823
browser_newTabDrop.js eslint-disable @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url 5663
browser_newwindow_focus.js These tests are for the auto-focus behaviour on the initial browser when a window is opened from content. 2578
browser_newWindowDrop.js 6234
browser_plainTextLinks.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 7606
browser_printpreview.js 1119
browser_private_browsing_window.js Check that the "new window" menu items have the expected properties. @param {Element} newWindowItem - The "new window" item to check. @param {Element} privateWindowItem - The "new private window" item to check. @param {Object} expect - The expected properties. @param {boolean} expect.privateVisible - Whether we expect the private item to be visible or not. @param {string} expect.newWindowL10nId - The expected string ID used by the "new window" item. @param {string} expect.privateWindowL10nId - The expected string ID used by the "new private window" item. @param {boolean} [useIsVisible=true] - Whether to test the "true" visibility of the item. Otherwise only the "hidden" attribute is checked. 6966
browser_private_no_prompt.js 316
browser_refreshBlocker.js Goes into the content, and simulates a meta-refresh header at a very low level, and checks to see if it was blocked. This will always cancel the refresh, regardless of whether or not the refresh was blocked. @param browser (<xul:browser>) The browser to test for refreshing. @param expectRefresh (bool) Whether or not we expect the refresh attempt to succeed. @returns Promise 6770
browser_remoteTroubleshoot.js 3264
browser_remoteWebNavigation_postdata.js 1698
browser_save_link-perwindowpb.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 7152
browser_save_link_when_window_navigates.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6152
browser_save_private_link_perwindowpb.js Do walk entries 3619
browser_save_video.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2802
browser_save_video_frame.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3097
browser_star_hsts.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2850
browser_star_hsts.sjs 598
browser_storagePressure_notification.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5694
browser_typeAheadFind.js 1130
browser_unknownContentType_title.js 3157
browser_unloaddialogs.js 1799
browser_visibleFindSelection.js 2077
browser_windowactivation.js This test checks that window activation state is set properly with multiple tabs. 4847
browser_zbug569342.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2467
bug792517-2.html 82
bug792517.html 59
bug792517.sjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 397
clipboard_pastefile.html 1389
download_page.html Test for the download attribute 4116
download_page_1.txt 30
download_page_2.txt 5
download_with_content_disposition_header.sjs 696
dummy.ics 300
dummy.ics^headers^ 28
dummy_page.html Dummy test page 173
file_documentnavigation_frameset.html 658
file_fullscreen-window-open.html Test for when browser is in fullscreen 634
file_window_activation.html 101
file_window_activation2.html 16
file_with_link_to_http.html Test page for Bug 1338375 195
head.js Wait for a <notification> to be closed then call the specified callback. 8699
moz.png 580
navigating_window_with_download.html This window will navigate while you're downloading something 262
redirect_download.sjs 307
refresh_header.sjs Will cause an auto-refresh to the URL provided in the query string after some delay using the refresh HTTP header. Expects the query string to be in the format: ?p=[URL of the page to redirect to]&d=[delay] Example: ? 727
refresh_meta.sjs Will cause an auto-refresh to the URL provided in the query string after some delay using a <meta> tag. Expects the query string to be in the format: ?p=[URL of the page to redirect to]&d=[delay] Example: ? 1082
test_bug462673.html 235
test_bug628179.html Test for closing the Find bar in subdocuments 213
test_remoteTroubleshoot.html 921
title_test.svg 1805
unknownContentType_file.pif 60
unknownContentType_file.pif^headers^ 39
video.webm 222879
web_video.html Document with Web Video 204
web_video1.webm 17555
web_video1.webm^headers^ 88