Name Description Size
accept.html Test file for accept header 144
accept.sjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 521
auth_test.html Favicon Test for http auth 218
auth_test.png 0
auth_test.png^headers^ 67
blank.html 47
browser.toml 2932
browser_bug408415.js 1009
browser_bug550565.js 1104
browser_favicon_accept.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 830
browser_favicon_auth.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 774
browser_favicon_cache.js 1696
browser_favicon_change.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1008
browser_favicon_change_not_in_document.js This test tests a link element won't fire DOMLinkChanged/DOMLinkAdded unless it is added to the DOM. See more details in bug 1083895. Note that there is debounce logic in FaviconLoader.sys.mjs, adding a new icon link after the icon parsing timeout will trigger a new icon extraction cycle. Hence, there should be two favicons loads in this test as it appends a new link to the DOM in the timeout callback defined in the test HTML page. However, the not-yet-added link element with href as "" should not fire the DOMLinkAdded event, nor should it fire the DOMLinkChanged event after its href gets updated later. 5033
browser_favicon_credentials.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2429
browser_favicon_crossorigin.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1829
browser_favicon_empty_data.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2468
browser_favicon_load.js Bug 1247843 - A test case for testing whether the channel used to load favicon has correct classFlags. Note that this test is modified based on browser_favicon_userContextId.js. 5038
browser_favicon_nostore.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5616
browser_favicon_referer.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1895
browser_favicon_store.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1857
browser_icon_discovery.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5453
browser_invalid_href_fallback.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 946
browser_missing_favicon.js 1156
browser_mixed_content.js 817
browser_multiple_icons_in_short_timeframe.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1065
browser_oversized.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 770
browser_preferred_icons.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4073
browser_redirect.js 528
browser_rich_icons.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1403
browser_rooticon.js 926
browser_subframe_favicons_not_used.js Make sure <link rel="..."> isn't respected in sub-frames. 597
browser_title_flicker.js 5280
cookie_favicon.html Favicon Test for caching 221
cookie_favicon.sjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 772
credentials.png 0
credentials.png^headers^ 144
credentials1.html Favicon test for cross-origin credentials 267
credentials2.html Favicon test for cross-origin credentials 285
crossorigin.html Favicon test for the crossorigin attribute 267
crossorigin.png 0
crossorigin.png^headers^ 52
datauri-favicon.html Favicon tab 369
discovery.html Autodiscovery Test 107
file_bug970276_favicon1.ico 0
file_bug970276_favicon2.ico 0
file_bug970276_popup1.html Test file for bug 970276. 294
file_bug970276_popup2.html Test file for bug 970276. 255
file_favicon.html Favicon Test for originAttributes 228
file_favicon.png 0
file_favicon.png^headers^ 24
file_favicon_change.html 384
file_favicon_change_not_in_document.html 647
file_favicon_empty.html 203
file_favicon_no_referrer.html Favicon Test for referrer 244
file_favicon_redirect.html Test file with an icon that redirects 266
file_favicon_redirect.ico 0
file_favicon_redirect.ico^headers^ 112
file_favicon_thirdParty.html Favicon Test for originAttributes 306
file_generic_favicon.ico 0
file_insecure_favicon.html Favicon Test for mixed content 287
file_invalid_href.html Test file for bugs with invalid hrefs for favicons 269
file_mask_icon.html Mask Icon 249
file_rich_icon.html Rich Icons 364
file_with_favicon.html Test file for bugs with favicons 260
file_with_slow_favicon.html Test for title flicker 253
head.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2473
icon.svg 1542
large.png 0
large_favicon.html Test file for bugs with favicons 245
moz.png 0
no-store.html Favicon Test for Cache-Control: no-store 231
no-store.png 0
no-store.png^headers^ 51
rich_moz_1.png 0
rich_moz_2.png 0