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Test Info: Errors
- This test failed 1 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: accessible/tests/mochitest/treeupdate/a11y.toml
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML img map accessible tree update tests</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript">
function insertArea(aImageMapID, aMapID) {
this.imageMap = getAccessible(aImageMapID);
this.mapNode = getNode(aMapID);
function getInsertedArea(aThisObj) {
return aThisObj.imageMap.firstChild;
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_SHOW, getInsertedArea, this),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.imageMap),
this.invoke = function insertArea_invoke() {
var areaElm = document.createElement("area");
// eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url
areaElm.setAttribute("coords", "0,0,13,14");
areaElm.setAttribute("alt", "a");
areaElm.setAttribute("shape", "rect");
this.mapNode.insertBefore(areaElm, this.mapNode.firstChild);
this.finalCheck = function insertArea_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
role: ROLE_LINK,
name: "a",
children: [ ],
role: ROLE_LINK,
name: "b",
children: [ ],
] };
testAccessibleTree(this.imageMap, accTree);
this.getID = function insertArea_getID() {
return "insert area element";
function appendArea(aImageMapID, aMapID) {
this.imageMap = getAccessible(aImageMapID);
this.mapNode = getNode(aMapID);
function getAppendedArea(aThisObj) {
return aThisObj.imageMap.lastChild;
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_SHOW, getAppendedArea, this),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.imageMap),
this.invoke = function appendArea_invoke() {
var areaElm = document.createElement("area");
// eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url
areaElm.setAttribute("coords", "34,0,47,14");
areaElm.setAttribute("alt", "c");
areaElm.setAttribute("shape", "rect");
this.finalCheck = function appendArea_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
role: ROLE_LINK,
name: "a",
children: [ ],
role: ROLE_LINK,
name: "b",
children: [ ],
role: ROLE_LINK,
name: "c",
children: [ ],
] };
testAccessibleTree(this.imageMap, accTree);
this.getID = function appendArea_getID() {
return "append area element";
function removeArea(aImageMapID, aMapID) {
this.imageMap = getAccessible(aImageMapID);
this.area = null;
this.mapNode = getNode(aMapID);
function getRemovedArea(aThisObj) {
return aThisObj.area;
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_HIDE, getRemovedArea, this),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.imageMap),
this.invoke = function removeArea_invoke() {
this.area = this.imageMap.firstChild;
this.finalCheck = function removeArea_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
role: ROLE_LINK,
name: "b",
children: [ ],
role: ROLE_LINK,
name: "c",
children: [ ],
] };
testAccessibleTree(this.imageMap, accTree);
this.getID = function removeArea_getID() {
return "remove area element";
function removeNameOnMap(aImageMapContainerID, aImageMapID, aMapID) {
this.container = getAccessible(aImageMapContainerID);
this.containerNode = this.container.DOMNode;
this.imageMap = getAccessible(aImageMapID);
this.imgNode = this.imageMap.DOMNode;
this.mapNode = getNode(aMapID);
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_HIDE, this.imageMap),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_SHOW, this.imgNode),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.container),
this.invoke = function removeNameOnMap_invoke() {
this.finalCheck = function removeNameOnMap_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
{ GRAPHIC: [ ] },
] };
testAccessibleTree(this.container, accTree);
this.getID = function removeNameOnMap_getID() {
return "remove @name on map element";
function restoreNameOnMap(aImageMapContainerID, aImageMapID, aMapID) {
this.container = getAccessible(aImageMapContainerID);
this.containerNode = this.container.DOMNode;
this.imageMap = null;
this.imgNode = getNode(aImageMapID);
this.mapNode = getNode(aMapID);
function getImageMap(aThisObj) {
return aThisObj.imageMap;
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_HIDE, getImageMap, this),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_SHOW, this.imgNode),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.container),
this.invoke = function restoreNameOnMap_invoke() {
this.imageMap = getAccessible(aImageMapID);
this.mapNode.setAttribute("name", "atoz_map");
this.finalCheck = function removeNameOnMap_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
{ LINK: [ ] },
{ LINK: [ ] },
] },
] };
testAccessibleTree(this.container, accTree);
this.getID = function removeNameOnMap_getID() {
return "restore @name on map element";
function removeMap(aImageMapContainerID, aImageMapID, aMapID) {
this.container = getAccessible(aImageMapContainerID);
this.containerNode = this.container.DOMNode;
this.imageMap = null;
this.imgNode = getNode(aImageMapID);
this.mapNode = getNode(aMapID);
function getImageMap(aThisObj) {
return aThisObj.imageMap;
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_HIDE, getImageMap, this),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_SHOW, this.imgNode),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.container),
this.invoke = function removeMap_invoke() {
this.imageMap = getAccessible(aImageMapID);
this.finalCheck = function removeMap_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
{ GRAPHIC: [ ] },
] };
testAccessibleTree(this.container, accTree);
this.getID = function removeMap_getID() {
return "remove map element";
function insertMap(aImageMapContainerID, aImageID) {
this.container = getAccessible(aImageMapContainerID);
this.containerNode = this.container.DOMNode;
this.image = null;
this.imgMapNode = getNode(aImageID);
function getImage(aThisObj) {
return aThisObj.image;
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_HIDE, getImage, this),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_SHOW, this.imgMapNode),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.container),
this.invoke = function insertMap_invoke() {
this.image = getAccessible(aImageID);
var map = document.createElement("map");
map.setAttribute("name", "atoz_map");
map.setAttribute("id", "map");
var area = document.createElement("area");
// eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url
area.setAttribute("coords", "17,0,30,14");
area.setAttribute("alt", "b");
area.setAttribute("shape", "rect");
this.finalCheck = function insertMap_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
{ LINK: [ ] },
] },
] };
testAccessibleTree(this.container, accTree);
this.getID = function insertMap_getID() {
return "insert map element";
function hideImageMap(aContainerID, aImageID) {
this.container = getAccessible(aContainerID);
this.imageMap = null;
this.imageMapNode = getNode(aImageID);
function getImageMap(aThisObj) {
return aThisObj.imageMap;
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_HIDE, getImageMap, this),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, aContainerID),
this.invoke = function hideImageMap_invoke() {
this.imageMap = getAccessible(this.imageMapNode); = "none";
this.finalCheck = function hideImageMap_finalCheck() {
var accTree =
{ SECTION: [ ] };
testAccessibleTree(this.container, accTree);
this.getID = function hideImageMap_getID() {
return "display:none image";
// gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true; // debug stuff
function doPreTest() {
waitForImageMap("imgmap", doTest);
var gQueue = null;
function doTest() {
gQueue = new eventQueue();
gQueue.push(new insertArea("imgmap", "map"));
gQueue.push(new appendArea("imgmap", "map"));
gQueue.push(new removeArea("imgmap", "map"));
gQueue.push(new removeNameOnMap("container", "imgmap", "map"));
gQueue.push(new restoreNameOnMap("container", "imgmap", "map"));
gQueue.push(new removeMap("container", "imgmap", "map"));
gQueue.push(new insertMap("container", "imgmap"));
gQueue.push(new hideImageMap("container", "imgmap"));
// enableLogging("tree"); // debug stuff
// gQueue.onFinish = function() { disableLogging("tree"); }
gQueue.invoke(); // Will call SimpleTest.finish();
<a target="_blank"
title="Image map accessible tree is not updated when image map is changed"
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<pre id="test">
<map name="atoz_map" id="map">
coords="17,0,30,14" alt="b" shape="rect">
<div id="container">
<img id="imgmap" width="447" height="15"
Important: no whitespace between the <img> and the </div>, so we
don't end up with textframes there, because those would be reflected
in our accessible tree in some cases.