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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'win' OR os == 'linux'
- Manifest: accessible/tests/mochitest/events/a11y.toml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- SeaMonkey searchbar -->
title="Accessible focus event testing">
<script type="application/javascript"
src="../common.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="../role.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="../states.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="../events.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="../autocomplete.js" />
<script type="application/javascript">
// Invokers
function loadFormAutoComplete(aIFrameID)
this.iframeNode = getNode(aIFrameID);
this.iframe = getAccessible(aIFrameID);
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.iframe)
this.invoke = function loadFormAutoComplete_invoke()
var url = "data:text/html,<html><body><form id='form'>" +
"<input id='input' name='a11ytest-formautocomplete'>" +
this.iframeNode.setAttribute("src", url);
this.getID = function loadFormAutoComplete_getID()
return "load form autocomplete page";
function initFormAutoCompleteBy(aIFrameID, aAutoCompleteValue)
this.iframe = getAccessible(aIFrameID);
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.iframe)
this.invoke = function initFormAutoCompleteBy_invoke()
var iframeDOMDoc = getIFrameDOMDoc(aIFrameID);
var inputNode = iframeDOMDoc.getElementById("input");
inputNode.value = aAutoCompleteValue;
var formNode = iframeDOMDoc.getElementById("form");
this.getID = function initFormAutoCompleteBy_getID()
return "init form autocomplete by '" + aAutoCompleteValue + "'";
function loadHTML5ListAutoComplete(aIFrameID)
this.iframeNode = getNode(aIFrameID);
this.iframe = getAccessible(aIFrameID);
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.iframe)
this.invoke = function loadHTML5ListAutoComplete_invoke()
var url = "data:text/html,<html><body>" +
"<datalist id='cities'><option>hello</option><option>hi</option></datalist>" +
"<input id='input' list='cities'>" +
this.iframeNode.setAttribute("src", url);
this.getID = function loadHTML5ListAutoComplete_getID()
return "load HTML5 list autocomplete page";
function removeChar(aID, aCheckerOrEventSeq)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(aID, aCheckerOrEventSeq);
this.invoke = function removeChar_invoke()
synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowLeft", {shiftKey: true});
this.getID = function removeChar_getID()
return "remove char on " + prettyName(aID);
function replaceOnChar(aID, aChar, aCheckerOrEventSeq)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(aID, aCheckerOrEventSeq);
this.invoke = function replaceOnChar_invoke()
this.getID = function replaceOnChar_getID()
return "replace on char '" + aChar + "' for" + prettyName(aID);
function focusOnMouseOver(aIDFunc, aIDFuncArg)
this.eventSeq = [ new focusChecker(aIDFunc, aIDFuncArg) ];
this.invoke = function focusOnMouseOver_invoke()
{ = aIDFunc(aIDFuncArg);
this.node = getNode(;
this.window = this.node.ownerGlobal;
if (this.node.localName == "tree") {
var tree = getAccessible(this.node);
var accessible = getAccessible(;
if (tree != accessible) {
var itemX = {}, itemY = {}, treeX = {}, treeY = {};
accessible.getBounds(itemX, itemY, {}, {});
tree.getBounds(treeX, treeY, {}, {});
this.x = itemX.value - treeX.value;
this.y = itemY.value - treeY.value;
// Generate mouse move events in timeouts until autocomplete popup list
// doesn't have it, the reason is do that because autocomplete popup
// ignores mousemove events firing in too short range.
synthesizeMouse(this.node, this.x, this.y, { type: "mousemove" });
this.finalCheck = function focusOnMouseOver_getID()
this.isFlooding = false;
this.getID = function focusOnMouseOver_getID()
return "mouse over on " + prettyName(aIDFunc(aIDFuncArg));
this.doMouseMoveFlood = function focusOnMouseOver_doMouseMoveFlood(aThis)
synthesizeMouse(aThis.node, aThis.x + 1, aThis.y + 1,
{ type: "mousemove" }, aThis.window);
if (aThis.isFlooding)
aThis.window.setTimeout(aThis.doMouseMoveFlood, 0, aThis);
} = null;
this.node = null;
this.window = null;
this.isFlooding = true;
this.x = 1;
this.y = 1;
function selectByClick(aIDFunc, aIDFuncArg,
aFocusTargetFunc, aFocusTargetFuncArg)
this.eventSeq = [ new focusChecker(aFocusTargetFunc, aFocusTargetFuncArg) ];
this.invoke = function selectByClick_invoke()
var id = aIDFunc(aIDFuncArg);
var node = getNode(id);
var targetWindow = node.ownerGlobal;
if (node.localName == "tree") {
var tree = getAccessible(node);
var accessible = getAccessible(id);
if (tree != accessible) {
var itemX = {}, itemY = {}, treeX = {}, treeY = {};
accessible.getBounds(itemX, itemY, {}, {});
tree.getBounds(treeX, treeY, {}, {});
this.x = itemX.value - treeX.value;
this.y = itemY.value - treeY.value;
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, {}, targetWindow);
this.getID = function selectByClick_getID()
return "select by click " + prettyName(aIDFunc(aIDFuncArg));
// Target getters
function getItem(aItemObj)
var autocompleteNode = aItemObj.autocompleteNode;
// XUL searchbar
if (autocompleteNode.localName == "searchbar") {
let popupNode = autocompleteNode._popup;
if (popupNode) {
let list = getAccessible(popupNode);
return list.getChildAt(aItemObj.index);
// XUL autocomplete
let popupNode = autocompleteNode.popup;
if (!popupNode) {
// HTML form autocomplete
var controller = Cc[";1"].
popupNode = controller.input.popup;
if (popupNode) {
if ("richlistbox" in popupNode) {
let list = getAccessible(popupNode.richlistbox);
return list.getChildAt(aItemObj.index);
let list = getAccessible(popupNode.tree);
return list.getChildAt(aItemObj.index + 1);
return null;
function getTextEntry(aID)
// For form autocompletes the autocomplete widget and text entry widget
// is the same widget, for XUL autocompletes the text entry is a first
// child.
var localName = getNode(aID).localName;
// HTML form autocomplete
if (localName == "input")
return getAccessible(aID);
// XUL searchbar
if (localName == "searchbar")
return getAccessible(getNode(aID).textbox);
return null;
function itemObj(aID, aIdx)
this.autocompleteNode = getNode(aID);
this.autocomplete = this.autocompleteNode.localName == "searchbar" ?
getAccessible(this.autocompleteNode.textbox) :
this.index = aIdx;
function getIFrameDOMDoc(aIFrameID)
return getNode(aIFrameID).contentDocument;
// Test helpers
function queueAutoCompleteTests(aID)
// focus autocomplete text entry
gQueue.push(new synthFocus(aID, new focusChecker(getTextEntry, aID)));
// open autocomplete popup
gQueue.push(new synthDownKey(aID, new nofocusChecker()));
// select second option ('hi' option), focus on it
gQueue.push(new synthUpKey(aID,
new focusChecker(getItem, new itemObj(aID, 1))));
// choose selected option, focus on text entry
gQueue.push(new synthEnterKey(aID, new focusChecker(getTextEntry, aID)));
// remove char, autocomplete popup appears
gQueue.push(new removeChar(aID, new nofocusChecker()));
// select first option ('hello' option), focus on it
gQueue.push(new synthDownKey(aID,
new focusChecker(getItem, new itemObj(aID, 0))));
// mouse move on second option ('hi' option), focus on it
gQueue.push(new focusOnMouseOver(getItem, new itemObj(aID, 1)));
// autocomplete popup updated (no selected item), focus on textentry
gQueue.push(new synthKey(aID, "e", null, new focusChecker(getTextEntry, aID)));
// select first option ('hello' option), focus on it
gQueue.push(new synthDownKey(aID,
new focusChecker(getItem, new itemObj(aID, 0))));
// popup gets hidden, focus on textentry
gQueue.push(new synthRightKey(aID, new focusChecker(getTextEntry, aID)));
// popup gets open, no focus
gQueue.push(new synthOpenComboboxKey(aID, new nofocusChecker()));
// select first option again ('hello' option), focus on it
gQueue.push(new synthDownKey(aID,
new focusChecker(getItem, new itemObj(aID, 0))));
// no option is selected, focus on text entry
gQueue.push(new synthUpKey(aID, new focusChecker(getTextEntry, aID)));
// close popup, no focus
gQueue.push(new synthEscapeKey(aID, new nofocusChecker()));
// autocomplete popup appears (no selected item), focus stays on textentry
gQueue.push(new replaceOnChar(aID, "h", new nofocusChecker()));
// mouse move on first option ('hello' option), focus on it
gQueue.push(new focusOnMouseOver(getItem, new itemObj(aID, 0)));
// click first option ('hello' option), popup closes, focus on text entry
gQueue.push(new selectByClick(getItem, new itemObj(aID, 0), getTextEntry, aID));
// Tests
//gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true; // debug stuff
var gInitQueue = null;
function initTests()
gInitQueue = new eventQueue();
gInitQueue.push(new loadFormAutoComplete("iframe"));
gInitQueue.push(new initFormAutoCompleteBy("iframe", "hello"));
gInitQueue.push(new initFormAutoCompleteBy("iframe", "hi"));
gInitQueue.push(new loadHTML5ListAutoComplete("iframe2"));
gInitQueue.onFinish = function initQueue_onFinish()
var gQueue = null;
function doTests()
// Test focus events.
gQueue = new eventQueue();
// tree popup autocomplete tests
// richlistbox popup autocomplete tests
// HTML form autocomplete tests
// HTML5 list autocomplete tests
// searchbar tests
// focus searchbar, focus on text entry
gQueue.push(new synthFocus("searchbar",
new focusChecker(getTextEntry, "searchbar")));
// open search engine popup, no focus
gQueue.push(new synthOpenComboboxKey("searchbar", new nofocusChecker()));
// select first item, focus on it
gQueue.push(new synthDownKey("searchbar",
new focusChecker(getItem, new itemObj("searchbar", 0))));
// mouse over on second item, focus on it
gQueue.push(new focusOnMouseOver(getItem, new itemObj("searchbar", 1)));
// press enter key, focus on text entry
gQueue.push(new synthEnterKey("searchbar",
new focusChecker(getTextEntry, "searchbar")));
// click on search button, open popup, focus goes to document
var searchBtn = getAccessible(getNode("searchbar").searchButton);
gQueue.push(new synthClick(searchBtn, new focusChecker(document)));
// select first item, focus on it
gQueue.push(new synthDownKey("searchbar",
new focusChecker(getItem, new itemObj("searchbar", 0))));
// close popup, focus goes on document
gQueue.push(new synthEscapeKey("searchbar", new focusChecker(document)));
gQueue.onFinish = function()
// unregister 'test-a11y-search' autocomplete search
gQueue.invoke(); // Will call SimpleTest.finish();
// Register 'test-a11y-search' autocomplete search.
// XPFE AutoComplete needs to register early.
initAutoComplete([ "hello", "hi" ],
[ "Beep beep'm beep beep yeah", "Baby you can drive my car" ]);
<hbox flex="1" style="overflow: auto;">
<a target="_blank"
title="Focus event inconsistent for search box autocomplete">
<a target="_blank"
title="Rework accessible focus handling">
<a target="_blank"
title="Add accessibility support for @list on HTML input and for HTML datalist">
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<pre id="test">
<vbox flex="1">
<html:input is="autocomplete-input"
<html:input is="autocomplete-input"
<panel is="autocomplete-richlistbox-popup"
<iframe id="iframe"/>
<iframe id="iframe2"/>
<searchbar id="searchbar"/>