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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "TextLeafRange.h"
#include "HyperTextAccessible-inl.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/Accessible.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/CacheConstants.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/DocAccessible.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/DocAccessibleParent.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/LocalAccessible.h"
#include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h"
#include "mozilla/Casting.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/AbstractRange.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CharacterData.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/Segmenter.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/WordBreaker.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h"
#include "mozilla/TextEditor.h"
#include "nsAccUtils.h"
#include "nsBlockFrame.h"
#include "nsFrameSelection.h"
#include "nsIAccessiblePivot.h"
#include "nsILineIterator.h"
#include "nsINode.h"
#include "nsStyleStructInlines.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsTextFrame.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
#include "Pivot.h"
#include "TextAttrs.h"
#include "TextRange.h"
using mozilla::intl::WordBreaker;
using FindWordOptions = mozilla::intl::WordBreaker::FindWordOptions;
namespace mozilla::a11y {
/*** Helpers ***/
* These two functions convert between rendered and content text offsets.
* When text DOM nodes are rendered, the rendered text often does not contain
* all the whitespace from the source. For example, by default, the text
* "a b" will be rendered as "a b"; i.e. multiple spaces are compressed to
* one. TextLeafAccessibles contain rendered text, but when we query layout, we
* need to provide offsets into the original content text. Similarly, layout
* returns content offsets, but we need to convert them to rendered offsets to
* map them to TextLeafAccessibles.
static int32_t RenderedToContentOffset(LocalAccessible* aAcc,
uint32_t aRenderedOffset) {
nsTextFrame* frame = do_QueryFrame(aAcc->GetFrame());
if (!frame) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!aAcc->HasOwnContent() || aAcc->IsHTMLBr(),
"No text frame because this is a XUL label[value] text leaf or "
"a BR element.");
return static_cast<int32_t>(aRenderedOffset);
if (frame->StyleText()->WhiteSpaceIsSignificant() &&
frame->StyleText()->NewlineIsSignificant(frame)) {
// Spaces and new lines aren't altered, so the content and rendered offsets
// are the same. This happens in pre-formatted text and text fields.
return static_cast<int32_t>(aRenderedOffset);
nsIFrame::RenderedText text =
frame->GetRenderedText(aRenderedOffset, aRenderedOffset + 1,
return text.mOffsetWithinNodeText;
static uint32_t ContentToRenderedOffset(LocalAccessible* aAcc,
int32_t aContentOffset) {
nsTextFrame* frame = do_QueryFrame(aAcc->GetFrame());
if (!frame) {
"No text frame because this is a XUL label[value] text leaf.");
return aContentOffset;
if (frame->StyleText()->WhiteSpaceIsSignificant() &&
frame->StyleText()->NewlineIsSignificant(frame)) {
// Spaces and new lines aren't altered, so the content and rendered offsets
// are the same. This happens in pre-formatted text and text fields.
return aContentOffset;
nsIFrame::RenderedText text =
frame->GetRenderedText(aContentOffset, aContentOffset + 1,
return text.mOffsetWithinNodeRenderedText;
class LeafRule : public PivotRule {
explicit LeafRule(bool aIgnoreListItemMarker)
: mIgnoreListItemMarker(aIgnoreListItemMarker) {}
virtual uint16_t Match(Accessible* aAcc) override {
if (aAcc->IsOuterDoc()) {
// Treat an embedded doc as a single character in this document, but do
// not descend inside it.
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_MATCH |
if (mIgnoreListItemMarker && aAcc->Role() == roles::LISTITEM_MARKER) {
// Ignore list item markers if configured to do so.
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_IGNORE;
// We deliberately include Accessibles such as empty input elements and
// empty containers, as these can be at the start of a line.
if (!aAcc->HasChildren()) {
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_MATCH;
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_IGNORE;
bool mIgnoreListItemMarker;
static HyperTextAccessible* HyperTextFor(LocalAccessible* aAcc) {
for (LocalAccessible* acc = aAcc; acc; acc = acc->LocalParent()) {
if (HyperTextAccessible* ht = acc->AsHyperText()) {
return ht;
return nullptr;
static Accessible* NextLeaf(Accessible* aOrigin, bool aIsEditable = false,
bool aIgnoreListItemMarker = false) {
Accessible* doc = nsAccUtils::DocumentFor(aOrigin);
Pivot pivot(doc);
auto rule = LeafRule(aIgnoreListItemMarker);
Accessible* leaf = pivot.Next(aOrigin, rule);
if (aIsEditable && leaf) {
return leaf->Parent() && (leaf->Parent()->State() & states::EDITABLE)
? leaf
: nullptr;
return leaf;
static Accessible* PrevLeaf(Accessible* aOrigin, bool aIsEditable = false,
bool aIgnoreListItemMarker = false) {
Accessible* doc = nsAccUtils::DocumentFor(aOrigin);
Pivot pivot(doc);
auto rule = LeafRule(aIgnoreListItemMarker);
Accessible* leaf = pivot.Prev(aOrigin, rule);
if (aIsEditable && leaf) {
return leaf->Parent() && (leaf->Parent()->State() & states::EDITABLE)
? leaf
: nullptr;
return leaf;
static nsIFrame* GetFrameInBlock(const LocalAccessible* aAcc) {
dom::HTMLInputElement* input =
if (!input) {
if (LocalAccessible* parent = aAcc->LocalParent()) {
input = dom::HTMLInputElement::FromNodeOrNull(parent->GetContent());
if (input) {
// If this is a single line input (or a leaf of an input) we want to return
// the top frame of the input element and not the text leaf's frame because
// the leaf may be inside of an embedded block frame in the input's shadow
// DOM that we aren't interested in.
return input->GetPrimaryFrame();
return aAcc->GetFrame();
* Returns true if the given frames are on different lines.
static bool AreFramesOnDifferentLines(nsIFrame* aFrame1, nsIFrame* aFrame2) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame1 && aFrame2);
if (aFrame1 == aFrame2) {
// This can happen if two Accessibles share the same frame; e.g. image maps.
return false;
auto [block1, lineFrame1] = aFrame1->GetContainingBlockForLine(
/* aLockScroll */ false);
if (!block1) {
// Error; play it safe.
return true;
auto [block2, lineFrame2] = aFrame2->GetContainingBlockForLine(
/* aLockScroll */ false);
if (lineFrame1 == lineFrame2) {
return false;
if (block1 != block2) {
// These frames are in different blocks, so they're on different lines.
return true;
if (nsBlockFrame* block = do_QueryFrame(block1)) {
// If we have a block frame, it's faster for us to use
// BlockInFlowLineIterator because it uses the line cursor.
bool found = false;
nsBlockInFlowLineIterator it1(block, lineFrame1, &found);
if (!found) {
// Error; play it safe.
return true;
found = false;
nsBlockInFlowLineIterator it2(block, lineFrame2, &found);
return !found || it1.GetLineList() != it2.GetLineList() ||
it1.GetLine() != it2.GetLine();
AutoAssertNoDomMutations guard;
nsILineIterator* it = block1->GetLineIterator();
MOZ_ASSERT(it, "GetLineIterator impl in line-container blocks is infallible");
int32_t line1 = it->FindLineContaining(lineFrame1);
if (line1 < 0) {
// Error; play it safe.
return true;
int32_t line2 = it->FindLineContaining(lineFrame2, line1);
return line1 != line2;
static bool IsLocalAccAtLineStart(LocalAccessible* aAcc) {
if (aAcc->NativeRole() == roles::LISTITEM_MARKER) {
// A bullet always starts a line.
return true;
// Splitting of content across lines is handled by layout.
// nsIFrame::IsLogicallyAtLineEdge queries whether a frame is the first frame
// on its line. However, we can't use that because the first frame on a line
// might not be included in the a11y tree; e.g. an empty span, or space
// in the DOM after a line break which is stripped when rendered. Instead, we
// get the line number for this Accessible's frame and the line number for the
// previous leaf Accessible's frame and compare them.
Accessible* prev = PrevLeaf(aAcc);
LocalAccessible* prevLocal = prev ? prev->AsLocal() : nullptr;
if (!prevLocal) {
// There's nothing before us, so this is the start of the first line.
return true;
if (prevLocal->NativeRole() == roles::LISTITEM_MARKER) {
// If there is a bullet immediately before us and we're inside the same
// list item, this is not the start of a line.
LocalAccessible* listItem = prevLocal->LocalParent();
LocalAccessible* doc = listItem->Document();
for (LocalAccessible* parent = aAcc->LocalParent(); parent && parent != doc;
parent = parent->LocalParent()) {
if (parent == listItem) {
return false;
nsIFrame* thisFrame = GetFrameInBlock(aAcc);
if (!thisFrame) {
return false;
nsIFrame* prevFrame = GetFrameInBlock(prevLocal);
if (!prevFrame) {
return false;
// The previous leaf might cross lines. We want to compare against the last
// line.
prevFrame = prevFrame->LastContinuation();
// if the lines are different, that means there's nothing before us on the
// same line, so we're at the start.
return AreFramesOnDifferentLines(thisFrame, prevFrame);
* There are many kinds of word break, but we only need to treat punctuation and
* space specially.
enum WordBreakClass { eWbcSpace = 0, eWbcPunct, eWbcOther };
static WordBreakClass GetWordBreakClass(char16_t aChar) {
// Based on IsSelectionInlineWhitespace and IsSelectionNewline in
// layout/generic/nsTextFrame.cpp.
const char16_t kCharNbsp = 0xA0;
switch (aChar) {
case ' ':
case kCharNbsp:
case '\t':
case '\f':
case '\n':
case '\r':
return eWbcSpace;
return mozilla::IsPunctuationForWordSelect(aChar) ? eWbcPunct : eWbcOther;
* Words can cross Accessibles. To work out whether we're at the start of a
* word, we might have to check the previous leaf. This class handles querying
* the previous WordBreakClass, crossing Accessibles if necessary.
class PrevWordBreakClassWalker {
PrevWordBreakClassWalker(Accessible* aAcc, const nsAString& aText,
int32_t aOffset)
: mAcc(aAcc), mText(aText), mOffset(aOffset) {
mClass = GetWordBreakClass(mText.CharAt(mOffset));
WordBreakClass CurClass() { return mClass; }
Maybe<WordBreakClass> PrevClass() {
for (;;) {
if (!PrevChar()) {
return Nothing();
WordBreakClass curClass = GetWordBreakClass(mText.CharAt(mOffset));
if (curClass != mClass) {
mClass = curClass;
return Some(curClass);
return Nothing();
bool IsStartOfGroup() {
if (!PrevChar()) {
// There are no characters before us.
return true;
WordBreakClass curClass = GetWordBreakClass(mText.CharAt(mOffset));
// We wanted to peek at the previous character, not really move to it.
return curClass != mClass;
bool PrevChar() {
if (mOffset > 0) {
return true;
if (!mAcc) {
// PrevChar was called already and failed.
return false;
mAcc = PrevLeaf(mAcc);
if (!mAcc) {
return false;
mOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(mText.Length()) - 1;
return true;
Accessible* mAcc;
nsAutoString mText;
int32_t mOffset;
WordBreakClass mClass;
* WordBreaker breaks at all space, punctuation, etc. We want to emulate
* layout, so that's not what we want. This function determines whether this
* is acceptable as the start of a word for our purposes.
static bool IsAcceptableWordStart(Accessible* aAcc, const nsAutoString& aText,
int32_t aOffset) {
PrevWordBreakClassWalker walker(aAcc, aText, aOffset);
if (!walker.IsStartOfGroup()) {
// If we're not at the start of a WordBreaker group, this can't be the
// start of a word.
return false;
WordBreakClass curClass = walker.CurClass();
if (curClass == eWbcSpace) {
// Space isn't the start of a word.
return false;
Maybe<WordBreakClass> prevClass = walker.PrevClass();
if (curClass == eWbcPunct && (!prevClass || prevClass.value() != eWbcSpace)) {
// Punctuation isn't the start of a word (unless it is after space).
return false;
if (!prevClass || prevClass.value() != eWbcPunct) {
// If there's nothing before this or the group before this isn't
// punctuation, this is the start of a word.
return true;
// At this point, we know the group before this is punctuation.
if (!StaticPrefs::layout_word_select_stop_at_punctuation()) {
// When layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation is false (defaults to true),
// if there is punctuation before this, this is not the start of a word.
return false;
Maybe<WordBreakClass> prevPrevClass = walker.PrevClass();
if (!prevPrevClass || prevPrevClass.value() == eWbcSpace) {
// If there is punctuation before this and space (or nothing) before the
// punctuation, this is not the start of a word.
return false;
return true;
class BlockRule : public PivotRule {
virtual uint16_t Match(Accessible* aAcc) override {
if (RefPtr<nsAtom>(aAcc->DisplayStyle()) == nsGkAtoms::block ||
aAcc->IsHTMLListItem() || aAcc->IsTableRow() || aAcc->IsTableCell()) {
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_MATCH;
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_IGNORE;
* Find DOM ranges which map to text attributes overlapping the requested
* LocalAccessible and offsets. This includes ranges that begin or end outside
* of the given LocalAccessible. Note that the offset arguments are rendered
* offsets, but because the returned ranges are DOM ranges, those offsets are
* content offsets. See the documentation for
* dom::Selection::GetRangesForIntervalArray for information about the
* aAllowAdjacent argument.
static nsTArray<std::pair<nsTArray<dom::AbstractRange*>, nsStaticAtom*>>
FindDOMTextOffsetAttributes(LocalAccessible* aAcc, int32_t aRenderedStart,
int32_t aRenderedEnd, bool aAllowAdjacent = false) {
nsTArray<std::pair<nsTArray<dom::AbstractRange*>, nsStaticAtom*>> result;
if (!aAcc->IsTextLeaf() || !aAcc->HasOwnContent()) {
return result;
nsIFrame* frame = aAcc->GetFrame();
RefPtr<nsFrameSelection> frameSel =
frame ? frame->GetFrameSelection() : nullptr;
if (!frameSel) {
return result;
nsINode* node = aAcc->GetNode();
uint32_t contentStart = RenderedToContentOffset(aAcc, aRenderedStart);
uint32_t contentEnd =
aRenderedEnd == nsIAccessibleText::TEXT_OFFSET_END_OF_TEXT
? dom::CharacterData::FromNode(node)->TextLength()
: RenderedToContentOffset(aAcc, aRenderedEnd);
const std::pair<mozilla::SelectionType, nsStaticAtom*>
kSelectionTypesToAttributes[] = {
{SelectionType::eSpellCheck, nsGkAtoms::spelling},
{SelectionType::eTargetText, nsGkAtoms::mark},
size_t highlightCount = frameSel->HighlightSelectionCount();
result.SetCapacity(std::size(kSelectionTypesToAttributes) + highlightCount);
auto appendRanges = [&](dom::Selection* aDomSel, nsStaticAtom* aAttr) {
nsTArray<dom::AbstractRange*> domRanges;
node, contentStart, node, contentEnd, aAllowAdjacent, &domRanges);
if (!domRanges.IsEmpty()) {
result.AppendElement(std::make_pair(std::move(domRanges), aAttr));
for (auto [selType, attr] : kSelectionTypesToAttributes) {
dom::Selection* domSel = frameSel->GetSelection(selType);
if (!domSel) {
appendRanges(domSel, attr);
for (size_t h = 0; h < highlightCount; ++h) {
RefPtr<dom::Selection> domSel = frameSel->HighlightSelection(h);
nsStaticAtom* attr = nullptr;
switch (domSel->HighlightSelectionData().mHighlight->Type()) {
case dom::HighlightType::Highlight:
attr = nsGkAtoms::mark;
case dom::HighlightType::Spelling_error:
attr = nsGkAtoms::spelling;
case dom::HighlightType::Grammar_error:
attr = nsGkAtoms::grammar;
appendRanges(domSel, attr);
return result;
* Given two DOM nodes get DOM Selection object that is common
* to both of them.
static dom::Selection* GetDOMSelection(const nsIContent* aStartContent,
const nsIContent* aEndContent) {
nsIFrame* startFrame = aStartContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
const nsFrameSelection* startFrameSel =
startFrame ? startFrame->GetConstFrameSelection() : nullptr;
nsIFrame* endFrame = aEndContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
const nsFrameSelection* endFrameSel =
endFrame ? endFrame->GetConstFrameSelection() : nullptr;
if (startFrameSel != endFrameSel) {
// Start and end point don't share the same selection state.
// This could happen when both points aren't in the same editable.
return nullptr;
return startFrameSel ? &startFrameSel->NormalSelection() : nullptr;
std::pair<nsIContent*, int32_t> TextLeafPoint::ToDOMPoint(
bool aIncludeGenerated) const {
if (!(*this) || !mAcc->IsLocal()) {
return {nullptr, 0};
nsIContent* content = mAcc->AsLocal()->GetContent();
nsIFrame* frame = content ? content->GetPrimaryFrame() : nullptr;
if (!aIncludeGenerated && frame && frame->IsGeneratedContentFrame()) {
// List markers accessibles represent the generated content element,
// before/after text accessibles represent the child text nodes.
auto generatedElement = content->IsGeneratedContentContainerForMarker()
? content
: content->GetParentElement();
auto parent = generatedElement ? generatedElement->GetParent() : nullptr;
if (parent) {
if (generatedElement->IsGeneratedContentContainerForAfter()) {
// Use the end offset of the parent element for trailing generated
// content.
return {parent, parent->GetChildCount()};
if (generatedElement->IsGeneratedContentContainerForBefore() ||
generatedElement->IsGeneratedContentContainerForMarker()) {
// Use the start offset of the parent element for leading generated
// content.
return {parent, 0};
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown generated content type!");
if (!mAcc->IsTextLeaf() && !mAcc->IsHTMLBr() && !mAcc->HasChildren()) {
// If this is not a text leaf it can be an empty editable container,
// whitespace, or an empty doc. In any case, the offset inside should be 0.
MOZ_ASSERT(mOffset == 0);
if (RefPtr<TextControlElement> textControlElement =
TextControlElement::FromNodeOrNull(content)) {
// This is an empty input, use the shadow root's element.
if (RefPtr<TextEditor> textEditor = textControlElement->GetTextEditor()) {
if (textEditor->IsEmpty()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mOffset == 0);
return {textEditor->GetRoot(), 0};
return {content, 0};
return {content, RenderedToContentOffset(mAcc->AsLocal(), mOffset)};
static bool IsLineBreakContinuation(nsTextFrame* aContinuation) {
// A fluid continuation always means a new line.
if (aContinuation->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_IS_FLUID_CONTINUATION)) {
return true;
// If both this continuation and the previous continuation are bidi
// continuations, this continuation might be both a bidi split and on a new
// line.
if (!aContinuation->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_IS_BIDI)) {
return true;
nsTextFrame* prev = aContinuation->GetPrevContinuation();
if (!prev) {
// aContinuation is the primary frame. We can't be sure if this starts a new
// line, as there might be other nodes before it. That is handled by
// IsLocalAccAtLineStart.
return false;
if (!prev->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_IS_BIDI)) {
return true;
return AreFramesOnDifferentLines(aContinuation, prev);
/*** TextLeafPoint ***/
TextLeafPoint::TextLeafPoint(Accessible* aAcc, int32_t aOffset) {
if (!aAcc) {
// Construct an invalid point.
mAcc = nullptr;
mOffset = 0;
// Even though an OuterDoc contains a document, we treat it as a leaf because
// we don't want to move into another document.
if (aOffset != nsIAccessibleText::TEXT_OFFSET_CARET && !aAcc->IsOuterDoc() &&
aAcc->HasChildren()) {
// Find a leaf. This might not necessarily be a TextLeafAccessible; it
// could be an empty container.
auto GetChild = [&aOffset](Accessible* acc) -> Accessible* {
if (acc->IsOuterDoc()) {
return nullptr;
return aOffset != nsIAccessibleText::TEXT_OFFSET_END_OF_TEXT
? acc->FirstChild()
: acc->LastChild();
for (Accessible* acc = GetChild(aAcc); acc; acc = GetChild(acc)) {
mAcc = acc;
mOffset = aOffset != nsIAccessibleText::TEXT_OFFSET_END_OF_TEXT
? 0
: nsAccUtils::TextLength(mAcc);
mAcc = aAcc;
mOffset = aOffset != nsIAccessibleText::TEXT_OFFSET_END_OF_TEXT
? aOffset
: nsAccUtils::TextLength(mAcc);
bool TextLeafPoint::operator<(const TextLeafPoint& aPoint) const {
if (mAcc == aPoint.mAcc) {
return mOffset < aPoint.mOffset;
return mAcc->IsBefore(aPoint.mAcc);
bool TextLeafPoint::operator<=(const TextLeafPoint& aPoint) const {
return *this == aPoint || *this < aPoint;
bool TextLeafPoint::IsDocEdge(nsDirection aDirection) const {
if (aDirection == eDirPrevious) {
return mOffset == 0 && !PrevLeaf(mAcc);
return mOffset == static_cast<int32_t>(nsAccUtils::TextLength(mAcc)) &&
bool TextLeafPoint::IsLeafAfterListItemMarker() const {
Accessible* prev = PrevLeaf(mAcc);
return prev && prev->Role() == roles::LISTITEM_MARKER &&
bool TextLeafPoint::IsEmptyLastLine() const {
if (mAcc->IsHTMLBr() && mOffset == 1) {
return true;
if (!mAcc->IsTextLeaf()) {
return false;
if (mOffset < static_cast<int32_t>(nsAccUtils::TextLength(mAcc))) {
return false;
nsAutoString text;
mAcc->AppendTextTo(text, mOffset - 1, 1);
return text.CharAt(0) == '\n';
char16_t TextLeafPoint::GetChar() const {
nsAutoString text;
mAcc->AppendTextTo(text, mOffset, 1);
return text.CharAt(0);
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::FindPrevLineStartSameLocalAcc(
bool aIncludeOrigin) const {
LocalAccessible* acc = mAcc->AsLocal();
if (mOffset == 0) {
if (aIncludeOrigin && IsLocalAccAtLineStart(acc)) {
return *this;
return TextLeafPoint();
nsIFrame* frame = acc->GetFrame();
if (!frame) {
// This can happen if this is an empty element with display: contents. In
// that case, this Accessible contains no lines.
return TextLeafPoint();
if (!frame->IsTextFrame()) {
if (IsLocalAccAtLineStart(acc)) {
return TextLeafPoint(acc, 0);
return TextLeafPoint();
// Each line of a text node is rendered as a continuation frame. Get the
// continuation containing the origin.
int32_t origOffset = mOffset;
origOffset = RenderedToContentOffset(acc, origOffset);
nsTextFrame* continuation = nullptr;
int32_t unusedOffsetInContinuation = 0;
origOffset, true, &unusedOffsetInContinuation, (nsIFrame**)&continuation);
int32_t lineStart = continuation->GetContentOffset();
if (lineStart > 0 && (
// A line starts at the origin, but the caller
// doesn't want this included.
(!aIncludeOrigin && lineStart == origOffset) ||
!IsLineBreakContinuation(continuation))) {
// Go back one more, skipping continuations that aren't line breaks or the
// primary frame.
for (nsTextFrame* prev = continuation->GetPrevContinuation(); prev;
prev = prev->GetPrevContinuation()) {
continuation = prev;
if (IsLineBreakContinuation(continuation)) {
lineStart = continuation->GetContentOffset();
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStart >= 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStart == 0 || IsLineBreakContinuation(continuation));
if (lineStart == 0 && !IsLocalAccAtLineStart(acc)) {
// This is the first line of this text node, but there is something else
// on the same line before this text node, so don't return this as a line
// start.
return TextLeafPoint();
lineStart = static_cast<int32_t>(ContentToRenderedOffset(acc, lineStart));
return TextLeafPoint(acc, lineStart);
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::FindNextLineStartSameLocalAcc(
bool aIncludeOrigin) const {
LocalAccessible* acc = mAcc->AsLocal();
if (aIncludeOrigin && mOffset == 0 && IsLocalAccAtLineStart(acc)) {
return *this;
nsIFrame* frame = acc->GetFrame();
if (!frame) {
// This can happen if this is an empty element with display: contents. In
// that case, this Accessible contains no lines.
return TextLeafPoint();
if (!frame->IsTextFrame()) {
// There can't be multiple lines in a non-text leaf.
return TextLeafPoint();
// Each line of a text node is rendered as a continuation frame. Get the
// continuation containing the origin.
int32_t origOffset = mOffset;
origOffset = RenderedToContentOffset(acc, origOffset);
nsTextFrame* continuation = nullptr;
int32_t unusedOffsetInContinuation = 0;
origOffset, true, &unusedOffsetInContinuation, (nsIFrame**)&continuation);
if (
// A line starts at the origin and the caller wants this included.
aIncludeOrigin && continuation->GetContentOffset() == origOffset &&
IsLineBreakContinuation(continuation) &&
// If this is the first line of this text node (offset 0), don't treat it
// as a line start if there's something else on the line before this text
// node.
!(origOffset == 0 && !IsLocalAccAtLineStart(acc))) {
return *this;
// Get the next continuation, skipping continuations that aren't line breaks.
while ((continuation = continuation->GetNextContinuation())) {
if (IsLineBreakContinuation(continuation)) {
if (!continuation) {
return TextLeafPoint();
int32_t lineStart = continuation->GetContentOffset();
lineStart = static_cast<int32_t>(ContentToRenderedOffset(acc, lineStart));
return TextLeafPoint(acc, lineStart);
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::FindLineStartSameRemoteAcc(
nsDirection aDirection, bool aIncludeOrigin) const {
RemoteAccessible* acc = mAcc->AsRemote();
auto lines = acc->GetCachedTextLines();
if (!lines) {
return TextLeafPoint();
size_t index;
// If BinarySearch returns true, mOffset is in the array and index points at
// it. If BinarySearch returns false, mOffset is not in the array and index
// points at the next line start after mOffset.
if (BinarySearch(*lines, 0, lines->Length(), mOffset, &index)) {
if (aIncludeOrigin) {
return *this;
if (aDirection == eDirNext) {
// We don't want to include the origin. Get the next line start.
MOZ_ASSERT(index <= lines->Length());
if ((aDirection == eDirNext && index == lines->Length()) ||
(aDirection == eDirPrevious && index == 0)) {
return TextLeafPoint();
// index points at the line start after mOffset.
if (aDirection == eDirPrevious) {
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, lines->ElementAt(index));
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::FindLineStartSameAcc(
nsDirection aDirection, bool aIncludeOrigin,
bool aIgnoreListItemMarker) const {
TextLeafPoint boundary;
if (aIgnoreListItemMarker && aIncludeOrigin && mOffset == 0 &&
IsLeafAfterListItemMarker()) {
// If:
// (1) we are ignoring list markers
// (2) we should include origin
// (3) we are at the start of a leaf that follows a list item marker
// ...then return this point.
return *this;
if (mAcc->IsLocal()) {
boundary = aDirection == eDirNext
? FindNextLineStartSameLocalAcc(aIncludeOrigin)
: FindPrevLineStartSameLocalAcc(aIncludeOrigin);
} else {
boundary = FindLineStartSameRemoteAcc(aDirection, aIncludeOrigin);
if (aIgnoreListItemMarker && aDirection == eDirPrevious && !boundary &&
mOffset != 0 && IsLeafAfterListItemMarker()) {
// If:
// (1) we are ignoring list markers
// (2) we are searching backwards in accessible
// (3) we did not find a line start before this point
// (4) we are in a leaf that follows a list item marker
// ...then return the first point in this accessible.
boundary = TextLeafPoint(mAcc, 0);
return boundary;
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::FindPrevWordStartSameAcc(
bool aIncludeOrigin) const {
if (mOffset == 0 && !aIncludeOrigin) {
// We can't go back any further and the caller doesn't want the origin
// included, so there's nothing more to do.
return TextLeafPoint();
nsAutoString text;
TextLeafPoint lineStart = *this;
if (!aIncludeOrigin || (lineStart.mOffset == 1 && text.Length() == 1 &&
text.CharAt(0) == '\n')) {
// We're not interested in a line that starts here, either because
// aIncludeOrigin is false or because we're at the end of a line break
// node.
// A word never starts with a line feed character. If there are multiple
// consecutive line feed characters and we're after the first of them, the
// previous line start will be a line feed character. Skip this and any prior
// consecutive line feed first.
for (; lineStart.mOffset >= 0 && text.CharAt(lineStart.mOffset) == '\n';
--lineStart.mOffset) {
if (lineStart.mOffset < 0) {
// There's no line start for our purposes.
lineStart = TextLeafPoint();
} else {
lineStart =
lineStart.FindLineStartSameAcc(eDirPrevious, /* aIncludeOrigin */ true);
// Keep walking backward until we find an acceptable word start.
intl::WordRange word;
if (mOffset == 0) {
word.mBegin = 0;
} else if (mOffset == static_cast<int32_t>(text.Length())) {
word = WordBreaker::FindWord(
text, mOffset - 1,
? FindWordOptions::StopAtPunctuation
: FindWordOptions::None);
} else {
word = WordBreaker::FindWord(
text, mOffset,
? FindWordOptions::StopAtPunctuation
: FindWordOptions::None);
for (;; word = WordBreaker::FindWord(
text, word.mBegin - 1,
? FindWordOptions::StopAtPunctuation
: FindWordOptions::None)) {
if (!aIncludeOrigin && static_cast<int32_t>(word.mBegin) == mOffset) {
// A word possibly starts at the origin, but the caller doesn't want this
// included.
MOZ_ASSERT(word.mBegin != 0);
if (lineStart && static_cast<int32_t>(word.mBegin) < lineStart.mOffset) {
// A line start always starts a new word.
return lineStart;
if (IsAcceptableWordStart(mAcc, text, static_cast<int32_t>(word.mBegin))) {
if (word.mBegin == 0) {
// We can't go back any further.
if (lineStart) {
// A line start always starts a new word.
return lineStart;
return TextLeafPoint();
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, static_cast<int32_t>(word.mBegin));
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::FindNextWordStartSameAcc(
bool aIncludeOrigin) const {
nsAutoString text;
int32_t wordStart = mOffset;
if (aIncludeOrigin) {
if (wordStart == 0) {
if (IsAcceptableWordStart(mAcc, text, 0)) {
return *this;
} else {
// The origin might start a word, so search from just before it.
TextLeafPoint lineStart = FindLineStartSameAcc(eDirNext, aIncludeOrigin);
if (lineStart) {
// A word never starts with a line feed character. If there are multiple
// consecutive line feed characters, lineStart will point at the second of
// them. Skip this and any subsequent consecutive line feed.
for (; lineStart.mOffset < static_cast<int32_t>(text.Length()) &&
text.CharAt(lineStart.mOffset) == '\n';
++lineStart.mOffset) {
if (lineStart.mOffset == static_cast<int32_t>(text.Length())) {
// There's no line start for our purposes.
lineStart = TextLeafPoint();
// Keep walking forward until we find an acceptable word start.
intl::WordBreakIteratorUtf16 wordBreakIter(text);
int32_t previousPos = wordStart;
Maybe<uint32_t> nextBreak = wordBreakIter.Seek(wordStart);
for (;;) {
if (!nextBreak || *nextBreak == text.Length()) {
if (lineStart) {
// A line start always starts a new word.
return lineStart;
if (StaticPrefs::layout_word_select_stop_at_punctuation()) {
// If layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation is true, we have to look
// for punctuation class since it may not break state in UAX#29.
for (int32_t i = previousPos + 1;
i < static_cast<int32_t>(text.Length()); i++) {
if (IsAcceptableWordStart(mAcc, text, i)) {
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, i);
return TextLeafPoint();
wordStart = AssertedCast<int32_t>(*nextBreak);
if (lineStart && wordStart > lineStart.mOffset) {
// A line start always starts a new word.
return lineStart;
if (IsAcceptableWordStart(mAcc, text, wordStart)) {
if (StaticPrefs::layout_word_select_stop_at_punctuation()) {
// If layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation is true, we have to look
// for punctuation class since it may not break state in UAX#29.
for (int32_t i = previousPos + 1; i < wordStart; i++) {
if (IsAcceptableWordStart(mAcc, text, i)) {
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, i);
previousPos = wordStart;
nextBreak = wordBreakIter.Next();
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, wordStart);
/* static */
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::GetCaret(Accessible* aAcc) {
if (LocalAccessible* localAcc = aAcc->AsLocal()) {
// Use HyperTextAccessible::CaretOffset. Eventually, we'll want to move
// that code into TextLeafPoint, but existing code depends on it living in
// HyperTextAccessible (including caret events).
HyperTextAccessible* ht = HyperTextFor(localAcc);
if (!ht) {
return TextLeafPoint();
int32_t htOffset = ht->CaretOffset();
if (htOffset == -1) {
return TextLeafPoint();
TextLeafPoint point = ht->ToTextLeafPoint(htOffset);
if (!point) {
// Bug 1905021: This happens in the wild, but we don't understand why.
// ToTextLeafPoint should only fail if the HyperText offset is invalid,
// but CaretOffset shouldn't return an invalid offset.
"Got HyperText CaretOffset but ToTextLeafPoint failed");
return point;
nsIFrame* frame = ht->GetFrame();
RefPtr<nsFrameSelection> sel = frame ? frame->GetFrameSelection() : nullptr;
if (sel && sel->GetHint() == CaretAssociationHint::Before) {
// CaretAssociationHint::Before can mean that the caret is at the end of
// a line. However, it can also mean that the caret is before the start
// of a node in the middle of a line. This happens when moving the cursor
// forward to a new node.
if (point.mOffset == 0) {
// The caret is before the start of a node. The caret is at the end of a
// line if the node is at the start of a line but not at the start of a
// paragraph.
point.mIsEndOfLineInsertionPoint =
IsLocalAccAtLineStart(point.mAcc->AsLocal()) &&
} else {
// This isn't the start of a node, so we must be at the end of a line.
point.mIsEndOfLineInsertionPoint = true;
return point;
// Ideally, we'd cache the caret as a leaf, but our events are based on
// HyperText for now.
DocAccessibleParent* remoteDoc = aAcc->AsRemote()->Document();
auto [ht, htOffset] = remoteDoc->GetCaret();
if (!ht) {
return TextLeafPoint();
TextLeafPoint point = ht->ToTextLeafPoint(htOffset);
point.mIsEndOfLineInsertionPoint = remoteDoc->IsCaretAtEndOfLine();
return point;
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::AdjustEndOfLine() const {
// Use the last character on the line so that we search for word and line
// boundaries on the current line, not the next line.
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, mOffset)
.FindBoundary(nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_CHAR, eDirPrevious);
TextLeafPoint TextLeafPoint::FindBoundary(AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
nsDirection aDirection,
BoundaryFlags aFlags) const {
if (mIsEndOfLineInsertionPoint) {
// In this block, we deliberately don't propagate mIsEndOfLineInsertionPoint
// to derived points because otherwise, a call to FindBoundary on the
// returned point would also return the same point.
if (aBoundaryType == nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_CHAR ||
aBoundaryType == nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_CLUSTER) {
if (aDirection == eDirNext || (aDirection == eDirPrevious &&
aFlags & BoundaryFlags::eIncludeOrigin)) {
// The caller wants the current or next character/cluster. Return no
// character, since otherwise, this would move past the first character
// on the next line.
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, mOffset);
// The caller wants the previous character/cluster. Return that as normal.
return TextLeafPoint(mAcc, mOffset)
.FindBoundary(aBoundaryType, aDirection, aFlags);
// For any other boundary, we need to start on this line, not the next, even
// though mOffset refers to the next.
return AdjustEndOfLine().FindBoundary(aBoundaryType, aDirection, aFlags);
bool inEditableAndStopInIt = (aFlags & BoundaryFlags::eStopInEditable) &&
mAcc->Parent() &&
(mAcc->Parent()->State() & states::EDITABLE);
if (aBoundaryType == nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_LINE_END) {
return FindLineEnd(aDirection,
? aFlags
: (aFlags & ~BoundaryFlags::eStopInEditable));
if (aBoundaryType == nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_WORD_END) {
return FindWordEnd(aDirection,
? aFlags
: (aFlags & ~BoundaryFlags::eStopInEditable));
if ((aBoundaryType == nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_LINE_START ||
aBoundaryType == nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_PARAGRAPH) &&
(aFlags & BoundaryFlags::eIncludeOrigin) && aDirection == eDirPrevious &&
IsEmptyLastLine()) {
// If we're at an empty line at the end of an Accessible, we don't want to
// walk into the previous line. For example, this can happen if the caret
// is positioned on an empty line at the end of a textarea.
return *this;
bool includeOrigin = !!(aFlags & BoundaryFlags::eIncludeOrigin);
bool ignoreListItemMarker = !!(aFlags & BoundaryFlags::eIgnoreListItemMarker);
Accessible* lastAcc = nullptr;
for (TextLeafPoint searchFrom = *this; searchFrom;
searchFrom = searchFrom.NeighborLeafPoint(
aDirection, inEditableAndStopInIt, ignoreListItemMarker)) {
lastAcc = searchFrom.mAcc;
if (ignoreListItemMarker && searchFrom == *this &&
searchFrom.mAcc->Role() == roles::LISTITEM_MARKER) {
TextLeafPoint boundary;
// Search for the boundary within the current Accessible.
switch (aBoundaryType) {
case nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_CHAR:
if (includeOrigin) {
boundary = searchFrom;
} else if (aDirection == eDirPrevious && searchFrom.mOffset > 0) {
boundary.mAcc = searchFrom.mAcc;
boundary.mOffset = searchFrom.mOffset - 1;
} else if (aDirection == eDirNext &&
searchFrom.mOffset + 1 <
nsAccUtils::TextLength(searchFrom.mAcc))) {
boundary.mAcc = searchFrom.mAcc;
boundary.mOffset = searchFrom.mOffset + 1;
case nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_WORD_START:
if (aDirection == eDirPrevious) {
boundary = searchFrom.FindPrevWordStartSameAcc(includeOrigin);
} else {
boundary = searchFrom.FindNextWordStartSameAcc(includeOrigin);
case nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_LINE_START:
boundary = searchFrom.FindLineStartSameAcc(aDirection, includeOrigin,
case nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_PARAGRAPH:
boundary = searchFrom.FindParagraphSameAcc(aDirection, includeOrigin,
case nsIAccessibleText::BOUNDARY_CLUSTER:
boundary = searchFrom.FindClusterSameAcc(aDirection, includeOrigin);