Name Description Size
AccAttributes.cpp 11105
AccAttributes.h An attribute that applies to an offset range in a text leaf. This allows it to span only part of a text leaf. This is used for spelling errors, highlights, etc. which are mapped to DOM selections. This is in contrast to most other attributes which can only apply to an entire text leaf and so just reside on the leaf itself, rather than requiring offsets. 10824
AccEvent.cpp 10504
AccEvent.h Generic accessible event. 16323
AccGroupInfo.cpp 12861
AccGroupInfo.h Calculate and store group information. 2403
AccIterator.cpp 13227
AccIterator.h AccIterable is a basic interface for iterators over accessibles. 9206
AccTypes.h Accessible object types. Each accessible class can have own type. 2271
ARIAMap.cpp This list of WAI-defined roles are currently hardcoded. Eventually we will most likely be loading an RDF resource that contains this information Using RDF will also allow for role extensibility. See bug 280138. Definition of nsRoleMapEntry contains comments explaining this table. When no Role enum mapping exists for an ARIA role, the role will be exposed via the object attribute "xml-roles". Note: the list must remain alphabetically ordered to support binary search. 38882
ARIAMap.h Used to define if role requires to expose Value interface. 11131
ARIAStateMap.cpp Used to store state map rule data for ARIA attribute of enum type. 10248
ARIAStateMap.h List of the ARIA state mapping rules. 1522
Asserts.cpp 1451
CacheConstants.cpp 2523
CacheConstants.h An initial cache push of a loaded document or inserted subtree. 12870
CachedTableAccessible.cpp static 15537
CachedTableAccessible.h TableAccessible implementation which builds and queries a cache. 8807
CssAltContent.cpp static 5675
CssAltContent.h Queries alternative text specified in the CSS content property. 1412
DocManager.cpp aAsync 18889
DocManager.h Manage the document accessible life cycle. 5336
EmbeddedObjCollector.cpp 1843
EmbeddedObjCollector.h Collect embedded objects. Provide quick access to accessible by index and vice versa. 1627
EventQueue.cpp 19875
EventQueue.h Used to organize and coalesce pending events. 2234
EventTree.cpp 2732
EventTree.h This class makes sure required tasks are done before and after tree mutations. Currently this only includes group info invalidation. You must have an object of this class on the stack when calling methods that mutate the accessible tree. 1572
Filters.cpp 696
Filters.h Predefined filters used for nsAccIterator and nsAccCollector. 882
FocusManager.cpp 15499
FocusManager.h Manage the accessible focus. Used to fire and process accessible events. 4313
HTMLMarkupMap.h 14847
IDSet.h A class to generate unique IDs in the range [ - 2^31, 0 ) 3552
Logging.cpp 30487
Logging.h Return true if any of the given modules is logged. 5948
MathMLMarkupMap.h 3976 2931
NotificationController.cpp 44312
NotificationController.h Notification interface. 11482
nsAccCache.h 890
nsAccessibilityService.cpp Accessibility service force enable/disable preference. Supported values: Accessibility is force enabled (accessibility should always be enabled): -1 Accessibility is enabled (will be started upon a request, default value): 0 Accessibility is force disabled (never enable accessibility): 1 74739
nsAccessibilityService.h Return focus manager. 17704
nsAccUtils.cpp 21279
nsAccUtils.h Set group attributes ('level', 'setsize', 'posinset'). 11292
nsCoreUtils.cpp 21305
nsCoreUtils.h Core utils. 11650
nsEventShell.cpp 2079
nsEventShell.h Used for everything about events. 1574
nsTextEquivUtils.cpp The accessible for which we are computing a text equivalent. It is useful for bailing out during recursive text computation, or for special cases like the "Embedded Control" section of the AccName spec. 14607
nsTextEquivUtils.h Text equivalent computation rules. These rules are mapped to accessible roles in RoleMap.h. 6950
Pivot.cpp 9660
Pivot.h This rule matches accessibles on a given role, filtering out non-direct descendants if necessary. 4320
Platform.h Return the platform disabled state. 4497
Relation.h A collection of relation targets of a certain type. Targets are computed lazily while enumerating. 2620 1191
RelationTypeMap.h Usage: declare the macro RELATIONTYPE()with the following arguments: RELATIONTYPE(geckoType, geckoTypeName, atkType, msaaType, ia2Type) 3989 1225
RoleMap.h Usage: declare the macro ROLE()with the following arguments: ROLE(geckoRole, stringRole, ariaRole, atkRole, macRole, macSubrole, msaaRole, ia2Role, iosIsElement, uiaControlType, nameRule) 52048
SelectionManager.cpp 8409
SelectionManager.h This special accessibility class is for the caret and selection management. There is only 1 visible caret per top level window. However, there may be several visible selections. The important selections are the one owned by each document, and the one in the currently focused control. On Windows this class is used to move an invisible system caret that shadows the Mozilla caret. Windows will also automatically map this to the MSAA caret accessible object (via OBJID_CARET) (as opposed to the root accessible tree for a window which is retrieved with OBJID_CLIENT). For ATK and IAccessible2, this class is used to fire caret move and selection change events. 3839
States.h The object is disabled, opposite to enabled and sensitive. 7581
Statistics.h 674
StyleInfo.cpp 1770
StyleInfo.h 929
TextAttrs.cpp 22207
TextAttrs.h Used to expose text attributes for the hyper text accessible (see HyperTextAccessible class). @note "invalid: spelling" text attribute is implemented entirely in HyperTextAccessible class. 11109
TextLeafRange.cpp Helpers ** 90591
TextLeafRange.h Represents a point within accessible text. This is stored as a leaf Accessible and an offset into that Accessible. For an empty Accessible, the offset will always be 0. This will eventually replace TextPoint. Unlike TextPoint, this does not use HyperTextAccessible offsets. 14496
TextRange-inl.h 762
TextRange.cpp Returns a text point for aAcc within aContainer. 13210
TextRange.h A text point (HyperText + offset), represents a boundary of text range. In new code, This should only be used when you explicitly need to deal with HyperText containers and offsets, including embedded objects; e.g. for IAccessible2 and ATK. Otherwise, use TextLeafPoint instead. 5720
TextUpdater.cpp 7300
TextUpdater.h Used to find a difference between old and new text and fire text change events. 2785
TreeWalker.cpp 9418
TreeWalker.h This class is used to walk the DOM tree to create accessible tree. 3985
XULMap.h 4631