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/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const { FileUtils } =
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "Downloads",
const kDesktop = 0;
const kDownloads = 1;
const kUserDir = 2;
var gFPHandler;
var gSoundUrlPref;
function Startup()
// Define globals
gFPHandler ="file")
gSoundUrlPref = document.getElementById("");
* Enables/disables the folder field and Browse button based on whether a
* default download directory is being used.
function readUseDownloadDir()
var downloadFolder = document.getElementById("downloadFolder");
var chooseFolder = document.getElementById("chooseFolder");
var preference = document.getElementById("");
downloadFolder.disabled = !preference.value;
chooseFolder.disabled = !preference.value;
* Displays a file picker in which the user can choose the location where
* downloads are automatically saved, updating preferences and UI in
* response to the choice, if one is made.
function chooseFolder()
return chooseFolderTask().catch(Cu.reportError);
async function chooseFolderTask()
let title = document.getElementById("bundle_prefutilities")
let folderListPref = document.getElementById("");
let currentDirPref = await _indexToFolder(folderListPref.value);
let defDownloads = await _indexToFolder(kDownloads);
let fp = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
fp.init(window, title, Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
// First try to open what's currently configured
if (currentDirPref && currentDirPref.exists()) {
fp.displayDirectory = currentDirPref;
} else if (defDownloads && defDownloads.exists()) {
// Try the system's download dir
fp.displayDirectory = defDownloads;
} else {
// Fall back to Desktop
fp.displayDirectory = await _indexToFolder(kDesktop);
let result = await new Promise(resolve =>;
if (result != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
document.getElementById("").value = fp.file;
folderListPref.value = await _folderToIndex(fp.file);
// Note, the real prefs will not be updated yet, so dnld manager's
// userDownloadsDirectory may not return the right folder after
// this code executes. displayDownloadDirPref will be called on
// the assignment above to update the UI.
* Initializes the download folder display settings based on the user's
* preferences.
function displayDownloadDirPref()
async function displayDownloadDirPrefTask()
var folderListPref = document.getElementById("");
var currentDirPref = await _indexToFolder(folderListPref.value); // file
var prefutilitiesBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_prefutilities");
var iconUrlSpec = gFPHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(currentDirPref);
var downloadFolder = document.getElementById("downloadFolder");
downloadFolder.image = "moz-icon://" + iconUrlSpec + "?size=16";
// Display a 'pretty' label or the path in the UI.
switch (folderListPref.value) {
case kDesktop:
downloadFolder.label = prefutilitiesBundle.getString("desktopFolderName");
case kDownloads:
downloadFolder.label = prefutilitiesBundle.getString("downloadsFolderName");
downloadFolder.label = currentDirPref ? currentDirPref.path : "";
* Returns the Downloads folder. If aFolder is "Desktop", then the Downloads
* folder returned is the desktop folder; otherwise, it is a folder whose name
* indicates that it is a download folder and whose path is as determined by
* the XPCOM directory service via the download manager's attribute
* defaultDownloadsDirectory.
* @throws if aFolder is not "Desktop" or "Downloads"
async function _getDownloadsFolder(aFolder)
switch (aFolder) {
case "Desktop":
return Services.dirsvc.get("Desk", Ci.nsIFile);
case "Downloads":
let downloadsDir = await Downloads.getSystemDownloadsDirectory();
return new FileUtils.File(downloadsDir);
throw "ASSERTION FAILED: folder type should be 'Desktop' or 'Downloads'";
* Determines the type of the given folder.
* @param aFolder
* the folder whose type is to be determined
* @returns integer
* kDesktop if aFolder is the Desktop or is unspecified,
* kDownloads if aFolder is the Downloads folder,
* kUserDir otherwise
async function _folderToIndex(aFolder)
if (!aFolder || aFolder.equals(await _getDownloadsFolder("Desktop"))) {
return kDesktop;
if (aFolder.equals(await _getDownloadsFolder("Downloads"))) {
return kDownloads;
return kUserDir;
* Converts an integer into the corresponding folder.
* @param aIndex
* an integer
* @returns the Desktop folder if aIndex == kDesktop,
* the Downloads folder if aIndex == kDownloads,
* the folder stored in
async function _indexToFolder(aIndex)
var folder;
switch (aIndex) {
case kDownloads:
folder = await _getDownloadsFolder("Downloads");
case kDesktop:
folder = await _getDownloadsFolder("Desktop");
folder = document.getElementById("").value;
if (!folder ||
!folder.exists()) {
return "";
return folder;
function setSoundEnabled(aEnable)
EnableElementById("downloadSndURL", aEnable, false);
document.getElementById("downloadSndPlay").disabled = !aEnable;